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Vilka Pharro



NAME: Vilka Pharro
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Acolyte
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.75m (5’9”)
WEIGHT: 60kg (132lbs)
EYES: Orange
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White



"...We took as many from the flames as we could, set them in irons. Must be at least 1000 civilians- most aren't too burn damaged, might still fetch a price in the Outer Rim if we work fast. Cargo hold's like a damn zoo, way they're hollering, not to mention the mess... guards aren't happy. That's not the end of it, though- there's this girl.

The other slaves say she's some princess, but they won't go near her; looks more like a ghost to me. A gaunt, lanky thing, hollow face like a skull- her skin's pale enough, at least. But worst of all, she's got these awful eyes, like she's sick... all she does is stare at us. It's like like she's trying to pull us apart with her eyes. Crew says they haven't seen her eat, or speak, or even sleep. She just watches. I'm not even sure she blinks- her eyes are red enough for it.

None of the men will to get close enough to hit any sense into her, for fear of catching something, and I can't say I blame them, either. We've no idea what we'll do with her; with a face like that, only a blind Hutt'd take her for a dancer, and she looks too weak to work... Thing's damn near wasted away- she shouldn't be a problem for much longer, at least. Time might do the job for us, save the trouble. Not sure we'd even know if she had either way- the creepy schutta's already a damned skeleton..."


“My home has no name.

I was born to great omens. The eclipse of twin suns heralded the birth of a Sun Princess; I was to bring peace and fortune to my people, for it was written so, and all that was written was truth. The house of Pharro had ruled the granite canyons of our world for a thousand generations, the scripture told us so. There had been hundreds of Sun Princesses preceding my name, and each had outdone the last as they ushered in greater and greater prosperity: deserts had given way to grassland, and mountains to great cities, all in our name. It was my divine and unshakeable right to inherit the world. We had made ourselves great- but by definition, that necessitates that others must not be so.

I was told the subjugation of my people was too my right; the true order of things. For a thousand years our scriptures had sealed them into the utmost bondage in the name of my House, in the name of progress. Upon the backs of our subjects, little more than slaves, we had walled ourselves away from the world. With each new age we had set upon them greater weights to bear; my ancestors knew this to be necessary, for control. But they had known a great many things, after all. As they had once known our suns to spin upon our planet, and our world to be flat, they knew it was my destiny to take yet more from them, never having to give back. Why would we?

It was so when I awoke to the sound of falling bell-towers; I knew it could not be my slaves, for that was not what I was promised; I stared with the greatest placidity as my works fell. Some delusions are stronger than any wall, alas. They brought down my golden halls, shattered my crystal throne, and reduced those scriptures, that had bound them stronger than any chains, all to ash. It fell like a white rain as the fires gripped the cities, and yet they cheered. Never forget this- nothing is written, if you do not wish it so.

I was pulled from my palace by a thousand starving faces. They tore so many things from me, and I was cast at their feet. What followed, what they did to me, is not for you to know; only understand that as I bled, the skies burned even redder. A baptism of blood and flame for me and my home. It is enough to know I was changed.
I learned our tyranny was no secret; they had fielded soldiers from all corners of my world, from our moons, from the very stars, unified under a cause of benevolence. I learned was never such a great mask for greed and hate as benevolence- I had worn it well, the great Sun Princess, but they wore it masterfully.

It is the nature of rabid animals to turn on one another when their hunt has ended; the horrors you would wreak upon one man are rarely too good for another, it would seem. To free a slave from one master and take them again- you can still call yourself their liberator. The soldiers had turned upon my hapless people. All that happens, it would seem, occurs in circles. They took them by the thousand, making them slaves, or worse. They took me, battered shell as I was, from my ruins.

They struck my home’s name from the star maps. They split its mountains in two, razed its cities, and boiled its oceans over, till the grasslands drowned in salt. I was the Sun Princess, promised the world, and thus I inherited the largest graveyard in the Outer Rim, made a slave at the hands of my own people...

You see, my home has no name. They took it from me."

Part 2 - THE SLAVE


“I have never known a greater liberty than slavery.

