Viper Commander

- Intent: To create a Galactic Terror Group.
- Image Credit:
- Header Image: Anthony Petrie
- Logo Creator: Ron Rudat
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions:
- Links:
- Organization Name: Viper Group
- Nicknames: Combat Operations Battlefield Reconnaissance Analysis/Attack (COBRA) Force
- Classification: Mercenary Terror Group
- Affiliation: The Dark Empire
- Organization Symbol:

- Description:
Viper Group, also known as Combat Operations Battlefield Reconnaissance Analysis/Attack (COBRA) Force, is a terror organization for hire. They possess no political ideals, loyalties, or morality, with their only goal being to amass as much power and wealth as possible for their supreme leader. They work for the highest bidder, committing terror attacks, acts of espionage, and assignations for those with enough credits. Operating from the shadows, the group specializes in subterfuge and sabotage, though should the need arise it is more than capable of open conflict. It possesses division-level strength backed by light armor and starfighter support courtesy of the Dark Empire and other generous patrons.
- Headquarters:
Viper Group has no established world as their headquarters, instead relying on the Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer Asp as a mobile home base. There actually exists two Asp Star Destroyers, virtually identical so that the true location of Viper Commander is never known. Very rarely is Viper Command in the same area for very long. Most often their meetings are remote or attended by emissaries. This is by design so that no single attack can cut the head off the snake. If all members of Viper Command are in the same location it means that the mother of all hammerblows is about to fall on their most cursed foes or that Anguis Dux has found a traitor in their midst.
- Domain:
Viper Group operates throughout the entire Galaxy, and what little ground they hold does not last long. Instead, they exercise soft power throughout regions lacking a powerful central authority, such as the Outer Rim and even parts of Hutt Space. Towns and cities are forced to pay protection fees and surrender equipment when demanded lest become liable to feel the Viper Commander's wrath. In a territory where central authority is both stronger and hostile to the goals of Viper, they instead operate from several safehouses and secret bases that can be evacuated at a moment's notice.
- Notable Assets:
Viper Group posses an arsenal comparable to the defence forces of a mid-rim planet, able to call on further reinforcements through its many subsidiary terror cells in an emergency. If the need arises, these resources can be pooled to form a single Division-Strength Combat Formation lavishly equipped with advanced infantry equipment and even a company of superheavy walkers. However the effort to gather all these resources from disparate cells located in far corners of the Galaxy mean that the situation must be truly desperate to necessitate such an action.
In space, while they posses a formidable armada of at least two resurgent-class star destroyers the rest of the fleet is based around smaller warships disguised civilian vessels. Any larger would attract too much attention and be hard to smuggle through hostile space.
The organization also posses a great deal of wealth laundered through the banking clan though operational expenses and Viper Commander's greed demands that this wealth constantly grows.
- Hierarchy:
Viper Group functions like any major military group with a similar ranking system. Viper Command serves as the highest office, made up of the heads of major departments within the organization answering only to Anguis Dux. Often times the seats of power change as different departments wax and wane in importance.
- Membership:
The true personnel count of Viper Group is unknown and ill-defined. Like a many-limbed cephalopod, their reach is everywhere, meaning that they will often hire mercenaries and spies through intermediaries and fronts. Many fight and give their lives for Viper Commander without even being aware of his existence.
However, there exists an inner circle that takes their orders directly from Viper Group's higher echelons. These are considered Viper's elite, estimated to number around ten thousand strong. Enough to form a division-sized combat formation. Much of its rank and file is made up of ex-members of the Galaxy's most elite armies that have defected over to Anguis Dux. These include former Neo-Crusaders, SIA Operators, GADF Marines, ISB Agents, and even Imperial Custodians. However, some did not join willingly, instead being captured during Viper's operations and put through brutal brainwashing using Mind Flayers.
To join Viper Group, one must display a cunning ruthlessness and specialty that Viper Commander Anguis Dux believes that he cannot simply hire. Many join out of disillusionment with a higher cause, searching for a chance to plunder and vengeance on greater galactic powers that have wronged them. Some are fugitives from the law or have committed such terrible atrocities that no one but Viper Group will accept them. Recruits will often come from ex-military or intelligence backgrounds where they must prove their skills before Anguis Dux.
The reasons are many. The goal is singular: to serve Viper Commander in his search for limitless power.
