Born on [TBD], in the year [TBD], Victor Akani was never a normal child. Unusually powerful in the force, even as a child, young Akani was tapped to be trained by the Jedi Order approximately 44 years before the beginning of the Clone Wars at the age of 2.
Akani, from this point forward, had a chance to study with various Jedi Masters and Knights where he was taught about the many aspects of the force. Many Jedi described the youngling as a potential successor to Mace Windu, with him even having weekly training sessions with the Jedi.
For years Akani would contuine to progress, passing the Jedi Trials, training multiple padawans of his own and eventually, becoming a master roughly a year before the beginning of the Clone Wars.
And as the war began and progressed, and as more and more Jedi Masters, Knights, and Padawans were slayed by the Confederacy, Akani was tapped by Ki-Adi-Mundi, Yoda, and Mace Windu to to take command of one the ten Systems Armies of the Republic at the rank of High General.
He served this role with distinction, becoming (unlike some Jedi), an excellent tactician, and because of thusnhe was known to be able to win battles without needless mass casualties. At this point, he was a favorite amongst the Grand Army for not being as reckless as his fellow Jedi Generals.
Palpatine however became wary of the way Akani fought and devised a plan to get rid of the Jedi Master. Sending Akani to the planet Dathomir with an Entire Sector Army (Terrible Waste of Resources) in order to pacify the Night sisters, Palpatine managed to convince the Witches that Victor and his army were a threat to thier survival.
Rather than engage Victor and his forces head on, the Sisters used the Dark Side of the Force to trap Victor and his Army into a state of suspended animation where they would be buried and left forgotten for hundreds of years. The Night sisters told Palpatine that the pesky Jedi was dead and Palpatine took thier word.
It wasn't until recently that Victor and his army were uncovered by a secret Silver Jedi expedition to recover lost artifacts.
You should know how this ended.