To be stripped of all my humanity, my choices, my very self; it is to be a flower drifting on a lake. I was weightless, born anew. That grotesque pit, writhing mass of a thousand slaves, bound in darkness- there I found my gift, amidst the filth, and shimmering air; the howls of anguish, and moans of despair.

To the others, I was a curse. Quaking stares from bleeding eyes, bared teeth and ragged breathing; I saw the fury in the heart of every man, woman, and child in that pit. Once I had been a subjugator, but now I had become an affliction. Chains and blind fear held them from tearing me apart. I do not know which was stronger. It was strange, to be so hated and yet so untouchable- I suppose I had always lived this way, albeit in placid ignorance of it.

I found many truths in that darkness. Never since have I found such a place of peace as was that cesspit- deprived of everything, you can only turn inwards, to touch whatever lies within. Like dashed pottery, I wondered if the breaking of my world had only revealed greater gifts within; I saw vast and black oceans stirring. A thunderstorm, calling beyond my mind's eye. I felt my lungs collapse and my throat close in, screaming at my broken body, too weak to offer protest, until at last I closed my eyes, and fell into the storm. I felt myself break the surface of water, adrift, and sank within myself to a place where one could see without eyes. Seconds became hours and hours became weeks, slipping away as peacefully as sand from an hourglass. Lights came and went, breaking the darkness, and days passed without water. My skin burned, and my body wasted, my mind rattling wordlessly as it boiled in its skull. So many shackles had bound my spirit, false ideas plagued and constricted my mind; these shallow bonds were soon broken. I was freed.

Opening my eyes, I saw no darkness. I saw no slaves. An intergalactic tapestry in constant flux, all things drifting towards their rightful places to meet and be forced apart once more. With only a glimpse, I felt the wildfire coursing through my veins, the thunder that seized my throat; I rose, screaming, with eyes aflame, and split the air in two; with howling fury and open palms, I slipped back into my black ocean- but now I ruled the tides. I felt the rusted metal at my wrists warp, and screech, until with a wail they came crashing at my feet, in a burst of sparks.

I heard the ring of a blaster shot, and the screams of guards; the darkness was filled with streaking red and green bursts, distant shrieking. The shambling of rattling shadows. A deep alarm began to pulse, bathing us in swirling scarlet light. I strode forth, ecstatic, for I was born anew. Another flash; terrible, white hot pain consumed my body as bolts struck my body, shoulders and stomach glowing with blaster afterburn, black smoke pooling in my nostrils; I felt an unrelenting and infernal fury take hold, and at last I fell into the Force.

Silver lightning arced from my blackened fingertips until the air was full of naught but screams and searing flesh, and my dark heart had no more left to give. Only the alarm still called- both slave and slaver had fallen silent. I looked back to those who I had once called my people, my beloved. A hundred hollow faces stared back. Their dead and hopeless eyes betrayed the truth; they saw in me neither their princess, nor their curse. I was their abomination, their great mistake.

I fled that awful ship, to let them face whatever fate the Force had divined for them. I would have no part in it; not anymore. I had been cast out into the darkness, and now the dark would set me free.”


”In eternity, I wandered the darkling space alone; my ashen flesh cracked like glass, and my eyes became molten steel. Here, in the crucible of the soul, I was formed and reformed for infinity. This beast, Krayt Dragon in my heart; in truth, I felt it had always been there, slumbering vigil of the soul. Awoken through pain, like so many things, I have learned. It is impossible to say what brings such things on, nor what drives them to halt at their just end. Foolish, as I was, I swore hollow oaths to return home.

Home- this transient place. It was, for me, I suppose, some blackened crater, lost in a nebula; still I deprive you of its name, for such an indignity will not do. To see what is left is, perhaps, more telling than to see what once was. Nothing but ash, fury, and oblivion remains. What had been done in a day, I saw, would have been done in a hundred-thousand years, regardless. My people had been blind. We had placed our faiths in steel and stone, life and law, understanding nothing.

