Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vision Of What

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
The breeze that flows through your hair. The wind that changes your mood. The gunfire that turns skin into a wound. The ones that fight. The ones who start the fight. The enemies, are now friends. The friends, are now enemies. This is the end, if you don't fight. Make a choice, live or die. Live, breathe, protect, love, defend, and learn. Be civilized, don't lose sanity. Know what you're facing, wakeup.

That was a vision of Oka. He was eating an egg but now he's coming back from a vision.

"W- What does this mean? Why is this happening!" Oka yelled as he looked around.

He decided he was done eating. Besides, the tatooine cantina was full anyways. Oka began to head out the door. Once he got out of the cantina, his sight was blurry but came back every few seconds and then went blurry again. Some people knocked him down and he got back up but soon Oka couldn't see at all. He got knocked down and stayed down for quite some time as he waited for his sight to come back.


Chattza Thuku Navik
Thuku Navik was on Tatooine mulling some thoughts over in his mind, when he saw a commotion, felt it more, actually. A drunken man on the ground, nothing more. Then why do I feel it in the force? He thought. Then he recognized the man. "Oka?" he asked. It can't be... he thought as he approached him.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka could help but yell but he chose to stop and handle himself. But then heard his name. His sight was still blurry but he could still see a little bit, at least lines. Oka decided to answer.

"State who you are before I talk. I can't exactly see you clearly."

[member="Chattza Thuku Navik"]


Chattza Thuku Navik
"My name is Thuku Navik, from the Chattza clan of Rodia. Silver Jedi apprentice. We don't exactly know each other well, but I believe we are acquaintances," Said Thuku. "Need a hand?"

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"No thanks, that's what the force is for. And..... nice to meet you?" Oka said standing up. The force could help you with not being able to see. Usually, the blind are the ones who see the best but Oka was not exactly blind. Once his sight came back fully, he took a good look at the rodian. "Okay, now that I can see. Hi, I'm Oka Osaa. You probably know that since you know my first name but its always good to confirm. Its, eh.. nice to meet a fellow force user." Oka said dusting his robe with his hand.

[member="Chattza Thuku Navik"]



Chattza Thuku Navik
"The pleasure is all mine," said Thuku. "So, what are you doing on Tatooine?" