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Approved Droid VIS1 Harvester Assassin Droid

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Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Height: Average
Weight: Light
Size: Small


  • Intent: To create a deployable Assassin Droid for Vrotoa Industries future products
  • Image Source: {X}
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: SD-K4 Assassin Droid, Buzz Droid
  • Manufacturer: Vrotoa Industries
  • Affiliation: Vrotoa Industries
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Vrotoa Industries Series One Haverster Assassin Droid
  • Production: Minor
  • Modularity: Yes, suitable for munitions in boarding missiles, or as internal Defenses for Star Ships, Vehicles, or Fortified Bases.
  • Material:
  • Quadanium Steel Construction Laser Reflective Armor Plating
  • Durasteel Internal Construction
  • Droid components
  • Numerous limbs can aid in maneuverability and movement
  • Multiple methods of overcoming security and obstacles
  • Small, Agile, and Swift. Making use of ventilation ducts, maintenance halls, and shadows to swiftly ambush targets and vanish just as quickly.
  • Emiter can create temporary "blind spots" in most security systems. Overwhelming most communication and recording devices long enough to carry out it's grizzly objectives.
  • Vibrobladed Claws, Crushing tentacles, and an electric defense grid make these Droids deadly at close range. Stunning and restraining its target while digging into weak points, reducing targets to segments.
  • The droid's system is easily hacked.
  • No Ranged Weapons beyond Point Blank EM Emiter.
  • Light Weight, and small. Heavier, and Larger models of close combat Droids are often too powerful for the Harvester to grapple with much success. With enough numbers, they can potentially overwhelm such opponents.
The Vrotoa Industries Harvester Assassin Droid takes heavy inspiration from Zenva's allies among the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Units such as Buzz Droids, able to overwhelm and dismantle even Jedi piloted fighters when implemented correctly. Similarly the SD-K4 Assassin Droid and it's mini-droids, prioritizing stealth and numbers to eliminate a target, and any living security they might employ. Not unlike the Buzz Droid, the Vrotoa Industries Harvester Droid can be deployed as missiles in Capital Ship engagements. Unlike their inspiration however, the Harvester is deployed in a boarding missile, Intent on invading the victims ship not to dismantle the ship itself, but the vulnerable crew within.

Utilizing its on board Scomp Link, a Plasma cutting Torch, and the volume of augmented limbs even a single unit can put to a task, Vrotoa Industries Harvesters are well equipped to slice through interior doors, walls, and ventilation ducts to spread quickly through their target. Sonar mapping, and built-in encrypted comm-links as well as numerous other software packages allow a group of Harvesters to quickly locate priority targets such as bridge crew, ship Reactors or shield systems before they begin swarming the most important targets one by one. Employing an EM Emiter moments before they strike, Harvesters saturate a target area with so much background radiation that most personal comms, and security systems are temporarily overloaded, failing in the brief moments of the Droids assault. Fortified against such radiation, and supported with scrubber systems, the Harvesters are rarely bothered by this, able to slink back to the shadows and vents to move on to another target.

Furthermore, should the need or desire arise, these Droids are well suited to defending a target. Able to Link with a Ship's, a Location's, or even friendly Droid Unit's communication systems, they are able to act as white blood cells for their "Mastered Fortification", be it a physical location designed to support them, or a Starship. Supported by additional systems such as the security networks of their Fortification, the Harvesters are able to designate between friendly and hostile life signals, and collect any foreign materials in short order. Bypassing, without needing to damage, the Fortification's doors and vents to move against targets with speed and surprise.

While relatively small, and light compared to most Droids, the VIS1 Harvester Assassin Droid is powerfully armored, and is surprisingly resistant to most Blaster fire. It's on board systems protect it from all but the most powerful forms on Ion, and Emp damage. The nearly two [2] meter length of it's fourteen [14] argumented limbs allow the Harvester to move at startling speeds along most surfaces, it's bulk nearly weightless thanks to it's Repulsorlift. It's fifteenth limb houses it's EM Emiter dish, as well as it's vital slicing tools, and is often kept away from threats.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a deployable Assassin Droid
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/a
Permissions: N/a

Technical Information

Affiliation: Vrotoa Industries
Model: Series One Haverster Assassin Droid
Modular: Yes
Movement: Repulsorlift
Droid Classification: Fourth Degree
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Average
Sonic Resist: Low
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):


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