Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vihaan Sloan

Vihaan "Otto" Sloan


Name: Vihaan Sloan
Species: Amaran
Alias: Otto
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: Tall enough
Weight: None of your business
Eyes: Amber
Force Sensitive: Yes

Rank: Sith Knight
Employer: N/A
Allegiance: The Sith Empire


[ Survivor ] - Vihaan has persevered through numerous ordeals over the years. The knowledge and experience has allowed him to live for as long as he has.

[ Short-tempered ] - There are a number of things that will quickly make him angry, one of those are comments on his height. And while this can be a deteriment at times, it can also be a boon if his opponent is unprepared for the reaction.

[ Lightweight ] - Due to his smaller size, Vihaan can't match up to the more sizable foes.

[ Unpredictable ] - Whether it's through simple conversation or combat, he's never known to be consistently predictable.

[ One-eyed ] - Due to missing an eye, his peripheral vision is severely limited on his right side.


- Born on Amar, youngest of a sizable family.
- Was the runt amongst his siblings, shorter than the average Amaran.
- The One Sith assaulted Amar, nearly wiping out his kind.
- Captured and enslaved by the Sith, was discovered to be Force sensitive.
- In a surprising turn, he was trained to use it.
- Utilized the chaos of the One Sith's collapse to kill his Master, and 'liberate' several of his assets.
- Disappeared from the galaxy for a time.
- Reappeared in the wake of the Sith Empire's rise.

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