Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Victory II (Silver Jedi)


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The Kiffar ran her hand along the hull, the material stretched for nine hundred meters exactly, for a moment she thought this was a dream, to actually have developed the capacity to defend justice and freedom throughout the galaxy. But she knew that in the end, this was the last line of defense for her, what this place repents, for the galaxy is a shining beacon of hope unattached to politics, though this often seemed to be what they needed the most, someone, some individuals to step up and take control of the positions, speak to the senators, the establishments.

This train of thought was a luxury though as the reality of her condition set in, looking up to the stars and thinking of each as a potential for good. Chani removed her hand from the vessel and headed into her bowels for an inspection. There weren't nearly enough crew to properly pilot this Star Destroyer, there where however nearly as many support staff working on engineering the last bits of the engine.

"Thank you general, I am pleased to view this umm-" She looked at the man who had no decorations or medals but wore civilian clothes and walked briskly, "What is it's name?"

The General looked at her as if she had produced some fowl smell but answered with a grin nonetheless, "This particular Vessel has yet to be christened, that is up to you or your superiors when the time comes, for now we call it generically, Victory II." The man had such presence even without a uniform, he had commitment coming here on his days off after overseeing the construction for so long, making sure everything was up to specs.

"Specifications that is" he finished with as they finally reached the cargo hold, people where rushing in and out, droids carrying heavy items and much lighter ones in haste, the place was abuzz and Chani could only imagine what it would be like to step aboard this vessel and feel like purpose had been reintroduced to the sector, with a multitude of Jedi feet scurrying across these halls, assisting and defending relief convoys. Relief Convoy number 1, was the beginning title of a thousand page report she had to read just to get into the office to pitch this deal and the reasons behind it, the reason to come.

"Master, this vessel will be the first of it's kind here, we do not need some giant super star destroyer, we need these, smaller vessels that can actually be effective against smaller ships, with enough space to hold what we need, what they need." Chani pointed out the Jedi Council window for enthused emphasis, the Master was not amused, instead looking to each other they answered with a cordial,

"We will talk amongst ourselves about this, but you have to remember my Apprentice that we are not warriors, we will not battle the enemies of those governments out there you want to support, they had their time, their own Council supports them, our duty is to ensure this sector is safe..."

She cut him off and finished with, "Safe from any threat large or small, if we are attacked here with this and we are defeated it will send a ripple across all the other governments that we stood our ground, rallied some type of support for ourselves, but ni the end we need breathing room, we need space..." again pointing out the window.

She had decided not to announce her arrival to the inspection of this amazing vessel. But instead had been going over every inch of it with a fine tooth comb, not that Iella is an authority of Capital Ship, starfighter more her area of expertise, but she did not want to miss this opportunity to see it in it development. A smile crossed her face as she view the report on the progress, the specs and design more then she had hoped for and this ship will be at the forefront of the fleet. Chani is to be commended for her work.

She could sense the young girl is on board and decided to go find her. Making her way to the cargo hold, she stopped in the main entrance and looked around the vast size of the space. Iella would go to the hangar bay next, but first to make her presence known. She watched Chani speaking to one of the Commanders and smiled as she approached.

"Greetings ... progress on the ship is proceeding well I see", she addressed them both. "Chani well done this is a fine job and this ship will be a great start to our fleet".


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Suddenly the Master popped up out of the bowels of the ship and Chani felt embarrassed for a moment that she hadn't prepared in some cordial way for her, this was after all a special event, she realized though that Master E'ron probably wanted anything but that, preferring the anonymity of privileged inspection, a sign of a great leader, the Kiffar mused at how many there where in the Order.

The General began to speak in kind with all the pomp and circumstance deserving of his rank even thought it felt out of place without a uniform, "As a former Republic Shipyard Warden I can confidently say when have surpassed expectations on this Ship's construction timeline, due to my consistent diligence and my wise teaching of this Apprentice, who now has a better understanding of ship construction, we should see this one outfitted within the day." Soldiering on to the flight deck ahead of them.

A maniacal look Chani was so famous for spread across her face ash she stared at [member="Iella E'ron"] , "Want to take it out for a spin?" then reassuring, "Everything is in place, we simply haven't order the remaining fighters, but we have some and could afford a spin around the block," she winked and motioned for the Master to follow to the command tower.

"Indeed General, the men and women have worked hard on this and well beyond capacity, I hope that you will reward them for their efforts", she said with a slight smile.

Iella's attention now focused on the young Padawan. "On behalf of The Order of the Silver Jedi, I would like to thank you for your work in organising and overseeing the construction of this fine vessel, you have far exceeded your willingness to aid us and it has not gone unnoticed", she said to Chani with a bow of respect to her, as Iella always gives respect to those that command it as much as she commands it herself, however in these situations rank is obsolete.

