Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Victory Victory Victory

[member="Solan Charr"]

Slavers were scum.

So they were taking care of some.

The Imperial Remnant was that is, leaving Alva Calvarona quite delighted considering that the higher ups in command were allowing her to take command of one of the new Victory III class star destroyers to test it in the field. The assignment seemed simple enough as well, take the vessel in to attack a pirate stronghold along the edge of an asteroid field and reduce it to rubble. After an allied force user led a raid on the base in order to liberate the kidnapped victims who would not be left to the fate of being sold as slaves. Not that the Empire had much room to talk, but considering their position now they needed a departure from bad history for good pr to boost their popularity and numbers in this day and age.

Turning to the communications officer, Alva nodded to indicate to the young ensign to open up internal ship communications. "This is Captain Calvarona to the Stormtrooper unit preparing for the boarding action. We will be reentering real space in ten minutes. All squads get aboard your transports, all shuttles will launch once we drop from hyperspace. All pilots are to get into their craft, we're launching all fighter flights as well. They will be escorting the shuttles and covering them. The Victory III will bombard the enemy stronghold to lower its shields and deal with any capital ships in the area. Pirate scum will burn today, victory for the empire at all costs. You know what's on the line people."

Though personally, Alva was just excited to see how well the Victory III handled a sortie.
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

"Hmm hm huh hmm hm hmm hm huh hmph." Solan hummed to himself as he stood there in the body of a Umbra class Dropship he had had put on the ship for the mission. Sure he could have used one of the Imperial dropships but nothing hit hard like his baby and creation. He considered it one of his best and he really did need to get some stronger poodoo put on the beauty of a dropship. But how well. The Victory they had remodeled though, my oh my was it a decent ship. Small hanger for his tastes but after running around with Aedan Miles for such a long time fighters and bombers were just the main weapons for the dark jedi.

His humming stopped though as the words came over the speakers.

'This is Captain Calvarona to the Stormtrooper unit preparing for the boarding action. We will be reentering real space in ten minutes. All squads get aboard your transports, all shuttles will launch once we drop from hyperspace. All pilots are to get into their craft, we're launching all fighter flights as well. They will be escorting the shuttles and covering them. The Victory III will bombard the enemy stronghold to lower its shields and deal with any capital ships in the area. Pirate scum will burn today, victory for the empire at all costs. You know what's on the line people.'

He smiled and pushed the two blasters hanging nearby into their holsters where he would then roll his neck and grin. Today was going to be a good day and he couldn't help it but continue to smile with a glee that seemed... wrong. He hid that though, his hands sliding the Viola coat around his shoulders and the Krath War blade on his back. Last he hooked his saber on the inside of his coat's sleeve and then lined the inner part of it with a dozen daggers. He was an unorthodox warrior, but a warrior none the less.

With that he lowered himself into the pilots chair and grabbed at the helmet nearby. Securing it and pulling the visor down before breathing in and speaking. "Reaper one ready to cut off the head. Fighter escort follow close behind, i will not be shot down today and i would rather be sure that you guys have my back on that." With that his hands powered up the generators of the ship's engines, preparing to shoot out for the enemy.
[member="Solan Charr"]

The countdown clock for the mission timer continued falling down at a snail's pace to everyone waiting for the upcoming battle. At the same time it hardly felt like they were awaiting the reversion to real space for a fight, one could almost imagine they were prepared to order a cup of caf and initiate docking procedures over a peaceful planet. Perhaps that was just how confident they all were regarding the operation, after all the Victory III was perhaps the most impressive vessel to be designed and constructed by Imperial hands since the Imperator III. In many ways it was better than the Imperator III too, merely because of the sheer amount of work and quality put into the design. The ISD III had a lot of time and effort invested into it, but the Victory III simply had a much more enthusiastic engineering team, most likely a result of the smaller ship being more serviceable.

