Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Violets are Blue, Lotuses are Red (Open)


The Red Lotus
Razer had it in construction for quite some time, with [member="Cryax Bane"] funding him for his idea, it didnt take long for Razer to get it going. With the foundation placed, and the walks put in. The exterior was already finished, and all that was left to do was the interior. Oh how much fun that would be.​
With [member="Tora Mirkew"] by his side, Razer would be walking around, telling people to put this here, and put that there. Not that Holoscene, but this one, dont hire these dancers, but go for them. It was a lot of this, and that, nos, and yeses. Nothing like being a hero, or villain like his family was trying to be. Instead, Razer was here with the Red Ravens, finding work, making a living, a reputation as a Crime Lord in a crime syndicate with a Chiss at the head. Razer caused that if anything, he was the new guy, who had to get jumped into the gang, shown the ropes, do a few things here, and there, and "We'll leave your side alone.." ordeal.​
Though he could be wrong, Razer was still new to the crime scene, ha, crime scene. Standing at the V.I.P lounge, Razer looked around the empty spaces, that were being filled, watched the blank walls get covered in pain. It was all coming together so smoothly.​
"Soon, that Chiss will hate me for joining up with him." He said to himself.​
A few months later, and it was all set up, and done. It was ready for people come in, and drink their life away, it was ready for people to come dance their hips out of place. Everything was now set in stone, and with the money made by the club, the swoop races would soon come in, and make more money, they would have their own tracks, their own entry fees, all kinds of nice things.​
Razer watched waitresses go around with drinks, and people come walking in, laughing, goofing around. Come high as a kite, others already drunk, and while there was a few that were there for innocent fun, Razer couldnt tell the difference.​
Women of all species danced on poles, and various stages, ray shields around them to protect them from idiots who wanted to touch.​
A quieter part, people who just wanted to watch races, and chill, sat down, and ate foods of all kind. Here was the base for what would soon become the S&R Swoop Racing company's HQ, and with it, more money. Razer smiled as he watched old geezers walk in to relive the good ol' glory days of their youth.​
While the V.I.P. held the most exquisite parts if the club, and this was where Razer watched from his personal balcony. With a comlink in his ear, and his white dress shirt unbuttoned to reveal his black collared shirt under it, both collars flipped up, he spoke into it.​
"The Red Lotus is opened!"​
Within a few days, the club would boom, and it was Razer's dream to see it become one of the most popular clubs in the galaxy.​


Going back to his seat, Razer sat on his long couch, and casually lounged on it, and leaned his head back, closing his eyes, listening to the music playing. It wasnt something he liked, nor disliked, it was just there, but if he reached a little further, he could hear the men of old cheering on some new swoop racer, or groaning cause someone was winning, and they didnt like him. He could feel each life, move, drone in with the beat, it was sad, pathetic, and this was how he would disappear from the nasty, bonding eyes of the galaxy.​
This was how he would gain so much power, and when no one would suspect it, come out of the woodworks with too much to deal with, too much that they will all be overwhelmed. Who? Anyone Razer wanted gone, anyone Razer wanted to control, not the Red Ravens, but the other big fish out there. The Republic, the Sith, even Romeo himself would know not to cross him. He crackled in such a evil laugh, it sent chills down his bouncers that watched over his entry ways.​
"The galaxy will know my name, and know I am Razer, and they will know nothing more." He said to himself.​

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