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Approved NPC Vice Admiral Ultimax

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  • Intent: To create the final piece of the puzzle
  • ​Image Credit: MCU Wiki
  • Role: Imperial Admiral
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 64 (Consciousness)
  • Force Sensitivity: NFU
  • Species: Ultimax-series Battle Droid (Epicanthix consciousness)
  • Appearance: Large and fearful. A dominant appearance. Body of an Ultimax droid, mind of military genius.
  • Name: Vice Admiral Ultimax
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire
  • Wealth: Moderate - As a Vice Admiral, Ultimax has many resources at his disposal.
  • Notable Possessions: None
  • Skills:
    Naval strategy
  • Melee combatant
  • Rifle marksman

[*]Personality: A true Imperial man turned into a cold and ruthless droid because of unfortunate circumstances. Fearsome to both friend and foe. Ruthless and, to some, careless. A man with no aspirations, wants, or desires. A man that cannot be reasoned with or too cautious against. He is unpredictable and cunning. Only the restraints of the Empire hold him back from unleashing decimation throughout the galaxy.
  • Weapon of Choice:
    ​Capital ships
  • SAB-032

[*]Combat Function: The Ultimax Superior Battle droid was created for one purpose: to be an advanced combat automaton. He shows exemplary intelligence while in both peace and war times. Leading a fleet of advanced warships, Ultimax shows that not only strength of weapons is needed to win, but strength of mind as well. Ultimax focuses on weakening his enemies defenses through the use of electronic warfare and subterfuge. He infiltrates enemy lines stealthily and breaks their defenses in order for his allies to finish them off without issue. While this is a sound strategy when he has allies with strong weaponry on standby, where he suffers is when he is on his own. Ultimax relies on stealth heavily, so much in fact that he is ineffective with frontal attacks. Without the element of surprise on his side, Ultimax can be caught off guard. He counts on others for brute strength, which he lacks himself by choice. He chooses to exploit others tech instead of bolstering his ship with weapons of mass destruction.

Kedrick Tenos was born to a noble family on Panatha several centuries ago. His upbringing was typical for one of noble birth. Upon reaching the age of 22, Kedrick followed in his father's footsteps and enlisted into the military. At the time, the only stable military was the planetary defense force, which he joined. As a soldier in the Panathan defense force, he rose through the ranks because of his hardened dedication to protecting his people in the eye of the deadly Gulag Virus.

Soon, Kedrick would trade in his Panathan boots for those of the Sith Empire. His standing with the Panathan Defense Force would follow him into the Imperial Armada as he was known by the Epicanthix Sith Lord, Darth Carnifex. Kedrick's first station as a commander was aboard the Undeniable, an Eradicator-class heavy cruiser. While aboard, Kedrick saw few combat situations, however when one did occur, he always went above and beyond for his ship, leading his subordinates into battle with impeccable bravery and unmatched fortitude. Kedrick dedicated his life to the Imperial Armada up until the day he lost the lower half of his body at the hands of the League of Voss. As Kedrick laid dying on the hospital bed, he was given a second chance at life by Admiral Zahori Denko. She informed him of a relatively new process being utilized by the Sith Empire. He would trade his fleshy form for a mechanical one. He agreed to the terms of the process. Almost a day of scientific handiwork done by the Imperials soon lead to Kedrick's entire consciousness being transferred into the body of an Ultimax droid. When he awoke, Kedrick said only one thing.

"Kedrick is no more. I am Ultimax."
[member="Zahori Denko"]

Hello there,

Neat NPC, I like that you gave him strengths and weaknesses revolving around specific naval strategies. While it's not necessary, I'd recommend creating a fleet sub to complement him.

Approved, pending secondary.
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