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Approved NPC Victoria LaForte

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Victoria making use of a dark side force power
  • Age: 15
  • Force Sensitivity: Force sensitive. Equivalent to a training padawan.
  • Species: Human / Sanguinius Vampirika hybrid
  • Appearance: Basically just a young child, typically wearing some sort of plain dress or school uniform typical of someone her age. Her hair is an unnaturally looking bleached white typically tied into two pigtails for practical reasons, and her canines are unusually large for an average human. Most notably, her eyes are a crimson red.
  • Name: Victoria LaForte
  • Loyalties: Herself, Natalie LaForte
  • Wealth: Proportionate to her mother (a lot)
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills: Enrolled in numerous private tutors in a variety of schools mainly concerning academia along with attending an exclusive private school located on Mygeeto. Can read extremely well for her age, delving into books that even some adults would find challenge. She has a flare for training in some force powers, but has not mastered any to use them on command yet.
  • Personality: Stuck up and prim. Despite being in isolation for most of her life, she can converse quite well and has an extensive vocabulary. Some adults would find her difficult to understand, and she purposely makes up words to arrogant people to question their superiority complex. The only people she treats with respect at first glance are the elderly, pretty much anybody else is at the mercy of her words.
  • Weapon of Choice: Deception and cunning.
  • Combat Function: In the unlikely scenario that she is forced into combat, Victoria will almost always have some sort of backup paid for by her mother or her regular security detail, consisting of a large range of IMF droids. If she was alone and retreating wasn't an option, she would certainly try and put up some resistance, but even for an average fighter that wouldn't be an awful lot. She's not very physically strong.

The most notable thing about Victoria is that she was not actually raised by Natalie for the majority of her life. Indeed, even when she was conceived it was not within her womb, she was instead raised through IVF through a surrogate mother and using a sperm donor. Up until the age of 6, she rarely saw her biological mother, instead being raised primarily by [member=Amelia Sorenn-Syrush]. Of course, Natalie paid extensively for anything needed during this time, including the child being forced into tutoring sessions for roughly 6 hours a day.

Up until the age of 13, things had not changed much. She spent most of her days in relative isolation when she arrived home from schooling, reading books and traipsing up and down the halls of the LaForte family estate. Sometimes, her mother ate dinner with her, though most of her contact was with the numerous amount of IMF droids Natalie had employed as a personal entourage for the girl who despite their mechanical restraints feel some sympathy for her.

Seeking to improve relations with her, Natalie spent some time in hiding from the galaxy exclusively looking after her children and making up for the time lost. Now, while things have gotten better, Victoria still holds disdain for the years where Natalie was essentially absent from her life.
This is ready to be moved!

  • Character age increased
  • Character playby/image changed
  • Changed to a training padawan
  • Small rework of history section to include newly RPed event and flesh out what my character was doing during a sudden absence

[member="John Locke"]
Good Evening [member="Natalie LaForte"],

This submission is really solid, I love how you've developed a real flavour for Victoria here.

There is only one thing that I need to ask you to adjust, the image credit. While you have linkd the studio, could I ask you to please adjust it to a more specific link to the source of the gif you've provided.
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