(OOCwise, just DM me. I'll be more than glad to work with you)
- Climate:
Stereotypes have arisen about the workings of Viper Group. Major Galactic Intelligence Agencies believe that the culture within Viper is one of frequent backstabbings and toxic cruelty. This is only a half-truth, applying only to Viper's Outer Ring of mercenaries and terrorists not even aware of the true scope of the organization. It is a useful rumor that the Viper Commander helps spread so that his enemies underestimate him.
In truth, the Inner Circle of Viper Group is not unlike most functional military groups. Those who prove themselves personally to Viper Commander or offer him something he finds unique are often promoted to roles that best suit him. Initiative is encouraged so long as Anguis Dux can profit from it. He is even willing to allow his men to question his actions publicly but never his authority. Any challenges to his leadership is dealt with swiftly and brutally, their corpses serving as reminders to those who would oppose him from within.
- Reputation:
Viper Group strikes from the shadows, delivering death and carnage before disappearing without a trace. However, in recent years, they have begun to make themselves more visible, leading to rumors amongst Galactic intelligence agencies of their existence. Their reputation is soaked in the blood of innocents and anyone brave enough to get between them and their goals. The true identities and backstories of most of their command staff are unknown.
To those who hire them, they are known for completing the job, even if it costs a pretty penny. However, long-term clients must keep the credit flow going lest Viper Group be tempted to take the opposing side's more rewarding contract. Attempts at reneging on payments or agreements have always gone poorly as Anguis Dux always seeks to make an example of those who defy him.
- Curios:
Wearing anything that ties an individual back to Viper Group is strictly forbidden unless it is on their armor during operations. These insignias can easily be scrubbed and stripped off kit should the necessity arrive. It is typically only worn during combat operations where Viper Group wishes to strike fear into the hearts of their foe, searing their symbol forever into the shattered minds of the enemy.
- Rules:
Viper Group operates on a code of professionalism and dedication to their supreme leader. The latter is held above all. Members are expected to give their lives should Viper Commander demand so. In return they shall have wealth and powered showered upon them when they rule over everything.
- Goals:
Most terrorist groups are led by lofty ideals of noble and just causes. Viper Group has no such delusions. Anguis Dux is only concerned with gaining as much money and power as possible until he is the sole broker of thrones in the Galaxy. If anybody else wants a piece of these things, they can pick up a blaster and get in line behind him.
Viper Command
- Anguis Dux - Viper Commander / Supreme Leader
- Aghasura - Chief Intelligence Officer
- Lou Carcolh - Director of Science and Technology
- Unhcegila - Head of Counter-Intelligence Operations
- Oshunmare - Kinetic Operations Overseer
Viper Group was founded in early 890 ABY by Anguis Dux after faking his death during a Galactic Alliance Spec Ops mission going wrong. Though Dux had formed the organization he was not yet supreme leader, sharing power with a number of his comrades who faked their deaths and defected from the GADF. While most shared in Dux's lust for power others had become disillusioned with Galactic Institutions and sought to change the Galaxy for the better by tearing down the powers that be. This latter group would late be nick-named the Crimson Guard for their fanatical ideals.
Over the next decade Viper Group would grow in power, launching raids on research bases to steal prototypes or committing acts of terror for clients ranging from the Hutts to religious fanatics. All the while their ranks swelled with new recruits, each one bringing in a unique sets of skills from their backgrounds.
In late 900 ABY things came to a head when a cadre of Crimson Guard launched a coup attempt and attempted to assassinate Anguis Dux. They desired to use Viper Group as a fully anarchist-nihilist organization to topple the powers that be and return the Galaxy to the common person. Their attempt on Anguis Dux's life left him scarred and deformed but he survived to reclaim power. He brutally eliminated the Crimson Guard and their supporters, leaving only his most devoted followers in power. However, despite his beliefs, several members of the Crimson Guard successfully hid their true allegiances and slipped back into the rank and file, hoping one day to return to power.
Following his consolidation, Anguis Dux would don his infamous chrome helmet and assume the persona of Viper Commander. Viper Group has since dedicated itself to the amassing of wealth and power for their supreme leader.
After the emergence of the Dark Empire, Viper Group has assisted the new Imperial Faction as a Special Operations force dubbed officially as Combat Operations Battlefield Reconnaissance Analysis/Attack (COBRA) Force.