Music | The Kyprin Renegade |
Aliases | Vic Master Thrash |
Class(es) | Smuggler |
Residence | Corellia |
Birthplace | Pamarthe |
Age | 16 |
Ship | The Avalon |
Personality Traits | Spirited Entrepreneurial Ship Nerd |
Education Traits | Local Education Sailor's Son |
Lifestyle Traits | Thrill Seeker Spacer Sailor |
Rank(s) | Scion [Kypring Engineering Co] |
Faction(s) | Galactic Alliance Citizen |
Species | Human[Pamarthen-Corellian] |
Languages | Galactic Basic Old Pamarthen |
Gender | Male |
Force Sensitive | No |
Character Alignment | Neutral |
Height | 5'9" |
Weight | In Shape |
Victor was born on Pamarthe as a result of a relationship that didn't work out. He never knew his father, the Corellian Engineering Mogul Jecht Thrash, but he did know his mother. She would often speak about how she was stuck saddled with a child of one of the richest men in the Corellian Sector with nothing to show for it but an "Airsick Child". She would often curse at him and throw things at him. She was a sailor and worked the docks on slow months though so she was rarely home. One of her boatmates would look after him though, a Mon Calamari man. One day the wife of that good man came to their small shack on the Jetty and told him that the ship his mother and his Mon Calamari friend was on went under, attacked by pirates. There were no survivors. From then on it was just him working docks, gutting fish, selling clams, whatever it took to survive. Maany of the Fish Wives tried to raise him but he was too rowdy and ungrateful.
It wouldn't be until he turned 16 that a Protocol droid darkened his doorstep that his life changed. Two glorious Kyprin fish swam around a string of stars - A symbol he'd learned well. Kyprin Engineering Corporation. His father's company. He'd finally sent for him after all this time....Only- His father too was dead. The droid had come to bring Victor to Corellia so that he could be tutored and raised in a way that would produce a man strong enough to lead his father's company. Only, the company was near destitute. Vultures had swooped in on old debts his father had never paid on. Corellian Engineering Corporation effectively owned the company with a controlling interest of 89%. Luckily some law had kept Daw Motors in the family entirely but KEC was gone, taken from him before he could even set foot on the world. Something inside of him burned that day. He vowed he would take the company back. Not for his father or his mother, but because he was tired of the Galaxy taking from him.
Victor started working as a local shipper for CEC but forged papers to allow him to ship between systems and sectors. Using what credits his father could leave him, he bought himself an old junker from some Glaucus that was old as time itself and set out on the journey to take his family legacy back.
Konrad Harrsk made this div btw