Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Virgil Raxis-Solus

Virgil Raxis-Solus The Lost Girl

NAME: Virgil Raxis-Solus

FACTION: Independent

RANK: Independent operator

SPECIES: Modified Hapan-Fierreo hybrid

AGE: Early 30s

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5' 6" (167 cm)

WEIGHT: 130 lbs (59 kg)

EYES: Grey Blue

HAIR: Sandy blonde/Blonde

SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

++Skilled fighter: Virgil is an accomplished warrior. She has served more tours in more combat zones than most beings could comprehend--and by far more than she cares to remember. She can hold more than her own as a markswoman, a hand-to-hand fighter, a close-combat fighter, a tank operator, an urban warrior, and the list goes on. There are few things she can't do and even fewer species she hasn't killed.
++Skilled Leader: Virgil hasn't just fought, she's led warriors of equal caliber into the thick of war. Whether she's on the ground leading from the front or she's leading from orbit, Virgil knows what it takes to inspire those under her, and her analytical mind allows her to think and lay her plans out well ahead of time, as well as how to adapt them to her foe's.

+/- Conflicted: Virgil has... mixed feelings about her past to say the lead. About herself, about life, about basically everything. On one hand she craves the drug of war, on the other, she wishes she could rise above it and find peace. She craves her lost soul that was torn out of her during Voong augmentation, on the other, she is glad it is gone since it gives her an advantage against her foes in most all arenas.
+/- Force dead: Being cut off from the force ain't all its cut out to be.

-- PTSD: Virgil has lived a hard life, one filled with combat as well as pain. The brutal nature of her past as a warrior has left psychological scars on her mind. But also--so did the Voong-shaping process.
-- Addict: To cope with her extensive PTSD, Virgil has developed a penchant for (Cannabis stand in).

Her playby is Tove Lo... literally the chick all over the bio


Virgil was born into war. Her past was chosen for her before she was even born. Her father was a member of the Hapan Military when he met her mother in the Raxis Alpha Company. The two married and had a daughter, their first of three children. Her childhood was relatively good, despite moving all the time as part of her parent's profession. They raised her Mandalorian, and the girl was bright.

Virgil showed a natural aptitude to planning and bravery in the face of danger. She showed no fear, and not really many emotions at all, earning her the nickname among her peers "Stoneface." For many years Virgil showed her pure bravery, garnering her promotion after promotion. She fell in love with a name named Helcarus within the Alpha Company. Helcarus managed to bring out things in her that Virgil never felt before, and never was aware she could. Tragically, the man died during the same siege that took Ardgal's parents from him as an adult. She vowed to never love again, and Virgil has rarely since ever removed her helmet around anyone, even those who love her most.

She grew closer to Ordo, who, after Ardgal's brief first exile form the Alpha company, was beginning to be primed for leadership. When Ardgal showed up, however, he rapidly ascended to become Ordo's successor. Virgil was content to stand beside him as his stoic second in command, if she was angry about it, no one would have ever known anyway. As madness descended on her cousin, Virgil was often the voice of reason that kept him somewhat sane and their men alive. Over the course of countless battles she saved his life and the lives of their men.

When Ardgal came up with the idea of the Godkillers, Virgil's sister Joanna signed up. But when Virgil heard of the lowered chances of survival and what would happen to her sister, she quietly swapped places with her. Her sister was given a rejection notice and in her place Virgil sacrificed her soul, her connection to all things living, to save her.

But, as all things in her life, it was not enough. Virgil found herself bouncing from planet to planet, warzone to warzone fighting the war for anyone and everyone who could pay her and her family. She developed a habit, at first in private, to silence her mind's trauma responses and to hold her cool. Then, slowly, it began to take control of her entire being. Soon, all she could think about was the sweet release of getting high, the mercy it offered her to maintain her cool, to hold steady, to not give up. Virgil became an addict.

Between jobs, on shore leave, she packed a bag and quietly slipped off into the night, going AWOL....

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