Still, it didn't stop Alva from feeling impatient or bored in the last few moments of the Hyperspace journey. Only when the clock hit zero did the fog clear away as energy for the moment present permeated the crew. "All fighters launch! Gunnery Crew lock onto targets and fire, helm bring us forward to engage!" Not a second was lost as commands were relayed to where they needed, the turret mounts of the main guns swiveled forward where they could and the missile tubes opened up and prepared to launch ordinance. The ship couldn't bring all weapons forward but the enemy was not conventional and they weren't packing much of a threat anyway. Sensor pings revealed the locations of three capital class ships, but none were above corvette class and their energy signatures didn't even read an output from their active shields or engines that sounded like it would pose a problem.

On the other hand, the green lances of turbolaser fire and the smoking trails of warheads launched from their housings would do a great deal of damage to them and most certainly bring down the shields of the asteroid stronghold for the dropships to advance. The only concern was if the slavers mustered starfighters could pose a threat to the escorts and if the pirates stationed as guards would trouble stormtroopers going aboard their base.
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

Solan heard the words and didn't hesitate as the dropship lurched forward out of the ship and pulled it before turning it. His eyes ran over the viewport as the screen changed on his hud to outline a display of the projected runs of the fighters at their current path which would allow Solan to move for the point of what would currently be the weakest part of the fighter screen. IT was going to be difficult but he had an idea as he spoke into the comm. "Escort, peel off and give some distance, not too much though." He wondered if he could get them into a position to mop up what he planned to do and he smiled as the ship had atleast one maybe two squadrons sent on him no.

He smiled and spoke to his gunners through the comm system, grinning as he did so. "Fire rockets and ready them for remote detonation on my command...." And the Rockets would go indeed, launching from their tubes on the dropsship and right at the front of the fighter pack. He had to wait though, too early and the fighters could avoid it all together, too late and the damage will be too low for what he had in mind and for his escort to mop up. They were closing fast at the same time though and if he didn't get past them... "Gunners, prepare to mop up anything that was not hit. Missile detonation in ten..." He waited the seconds ticking by, the rockets closing the distance. He had to make this perfect, had to take it out and had to make sure this worked.

Meanwhile green passed around his dropship, having purposely put himself in the line of fire for the Victory. It was risky but as he said before, he was looking for the best chance he had. Turbolasers would be easier to get around than that of a fighter would.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
for the sake of our ship, I jumped in to help you guys dev since Cam has internet issues at the moment

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Corvinus stood beside Alva Calvarona on the bridge of the latest shining example of Imperial pride, The Victory III-Class Starship. It was the pinnacle of what it meant to be an Imperial captain. The peak of Imperial engineering. A ship of pure genius that would lead the Imperial Remnant to the destination it was named after. It was simply impossible that Corvinus would not accompany the team sent to test the first prototype. He was, after all, a Grand Moff of the Empire and a true believer in all that it stood for.

"What is the status of the shields, are they maintaining stability?" Corvinus interrogated the engineering chief, his stone eyes set on the man frantically scrolling through readouts on his monitor

"Yes, my liege, the molecular shields appear to be holding but there is no sure way to know if they are completely stabilized until we take direct fire." Well that was just dandy, Corvinus wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea that the ship's shields needed to be tested under real fire. However, he was confident that the team had done their jobs splendidly.

"Very well. Move us closer to the base and target the nearest enemy capital ship, put us just at the edge of their effective firing range and prepare to jump the ship from orbit in the event that the shields do not hold"

Corvinus was technically not the captain of the vessel, but as a Grand Moff he could do as he wanted. However, he was still a gentleman. Turning to Alva, he bowed and gave a slight smile. "I apologize, but I do believe we must test the shields Miss Calvarona."

Turning to the comm, Corvinus hit the audio button and sent a message to Solan. "Mister Charr, what is your boarding progress?"
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"] [member="Solan Charr"]

As the attack craft launched from the hanger and the squadron leaders checked in Alva had no qualms as Grand Moff Palpatine took the opportunity to run his own orders around the bridge and issue commands to the crew. He was a higher station than she was, especially considering her lack of position on her homeworld anymore. Besides everything he said was the truth, they did indeed need to test the shielding. It was the primary point of the engagement to test the limits of the shield and reactors that would work alongside it. So his request to move the Victory class closer to the enemy starships was hardly out of place. In fact had he not issued the order she might have done so herself.

