Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Vinya Shikoa

Vinya Shikoa

AgeYounger adult (mid-thirties)
Height180 cm
Weight81.5 kg
Force SensitiveCapable of using Force Sight and sensing Force; limited connection with the Force.


Carrying himself in a soft manner, but with a presence of self-awareness and confidence, Vinya is the description of hardened soldier. Although not someone that would be labelled as deadly in appearance, there is an aura about him that seems to suggest he is best left alone; helped, perhaps, by the purple blindfold that covers the empty vestiges where a normal mammalian's eyes would sit.

Physically fit, built for combat and speed, Vinya is distinctive only in his non-distinctive manner. A lithe, athletic build that contains numerous scars from wounds received over years of service in various conflicts, he is far from what many would consider overly attractive - brittle, broken and rough; defining words that he has heard, but never seen for himself.


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Born into the now-archaic beliefs and customs of the Miraluka society, Vinya focuses on those beyond himself. Raised into a belief that focused on the preservation of innocent life, and the continued protection of that which could not protect itself, he holds to a strong belief of other-focused behaviours.

Like other Miraluka who are raised into the Old Traditions, Vinya has little conceptual belief of the ideals of good and evil; forgoing morality in favour of simply doing what seems right by his own ideals and understanding of the universe. This has caused some confusion among others to his actual beliefs, as he stands before Jedi and Sith alike in the defence of those who appear harmless, or incapable of defending themselves.

In personality, he is often described as reserved, stubborn and thoughtful - all descriptors that he believes are incorrect. While he doesn't go out of his way to greet every new individual, Vinya focuses on maintaining those contacts and friendships that he has made, and believes in giving everyone a chance to prove their worth - and more importantly, their own character.

Caring not for the imagery and appearance of those around him, due in part to a lack of visibility, he instead focuses on what he can see - the behaviours and actions of those around him.


Modesty. Although a survivor of numerous conflicts, and an individual who has proven himself capable in situations that would fell lesser beings, Vinya refrains from glorious self-proclamation; offering thanks and gratitude to those he served with during his time, claiming that they brought about his eventually successes and survival.

Courageous. Considered courageous by those who have served with him, Vinya thinks of himself as nothing more than a compassionate individual willing to step out and help those in need. Forgoing the common ideologies of bravery, heroism and valour, he instead focusing on the common day acts of making another's life more bearable where possible.

Just. Seeing injustice in his numerous years of service, Vinya has a tendency to face injustice situations with an iron will - more than willing to place himself into dangerous situations in order to ascertain the safety and security of others.

Loyal. Once having made a decision to trust someone, to truly trust them, Vinya is loyal almost to a fault - going so far as to lay down everything to ensure their continued survival. Although far from blind to the corruption possible within another, he considers a breach of loyalty as the final event in an individual who cannot be saved, and who must instead be brought to an end; something that he considers a vile thing to be required.


Naïve. While having served through many conflicts, and having seen the darkness that can grasp the hearts of those that surround him, Vinya holds to a naivety that appears almost child-like in nature. Believing there is good in everyone, he continues to fight to save those he has bonded with, and will give up his own safety in order to try and bring them back to the light.

Stubborn. Once he has chosen his path, Vinya is near-impossible to dissuade. Focused, and determined with a stubbornness that would come across as daunting to some, Vinya treads down his chosen path until his purpose has been achieved, or it becomes clear there is no chance of overcoming the barriers presented.

Honest. Often considered a strength among many, Vinya's honesty comes with a price; wherein he will tell the truth even should it be harmful to whatever cause he currently holds.
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Vinya was born to Miraluka's adopted homeworld of Alpheridies, Vinya was raised among those of his own kind, showered with the ideals and beliefs of an almost archaic nature by the time that he had been brought into the universe. Raised to care for others beyond himself, and to show that compassion through his actions, Vinya was guided into a life of a protector from the day he was born.

At a young age, he showed a kindness that was equalled by his determination to protect those around him who couldn't protect himself. Blind to the world around as all Miraluka are, Vinya relied upon his Force Sight and his intuition to understand those around him - going so far as to learn to read the very feel of an individual's aura to understand their intent, behind any words spoken. During his adolescent years he found himself pulled into numerous roughhouse conflicts, drawn to protect those who were bullied or treated poorly - reminding those involved of their duty towards those they targeted.

As he entered his younger adult years he found himself drawn onto a single pathway in life. Despising the acts and behaviours required for politics, showing no advanced skill sets in the worlds of technology or mechanical work, Vinya found himself left with a single option; following the life of a combatant. Holding to his values, however, Vinya was quickly discharged from any military service he joined - cast out with the realisation that he would question orders given, should they harm those who appeared innocent in the ways of war and fighting.

Left to wonder the galaxies without a true cause, he instead found his way into various mercenary groups. Small, irrelevant groups that proved capable of providing him the temporary home that he desired, all while allowing him to develop skills that seemed to come naturally. While not a reckless, behemoth of a fighter, Vinya proved intelligent and capable enough to make a living as a mercenary, making a name for himself among the small groups of mercenaries.

While he still remains unrecognisable to the majority of the galaxy, Vinya continues to follow the path laid out for him, searching for those in need of protection, and doing what he can to fight the injustices of the universe as he was taught to do...
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