Then a smile formed on her face, at the suggestion of take the ship out for a 'spin'. "A fine idea Chani, lead me to the bridge", she said walked back toward the door to the corridors.


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As the two force users followed after the General, the skeleton crew formed up for them and as both crossed the long line of individuals each set broke into jogs on their respective ways to specific stations, their resolve impressed her and wondered for a moment what their histories were like to eventually lead to this place here and now. The bridge came into view some time later, this was after all quite a sizable vessel, she was equally impressed by the inside view as the outside, possibly more, the vantage point made her feel a little uneasy in an excitable fashion, her head turned to the general and nodded, the uniform-less man did not even speak but gave a few basic hand signals.

An electronic squeal sounded followed by minute creaks and groans as the hull normalized, then the atmospheric thrusters sounded and out front on the landing way, miles long, little figures scurried away. At first it seemed like they were not moving at all, but little by little the massive ship began to make a momentous push forward, Chani righted herself, balancing as this continued, she considered Victory II's take off procedures and laughed inside at the notion that it could take off like an ancient primitive plane, this was merely to clear the docking bay. A large burst and shock-wave sounded and she knew as the ship began to take off more vertically than horizontally that their ascent had begun.

The view was beautiful, half space, half planet and in between a blurry atmosphere, as the sky fell away Chani felt a little vertigo, "Amazing..." she exclaimed and looked over at [member="Iella E'ron"], "This, everything, we are becoming something." eyes falling back on the horizon-less sky.

"It is indeed a beauty beyond words", she said looking over the same view. 'It should remind us all of what it is we fight for.. the good and beauty that is still within the galaxy".

Iella could feel the very faintest of vibrations coming up from the floor of the bridge. Her Corellian senses telling the engines are powering up and about to engage to push them forward. She is indeed looking forward to see what this vessel can do. Not from a military point of view, although that is important enough, but from her corellian point of view, the curiosity was becoming to much.

"Chani lets see what this ship can do".


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As the engines engaged the stars moved by at an odd pace, faster than usual for a star destroyer, "More useful engines than the Victory I, allows this ship to actually pursue smaller vessels, bombers and the like. As you noticed we are able to pilot in the atmosphere, also a significant game changer than the previous."

The vessel began to circle the planet with another silent hand motion from the General, casually peering over a station tech at an important screen while numbers and data spilled over it. "Rotating turrets, Ion cannon for blockade runners and tractor beam projectors replace missile tubes, an engineering flaw in the end and a significant waste of resources, I am grateful it was changed."

All at once the east side of the ship hailed a volley of turboblaster fire upon an unsuspecting asteroid the rock exploded and was carefully picked off as many shots missed and the data was slowly corrected by techs. "Two squadrons of fighters allow us to sustain a multi-mission goal set as I'm sure the Silver Order will require." Chani added, "This ship is inferior to Imperial Class Star destroyers, but that's battle and there are others that are more adept at waging war than I, my thoughts lie in the rescue missions and quick escapes."

Iella moved around the bridge, looking over the shoulders of the crew busy with work at their respective controls. Non payed her attention, which was fine as she did not wish to disturb them, however she remained silent as Chani continued to inform her of the progress and abilities of this vessel.

"It is perfect for what we intend Chani, and I see the weaponry systems are more then enough to defend the ship". she said. "Tell me what is the sensory capabilities?", she asked.


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She responded after a few moments of looking out the view port, "Standard Imperial Class Sensors, I thought it prudent to provide speed over anything else, this ship has 8,100 metric tons of cargo capacity, think of how much aid and assistance this ship could provide." The concept lingered in the air, "This ship would have no trouble making fly by missions to provide medical necessities to a blockaded planet, as it's swift hyper-drive rating exceeds that of an Imperial class star destroyer, allowing it to reach a planetary system in half the time."

The ship began its landing procedures and they were awarded with another pleasant view of the planet, Chani wished to contribute at least a little something to the Silver Jedi Order, why not help as many people as she could. "I'm sure you can find a use of this vessel." She smiled at Master [member="Iella E'ron"] .


Active Member
After the vessel landed Chani strolled out of the destroyer confident in the fact that the ship would be put to good use, before she left the vessel's side she touched its ramp and witnessed the collective efforts poured into it. perhaps it would be able to prevent danger, and calm the collective minds of the Silver Jedi Order knowing that moving forward was an option with certain blossoming concepts. Chani waltzed away from the place, bidding farewell to [member="Iella E'ron"] and into the Temple where she proceeded to turn in the schematics and command codes to the General's second who was waiting and saluted as she passed, that might have been a foreign gesture to her but the words she spoke to Master E'ron where not, they where familiar.

May the force be with you and the Order always, and took off on a shuttle off the planet.

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