Still though. . . . "There's no problem sir. I would have ordered the same momentarily myself. There's no doubts in my mind this operation is the perfect testing grounds for this vessel. The enemy does not have the force to break through the first layer of shields and we can experiment with the best ways to utilize its effects. We don't risk the ship, understand our technological enhancements better, and we do a good deed for the PR department." There hardly seemed like any way the Remnant could lose out on this field test. Well, unless the boarding teams didn't fare too well she supposed. That wasn't her side of the mission though, that was up to their guest.

Her part in this was taking stock of what the exchanging laser fire was doing to the ship's shields and power readings. That was if the pirate force's vessels lasted long enough to give them decent data as the heavy imperator quads blasted away at them.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Solan Charr"]

"Quite." Corvinus nodded, his attention drawn back to the battle heating up just ahead of the Victory III. The old man seemed so calm as he stood unflinching on the bridge, cape draped elegantly over one arm. This battle was nothing to him, he was confident that the ship was ready and he was expecting nothing short of a complete victory.

"Miss Calvarona," Corvinus began, looking over to the young woman with a humble smile "I see a bright commander in you and it almost pains me to hear you call me sir. You deserve more than what your position entails, after all, you are a member of the Crinan Royal Family and most of the Empire's current population are your people."

Turning back to the battle, the elderly moff observed the gunships move closer into the shielded base and continued. "I believe we should meet in my office after this whole ordeal is concluded, I think we have much to discuss about your future in the Empire."

With the seed planted, Corvinus broke off the conversation right on ques. "My lieges, we are coming into range of enemy turbolaser fire now!"

"Very good" turning back to Alva, Corvinus bowed his head politely, "I do believe I overstepped on your ship my lady. Please, continue"
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Personally Alva tried to ignore the moment where the Grand Moff dredged up the rather painfully too recent incident in which she no longer was able to claim being royalty of an entire world given it was just invaded and conquered with her family and many of her world's people driven away by the Sith and their dogs who had come to claim their territory. It was a moment of weakness while the fleets had been away gathering the scattered, putting down the traitorous, and perhaps if the full force had been there the traitors with the Sith would have been put down as well. Now though, there would never again be such moments of weakness, not when the Empire was working so furiously to rebuild itself anew, and with such tools as the Victory III they certainly would cut down anyone who debated otherwise about their return.

Just like she might cut down the Grand Moff if he meant anything dirty by what he said. Honestly it was unlikely but the old joking stereotype of the perverted old man was too silly a fleeting thought as it passed through her mind. "I have no qualms about improvements to my position though I am uncertain as to whether or not it truly matters considering my talents can be used in many scenarios milord. Right now they shall be used to bring this vessel back safely after a successful test for the glory of the Empire." The starfighters already seemed to have made their show, the sensor screen displaying their path toward the pirate's asteroid stronghold as they broke through the slavers defenses to give the transports carrying the Stormtroopers a clear path.

Which meant it was now time for the Victory III to begin its show, as Palpatine clearly reminded her. "Helm bring us a solid path that crosses the enemy vessels and gives our gunnery crews optimal firing solutions. Weapons Control make sure the targetting computers is calculating correct trajectories for our batteries and the missile launchers, I don't want a single wasted shot am I understood. . . . . .Sensor Station keep an eye on the readings. I want solid data on how the shields perform and the energy the molecular variant collects for use." The ship barely felt the impact of any of the shots striking its shields from the looks of it, since the bridge had a lovely view of the smaller pirate vessels shots striking the bulk of the pocket destroyer, the shimmering lights of the shields where the turbolaser fire was intercepted made quite the stunning spectacle.

