Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Viktor Onikov

(I'll find an avatar soon)

NAME: Viktor Onikov
FACTION: Galactic Republic
RANK: Captain of the Stormhold Cruiser
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 51
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9 Metres
WEIGHT: 89 kilograms
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Snow white
SKIN: Pale Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Two sided coin - Being the Captain of a ship, he has a lot of responsibilities. It is funny, because he has absolutely no qualifications for being Captain of anything, yet he is and is really, really good at it.

[+] Natural Tactician - Viktor, although he never studied Naval Warfare an tactics, has an ideal mind for strategies. Nobody really knows how he does it, he kind of just does. Viktor said once in an interview: "If I see a weakness in myself, I defend before I attack. If I see a weakness in the enemy, I attack before I defend. I am always ready."

[+] Historical Mind - Viktor has a knack for history. He studied a lot of Art, Musical, and Cultural History of every planet, so he knows how to deal with most natives peacefully. Whether it will help him in his job, the Admirals doubt.

[=] Opportunist - This trait is sort of a mix up. He takes advantage of, well, advantages in the enemy, but also in his friends. He does it out of their own protection, but sometimes he means sacrificing a lot. For example, he would sometimes take advantage of insecurities in other people to accomplish what he wants.

[-] Severely Straightforward - He runs down his list of tactics until one works, never once thinking of creativity. It is a terribly inefficient way of doing things. If none of them do work, he goes for a cannon fodder approach: balls deep and running in. Luckily he only had to do this once.

[-] Self-Disgrace - Viktor considers himself a piece of worthless scrap metal. He constantly hits himself, albeit not when commanding, and hates himself for his 'failures' which would actually be considered victories by Admirals.

Viktor stands at a tall 1.9 metres, and weighs a hefty 89 kilograms. His eyes hide a scarred past, and his face is literally scarred. He is built like a warrior, and puts every bit of his muscle to use. He wears typical Captain's attire, with medals decorating the left side.

Viktor was born on Corellia into a rich family. He was always given the best education there was to offer on Corellia. But it wasn't enough for him. He left for Coruscant when he was about 20 years old, and when to numerous Universities. But he got most of his knowledge for being a guest, and being allowed to browse the Jedi archives. Then his life changed when heard about Jalor Battlegroup. He had always wanted to Captain a vessel, but he knew that he would get denied. However, Hasjo saw something in him, and took him aboard. He now Captains the Stormhold in the Jalor Battlegroup.

Doctorate in Cultural History - Social Warfare, Political Struggles, Etc.
Masters in Economics - Price Drop/Gain, Stock Exchange, etc.
Bachelors of Symbolics/Symbolism - Secret Societies, Codes, Mass Knowledge Exchange, Etc.
Bachelors of Famine Study - Mass Starvation Causes, Etc.





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