Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Viktor Romanov

Young Viktor

Name: Viktor Romanov
Home Planet: Arkania
Faction: The One Sith
Rank: Sith Acolyte
Species: Human/Arkanian Cyborg
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Sexuality: Asexual (Formerly Heterosexual)
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 186 (117 pounds of metal) (Formerly 148)
Hair: Black with one grey strip
Skin: Light
Eyes: Orange (Implants) (Formerly Blue)
Force Sensitive: Yes, Bogan


Strengths and Weaknesses (2 Weaknesses minimum):
- Genius Intellect: Having an IQ of 204 Viktor has always been smart, this had no affect on his outward personality growing up, but it did on his intra personality.
- Mechanical Man: Most of Viktor organic parts have been replaced by machinery, leaving only his upper torso left as organic.
- Mostly Immortal: Viktor has stopped his aging process and can lose most organs without dying, needing only his heart and his brain.
- Transhuminist: Viktor believes that all should serve him and by becoming his machinations he can control them with his slightest whim, he believes that this will be good for them.
- Competent: Viktor is a man you can trust not to screw up at something you assign him to.
- Enhanced Physical Attributes: Due to his cybernetics, Viktor is now stronger, faster, and has more stamina than a regular person.
- Eidetic Memory: Viktor has a photographic memory and can remember anything perfectly.
- Immune to Psychic Force Powers: Due to mostly being a droid now, little can pierce Viktor's mind without him realizing it as an illusion, or something affecting emotions he no longed has.

- Does Not Feel: Viktor cannot feel anything; Fear, Love, Hate, Revenge. These can only be obtained by what he has in his memories.
- Mostly Machine: Viktor is mostly a machine and while it is EMP proof, it can overheat at extreme heats or freeze up.
- Mostly Force Dead: His once powerful connection to the force was mostly cut off along with the other parts that made him human, he saw it as a fair trade for immortality.
- Hard to beat Calm Opponents: Mostly he uses his opponents strengths against them, but if someone can keep their cool against
Viktor, he would find it hard pressed to win.

Personality: Competent, Maleficent, Superior, Cold, Amoral, Determined, Calculating, Polite, Obsessed with machines.

Appearance: As Above


Once a budding young scientist, the man known as Viktor Romanov is now a shell of his former self. Devoid of all feeling and empathy, he now only looks to the future of the galaxy. His galaxy.

Will be revealed.



- Nikolai Romonov: Father
- Valentine Novak: Lover
Various former lovers and family

Various former friends.


Personal Army:



Alchemic Monsters:


Biological Components:

Gen'dai ([member=Kezeroth the Malevolent]) -



Creations (can be affiliated or non-affiliated):




The Great and Powerful
[member="Viktor Romanov"]

An entire person I might be able to take control of?

Oh, hell yes.

*blows kiss to @SARI*

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