"Maam we're already getting readings. Not much but I figured you should hear. We're losing shields, slowly, and I don't think their standard laser cannons are having an effect, only the turbolasers or ion cannons. It looks like we're also generating a small amount of power already from what few salvos have hit us already."
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Corvinus Palpatine"]

"Good, then tell me what we are looking at Lieutenant." Alva crossed the bridge to the sensor suite for a better view of the instrument board herself to gauge the full effects of the enemy fire on their Victory III's new enhanced molecular shields. This was primarily why they were out here anyway, aside from putting down some pirates and slavers too close to the fleet for the Imperials' liking. Technically the Victory III line had two layers of shields going for it, a molecular shield on top and a thermal layer beneath that. There were too many intricacies to go into on just the concept though, so it was best to let the results of the systems own abilities speak for themselves as Alva looked over her bridge officer's shoulder at the panel.

"Yes maam. I can confirm that anything below a standard turbolaser doesn't seem to have the punch to effect the molecular shields. Their regular laser cannons aren't having an effect on it really, beyond providing us some miniscule power as the shields absorb the energy. . . .their turbolaser and ion cannon fire, however, are having an effect in draining the first layer of defense. We're getting more energy absorption from those weapons, but also losing more of the shields as well, though in a reduced capacity to regular shields. We're getting some reserve power now though Captain, should I funnel it back into a port to regenerate shields once they collapse?"

"No Lieutenant. . . . .reroute power to weapons."
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Corvinus Palpatine"]

"Weapons Control regulating access to the new power reserves."

Alva stood back and smiled as she watched her crew at work routing the power reserves they were generating, from the enemy fire splashing across the Victory III Cruiser's shields, into the weapon banks supply. The shields were still holding strong anyway as well, the enemy ships were only some measly corvette sized attack craft and their armaments were not extensive enough to overwhelm the small pocket destroyer anytime soon. Heck what damage their few guns did do was reduced beneath the strength of the Molecular Shielding, and it would fare the same against the Thermal Shielding beneath that if they ever breached it. All the while as the Molecular Shields were hit as well they were being supplied with more power to their reserve generator to funnel where they saw fit, and Alva could not wait to unleash it all on the enemy targets in a frightful display of firepower.

"Reserve power entering the weapon banks in ten maam, eight. . . ."
IP-2489 slid the stick ever so slightly to the left and pushed the throttle up another notch. He was rewarded with a faint kick of additional G-forces as his TIE V/XL Exalt-class Starfighter roared forward. His small craft glided along the starboard length of the Victory III's elongated hull. He watched as shields flared on the far side of the ship where scattered weapons fire was being received and smirked to himself as he saw dozens of massive turrets, most bigger then the ship he flew, swivel in their housings to target the ships that were firing upon the monster of a ship. '489 had seen his share of capital ships, most of which from the outside. He saw them with his own eyes. He saw the way they moved through the black and how they crumpled or thrived under fire. He had seen plenty of ships collapse under a volley of shots and try to skirt to the edge of the engagement zone or hide behind another ship. He had seen his share of fat, lazy carriers and artillery ships melt under fire at close ranges or explode violently after a bombing run.

This ship... This was something different. And as '489 and his TIE Exalt glided next to her, ready to protect her from enemy starfighters, he couldn't help but to like the ship. She was big, she was mean, and she wanted to fight. You couldn't look at the ship without getting the sense that she wanted something to chew on. And as the first cannons opened fire, '489 knew why.

The Victory III had lots and lots of teeth.


Acquisitions Specialist
IT-8442 was standing guard near the bridge. He could faintly hear the officers as they talked about the ship and what she was capable of... and couldn't help but to feel a wave of relief when they decided not to risk hundreds of lives to depressurization just to test out their new toy. <Officers...> '442 thought to himself before deciding to refocus himself on his assignment. '442 looked to his left... and saw a wide, empty hallway. A mouse droid rolled along the floor before stopping to tinker with something next to the wall. '442 recognized a cleaning tool being used to scrub a section of wall. No threat there. '442 looked to his right. The other guard was staring blankly at the wall opposite him... steady and unmoving. The man was either watching a video on his headsup display, sleeping, or counting the divots out of boredom. '442 decided he didn't want to know which it was and looked past the man the the hallway beyond. It was just as big and empty as the other one.

