In Umbris Potestas Est
NAME: Vincent Val Kur
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Captain/Admiral?
AGE: 65
WEIGHT: 165 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White/Grey
SKIN: Light
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, Decided not to train.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Old: Vincent is old, there is no way around that. Thus, he is not as agile or quick as he used to be. Also being this old and in the military for most of his life, he has lost many friends and still holds old ideals and biases.
-Crude: The rank of Admiral comes with many perks. Being old comes with a lot of perks. They also come with a lot of things that can be easily abused. Vincent's crude humor is one of these things. Blunt and harsh at times, Vincent seems to think that no one out of the military will give him any lip if he speaks his mind, and being old he hopes that most people will overlook his comments.
-Ruthless: Being famed and feared for his Ruthlessness, Vincent will go to almost any length to finish what he starts. He has been called cold, efficient, and the like, giving him a reputation that makes his own soldiers wary in his presence. Though some may dislike his methods, when the Republic needs something done, Vincent is the one to come to.
+Persistent: Vincent's persistence borders on obsessive at times, which though can be be found annoying or troubling, has actually proven to work out well for him. The example he gives often when people comment about his persistence is that "Without it, I would not be standing here today with this ring on my finger." which is a reference to how he "persuaded" his wife to marry him.
+Paragade: Despite his "ruthlessness" if one spoke to his men, or even the few friends of his still living, they would find that Vincent is quite the gentle soul, saving lives where he can and offering many chances for surrender. A family man as well as a military one, he understands quite painfully the feeling of recieving the letter for a loved one's death.
{Insert obvious Mass Effect Reference here}: {Insert Republic SHip Here}
Born to the Val Kur family, Vincent was raised with many expectations of how his life would turn out. During the time of his birth, the Val Kur familiy was still in the process of moving all of their assets and members into the Republic. As such, Vincent was born on Bastion while it was under the control of the Imperial Remnant. Raised to believe he would either join the ranks of the Imperial Knights or become part of the Imperial Royal Navy, Vincent was placed in the Imperial Navl Academy at a young age.
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