Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vinten Veers

Age: 51
Homeworld: Naboo
Height: 5'5
Weight: 135 pounds
Force Sensitive: no
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: greying black
Skin: Tanned white
Gender: Male
Faction: The Iron Empire


Power hungry

Appearance and gear:
Black boots, grey and black clothes, black cloak. Small pistol concealed in his cloak and a vibro dagger

Vinten was born on Naboo. His father was a farmer on the outskirts of Theed and his mother was an herbalist. At 17, Vinten left his small town life when he stowed away on a transport to Coruscant. Once he arrived, he spent quite a bit of time watching Senate sessions, studying how the senators would outmaneuver each other in debates. In time, he boarded a public transport to the Outer Rim, seeking a planet that he himself could rule. He jumped around from planet to planet, getting involved in governments and working his way to the top in each. He quickly discovered that controlling backwater planets in the far reaches of the Outer Rim was not his final goal. His final goal was Galactic domination, and he realized that he would need to start somewhere else if he was going to achieve that. He would need to find a faction that already had some form of power, and help it expand.

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