The sound of clacking drew his attention back to the corridor on his side of the bridge. His head snapped to the left as he tracked the sound and was rewarded with quite the view as a very attractive young officer approached him. Human. Female. Long blonde hair done up in a professional bun and tucked into the back of her service cap. Officer's uniform included a tight skirt and an almost-out-of-regs pair of heels. '442 turned his head just enough to appear as if he wasn't looking, but kept the corner of his eyes on the woman as she clacked her way closer to him. She passed him without saying a word and continued on past the other Stormtrooper and into the hallway beyond. '442 enjoyed watching her walk away almost as much as he enjoyed watching her walk towards him.

'442 shot a quick glance at the other Trooper that stood guard outside the bridge. The clone hadn't moved a centimeter.

Definitely sleeping.
@IT-8442 @IP-2489

"3. . . .2 . . . .1."

"Open fire."

The young Imperial woman watched with a grin on herself as the heavy turbolaser turrets swivelled onto their targets and opened fire. The beams lancing out from the Victory III's weaponry traveled across space until they were no more, buried into the pirate scum's so called fleet, carrying their burden into the enemy's shields. Which apparently weren't going to last much longer. "Captain, enemy vessels are showing dramatic losses in shield integrity from our scans. Our gunnery crews are reporting an eight percent increase in power output with the rerouted reserves, with what the molecular shields absorbed we can keep up this enhanced fire for another sixty eight seconds if the enemy doesn't return fire to replenish those reserves."

"Don't waste time then, obliterate them, all of them." It was becoming noticeable to Alva now that the asteroid base's own defenses weren't firing on her ship with previous frequency. She supposed that had to mean the boarding teams were doing their job and clearing out the slavers holed up on there. So she might as well stop playing with the trash out here too, after all it would be poor showing to ask the boarding teams to hold off on transporting the freed slaves and victims because she was taking too long. It wouldn't do, especially with this ship.
The guns sounded the seconds finished and he nodded as they detonated the torpedo he had let loose infront of the Dropship. He was smiling, not because he liked the war and death around him, but because it excited him. He loved the thrill of battle and his hands turned the ship's body up as the shockwave of the torpedo causing its chain reaction was beautiful. You see, the rockets on the Umbra were something very special to him as he had had them imported for this specific attack. Anti-Matter torpedos, quite effective weapons that held nothing back and he was going to make sure that nothing was indeed going to be held from these slavers.

Then the sound of turbolasers, created through the use of a ingenious device on his ship to allow him understanding of the battlefield in auditory form. It blared their sounds as the guns fired around Solan's Dropship, others getting cut apart by fighters while Solan chose to be trapped in the fire of the Turbolasers. IT provided cover from fighters and a straight shot but one wrong move and the dropship could be blown to bits. It took complete focus on every sense he had before his eyes cut to the hanger and he pulled hard left. Cutting out of the Turbolaser fire and into the station's hanger, aiming for it and smiling as the cargo on his ship would be nice for those on the station.
[member="Solan Charr"]

Thusly Alva watched as the cannonry spaced about the hull of the Victory III she commanded tore apart the pirates pitiful fleet. Systematically. One by one. A display of death and destruction and overwhelming firepower none could fault, but rather admire. The added firepower to the guns likely saved them several minutes of time. The Victory III was somewhat overly powered for a vessel settling around the large cruiser and small destroyer line, but to add in the reserve power on top of that. . . .there was a reason she supposed the budgetary committee wasn't planning to fund these on a mass produced scale, they would serve in the major battlegroups alongside older models to fill in the gaps.

It was a shame, the Crinan woman could imagine the devastation of entire fleets fielded by the other governments of the galaxy if she could fill the entire roster of an Imperial Task Force with as many Victory IIIs as she wanted. She consoled herself that even in smaller numbers these vessels would be more than enough. After all, the pirate ships were becoming beautiful blooms of light as their shields failed and the turbolaser fire and warheads slammed into their hulls for a few short moments. First one. . . .then a second. . . . .there would be no survivors of the slavers prison ships soon enough.