To dust go the remnants of civilisation- I sought out knowledge from its ashes. The Force- Dark, and the Light. Jedi, and the Sith. Simple and thoughtless words to a child, indeed. But now, pallid and walking corpse, I saw truth upon truth in even the most basic writings. I understood now, what I had done; how my basest passions had ruled me, until at last I had become their master, and now with time, so much more. This material place, it was nothing but the most superficial plane- there was so much more. Worlds between worlds, minds within minds, like starbursts in the night I saw the Force. It was naught but a wound in the reality’s own fabric- now I only sought to open it.Your seconds were but my millenia. My weeping heart opened to the Sith, to the Dark Side, to the Force- I was liberated amidst the cradle of night.

There I was sacrificed and rebirthed a thousand times, bloody child of night and stars, cast out out into darkling space in tears. A cosmic storm of afterbirth raged on until there was naught but oblivion that yet remained to call my name.

In time, I looked upon the stars again, and saw so little worth saving. I cut across the stars, and over a hundred worlds, felt my weary heart ache for all that I did not have. This gift, this void; what was there, but to exceed it all?”


1. Fury - Hate and anger are the conduits of the dark side; Vilka knows them both well.
2. Resilience - The body is weak, but the spirit is willing; clinging to the dark side, Vilka embraces pain, using it to fuel her powers and drive her physiology beyond its normal limits.
3. Potential - Though as yet not fully , Vilka has a natural aptitude for the force.


1. Untrained - With little training, Vilka's grasp of the force is unrefined, and times of stress, her powers uncontrolled.
2. Ego - Gripped by a desperate need for control and superiority, Vilka is often blinded to her own mistakes, and dismissive of the successes of others, preferring to revere her own infallibility.
3. Weak - Favouring technique over raw strength, Vilka is physically unimposing, reliant upon the force to compensate; likewise, her talents with regard to lightsaber combat are lackluster.
4. Pride - A noble birth and fragile psyche have inflated Vilka's pride to intergalactic scales, leaving her easily goaded.
5. Hostile - As is typical of the Sith, Vilka is prone to burning bridges before they are built when it comes to relationships.


1. Force Lightning - Apprentice-level
2. Telekinesis - Knight-level
3. Precognition - Apprentice-level
4. Memory Rub - Apprentice-level
5. Knowledge Drain - Apprentice-level
6. Art of Movement - Knight-level
7. Force Stun - Apprentice-level
8. Mind Trick (Including Fear) - Knight-level
9. Psychometry - Apprentice-level


1. Sith Acolyte Robes - Unarmoured
2. Red Lightsaber - Crude
3. Omicron-class Imperial Shuttle - 'Virulence'


1. Luigi Wins By Doing Absolutely Nothing - Vilka undergoes memory transfer training with Janick Beauchamp on Chelloa. [Complete]
2. Dark Tidings - Vilka trains in a more traditionally Sithlike manner with Kyrinov amidst the ruins of a frozen world. [Ongoing]
3. Shadows Through the Valley - Vilka journeys to Lah'mu, encountering rival acolyte Nixia. [Completed]
4. That Which Slumbers and Shalt Never Be Awoken - Vilka squares off against Talus Morid in a treasure hunt through the ruins of Mataou. [Ongoing]
5. Business As Usual (TSE Dominion of Etti IV) - Vilka joins her brethren in the TSE Dominon of Etti IV, fighting to crush a prison riot. [Complete]
6. A Minor Hiccup - Vilka chases rebel war criminal Aten Ramses through hyperspace to Dathomir. [Ongoing]
7. The Less You Know the Better (TSE Dominion of Zygerria) - Vilka and Sith forces attack a Mesa city on Zygerria. [Completed]
8. A Furious and Prideful Heart - Vilka travels to Dromund Kaas' eponymous city to meet the unfortunately youthful Adrian Vandiir. [Ongoing]
9. Into the Bleak Distance - Vilka trains with Vanessa Vantai at Trayus Labs, on the cursed world of Malachor V. [Ongoing]
10. Repent, Shall the Wretched Few - Vilka encounters unlikely visitor Cedric Grayson on Dathomir. [Inactive]
11. Corrupt Artefact - Vilka encounters Jaster, of Clan Awaud, whilst scouring the Jedi Temple ruins. [Ongoing]




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