Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello Silver Shadows,

Due to the new structure of the Order, I am here to ask you all if you would still like to remain a separate group from the Order. Basically, this part of the forums in closed to the rest of the members. Only Shadows can see this.

I would happy for it to remain so, but if you believe that being more visible to the Order will help improve interest here then let me know and I will 'make it so'.

Either way we need to talk about how best to encourage people in and gather new Shadows.

All suggestions are welcome.

And please consider this to be a roll call as well .. so I can see who still wishes to be in this group ... if there is no interest then I would think about removing the group entirely.

[member="Iella E'ron"]

I'm still active and have even changed my character basis for the Shadows. I think the visibility thing is a great idea. Don't let people see this forum, but let it be known OOCly that your character is a Shadow and it will garner interest because of its mystery and knack for special operations, Force cleansing, and the like.
[member="Iella E'ron"], [member="Lok Jorunn"], Just joined, and I see it right off the bat. So you may need to try and reset in hiding this. (Xander's Jedi Shadow Account)
[member="Lok Jorunn"]

I had to open up the viewing in this forum cause as you know something odd is happening around here. Before that Coci could not see this area too. For now it will remain open, if you need to speak to your ops might have to employ PMs for a bit.
[member="Oka Osaa"], In canon Jedi uses. The Shadows were so secretive that some Jedi Masters didn't even know of their existence. That is why it was hidden before. and likely will be hidden again. They keep to themselves, for the reason of safety for others, as well as themselves.
[member="Onix"], [member="Oka Osaa"]

Exactly as Onix said. If the Sith knew our identities, they would have a lot easier of a time tracking us down and hunting us. Remember, Jedi Shadows are the ones who exterminate any traces of darkness from the galaxy. Be it ancient relics or people themselves, what would people do if there were nobody left to keep the darkness from spreading?

As with any official secret organization, please operate under callsigns when in threads affiliated with the Shadows. If possible, request [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] to have your callsign in parenthesis next to your name on the roster for ease of use and record keeping. Also keep in mind that these will be public knowledge OOCly, but not many people will know your true identity in-character.

I also suggest the wearing of disguises and whatnot as well. Partially because it looks cool as shizz and partially because, well, it disguises you!

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Okay, since the you suggested these things, I'll put my stuff up if you don't mind? For the other Shadows to know. Again if that's cool and I'll put them here like what I'm gonna wear, my code name, blah blah blah

[member="Lok Jorunn"]
[member="Oka Osaa"], IF you click on the first to of my links (left to right) it will show a portion to my real Bio to outright tell people from an OOC stand point that this is not a different character. I have the main section of my personal bio typed in, and then the gear filled out. But as a Shadow, I have said this many times in threads already, They are nobodies. People who do not exist on paper, and rarely exist in the visible sense. If you are seen, it's because they want you to see them. And usually, it ends up bad for you if a Jedi Shadow comes out of nowhere brandishing a Lightsaber.

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
I intend to develop an armor set specifically for the shadows. This way we will know another Shadow when we see one, but we won't be identifiable in normal life as a Shadow. By the way, I will be operating under the callsign Nightmare.

For the armor, thought I would offer some options for the image. Let you all tell me which you like.

[member="Niamh Raste"], I am already using a form of Assassin's creed armor from concept art set in China. So I won't need the armor. However, I would like to see the use of the last two images. Simply because I use a variation of both of those mixed together. (Revan look alike mask, with Assassin's Creed attire in a crimson color)
Most of the time we go with individual wear, as Shadows are reclusive and so on.. but that does not mean we can't have a division of Shadows that maybe are more structured around a military style.

Maybe we could start to think about maybe having operatives and/or soldiers types?
[member="Coci Sinopi"]

We already do. The Shadow Legion (listed as "My Brothers" in sig) is the special forces unit that works closely with the Silver Shadows themselves. I've also taken a knack for acting like a soldier anyways, since you don't see too many soldier-Jedi.
[member="Coci Sinopi"], [member="Lok Jorunn"], I was thinking along the same lines. Only I wanted a group of men (like 5-7 per group) that would be sects that act different ways. For Lok, They would be Militaristic. I myself wanted people who used Skills and abilities more so than gear to get their tasks done. (Actually am working on mentioning them in threads to make their use apparent and then use them when on larger outings.)

And Only Masters (or knights considering how small the shadows are) can lead teams of 5-7.

Just throwing ideas out.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Onix said:
[member="Niamh Raste"], I am already using a form of Assassin's creed armor from concept art set in China. So I won't need the armor. However, I would like to see the use of the last two images. Simply because I use a variation of both of those mixed together. (Revan look alike mask, with Assassin's Creed attire in a crimson color)
thinking the same

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