This test was a success, now the rest of the operation was done to anyway getting their boots dirty on the asteroid.
IP-2489 let loose a laugh as the Victory III opened fire. "Holy kark." '489 said as he banked away from the Victory III and gave the big girl some room to breath. <She can really dish it out.> '489 thought to himself as his starfighter's sensors clued him in on just how much of a beating the Victory III had just given them. And she wasn't about to let up anytime soon. Massive turbolaser barrels barked out beam after beam of powerful turbolaser bolts in rapid successions that were nearly as fast as the rate of fire on the numerous light turbolaser cannons that also rained hell upon the enemy capital ships. The amount of fire she was putting out was intense. But for a moment, something clicked in '489's head and the number of turbolaser bolts being fired by the Star Destroyer seemed... too many. Far too many.

Operating on a hunch, '489 pushed the stick forward and his TIE Exalt dove down. He continued with his small dive until the axial edge of the Star Destroyer was behind him and he was nearing the ventral limit of the ship. There, he finally pulled back on the stick and spun the starfighter around, causing the craft to continue drifting backward while he affording himself a prime view of the Star Destroyer's underside.

"I'll be frelled." '489 said to himself as he stared in wonderment at the underside of the Star Destroyer. "They doubled the guns."
[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="IP-2489"]

The dropship moved through the energy barrier that was placed over the hanger to keep from the vacuums of space sucking out everything and everyone that was inside. Not that it would help them now as he smiled and spoke into his ship comms. "Greetings slaver scum, its time to remove you for good." He waved his hands as the gunners opened up on the inside of the hanger, cutting apart fighters still docked and those inside. His own hands started to maneuver the ship down towards the ground while the gunners had their fun. They had a package to deliver after all.

It didn't take long for the dropship to come down to the ground, settling and its backside opening to let loose the marines he had with him. HE was busy with the cargo though, his body lifting from the pilot's chair and waving to his demo experts. What remained there was that of a seismic charge. Solan had been curious to see what would happen if you set one off inside of a space station while the Victory tore apart the pirates like they were nothing. His hands even moved behind him while he looked for a moment at the bomb, letting his demo experts prepare it while he listened to the sound of turbolasers slamming into the station.
Lieutenant Commander T'yr Dellos stood near the chief engineer's station and looked over the officer's shoulder. Throughout the entire engagement, the reactor hadn't been pushed beyond 80%. In fact, the primary reactor had bounced between 78 and 79% for much of the fight and only peaked to 80% once the enemy ships had stopped firing and the capacitors had dipped to less than 10% charge. The banks of Hypermatter reactors were more interesting. Individual reactors ranged from as low as 44% to as high as 76% throughout the skirmish, but the average combined output seemed to remain steady at about 50% for most of the battle, and peaking at 62% when the capacitors began reaching critically low levels. Lt Commander Dellos knew that the new Star Destroyer was designed to fire twin broadsides under sustained bombardment for the duration of a battle... but to see the evidence in front of him was quite something. She was truly an impressive design. The only limiting factor he could see would revolve around discovering exactly what sort of beating the ship's shields could sustain before failing.


Acquisitions Specialist
IT-8442 stood next to the only real exit or entrance into the Bridge, at least as far as he was aware. The sounds of combat died down at about the same time as the subtle vibrations in the deck plating. Replacing it was the low murmur of officers talking amongst themselves. It was coming from all over the bridge that he guarded and was slowly growing in volume. Apparently, the lot of them were getting a little too excited about whatever numbers and readouts they were seeing. As far as '442 could figure, the ship had decided that it gave no karks over fights this small. Which got the officers thinking about whichever 'big fight' the lot of them had planned next. At some point early on, '442 had glanced a look into the bridge to see what it was they were fighting. Bunch of old ships from the looks of it. Each one much smaller than the new Victory III that the Imperial Navy had slapped together. Even a grunt like 44'2 had expected it to be an easy win. Though... not quite that easy.

Quietly, to himself, IT-8442 wondered what the officers would throw this ship at next. If it were a new tank, he'd want to take a squadron or a company of the things and go pick a fight with half an army. Which meant that, i the Admiralty were no different than ground pounders, they'd be looking at a major naval action sometime very soon. And they'd probably be out-numbered to feth and back.

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