"I wish people would stop hating me."
{ Information }
- { Name } Vidar Palpatine
- { Alias }
Beren Naberrie (Pseudonym) (Nabooian origin)
[*]{ Faction } None
[*]{ Rank } None
[*]{ Species } Human (Nabooian)
[*]{ Age } 14
[*]{ Sex } Male
[*]{ Height } 5'3" (1.6 meters)
[*]{ Weight } 91 lbs
[*]{ Eyes } Shimmering Deep Blue
[*]{ Hair } Red
[*]{ Skin } Pale (Minorly Sun-kissed)
[*]{ Force Sensitive } Yes
{ Strengths }
- { Quick-witted Eidetic Genius } Born with a quick-wit, a photographic memory, and an innate genius, Vidar only survived his life alone with these at his side. Persecution and peril were all around them in this chaotic galaxy, and after losing his parents at an early age, he was all alone. He learns quickly and masters quicker, even though he lacks a formal education, he has picked up social skills and vast sums of knowledge and education just from those around him.
- { Force Tap } Maybe it is from his blood, his birth, maybe it's from his environment, maybe he was just lucky. In this galaxy of chaos and war, where the force fluctuates between light and dark, where the balance is nowhere to be seen, Vidar was by some strange right, bestowed an innate strength. While the force has many lesser-known attributes, such as wounds and scars in the force like Darth Nihilus, who rips through space and time and is like a scream echoing throughout reality, who drains life force from others, Vidar is different. From Vidar, the force flows, force-sensitives around him feel stronger, more amplified, even those who are not force sensitive can feel some strange aura about him, only those who are force-dead cannot sense this. But while it empowers those around him, so does it empower he himself. Though mostly untrained, with only a basic understanding of the very abilities he performs, through some raw power in the force he can manipulate powers comprehensible only by the most powerful in the galaxy.
- { Oneness } Through his innate nature as a Force Tap, Vidar is in a sort of oneness with the force. While not the complete being with the force others achieve, during times of intense emotion, such as sadness, anger, and even hate, Vidar is the calm eye among the storm, a stoic stone midst a torrent of unbridled power.
- { Brave Stoic } After all that he has been through, Vidar is undaunted by the galaxy and its myriad horrors, believing that through his wits and his powers with the force, he will be successful.
- { Visage of the Past } The face of Palpatine has never been forgotten by the galaxy, even more than 800 years after his death at Endor and his final death on Byss. Bearing a striking resemblance to that galactic tyrant, even without or before the knowledge of his last name, most naturally distrust him.
- { That Name Carries Weight } Palpatine. The name that burned away the Galactic Republic, that ushered in a New Order under the Galactic Empire. The name that ruled the galaxy with an iron fist, as their people chafed under the unrestricted powers of the Empire. For his name, he has been ostracized and cast out of many places, even his appearance to Sheev Palpatine begs suspicion and hate.
- { Experienced Force-Users } Raw power does not equal true power. Though he lacks the skills and training to properly use it, the force strength within him is enough to overpower even knights. But those who have mastered the force or those who have extensive training in it have an easier time against his powers due to their trained defence against it, even if his raw power is more than theirs. Although his training as a padawan has done much to help him control his powers, he is still more powerful than he is able to control, and can be tricked, or have his powers used against him.
- None
- None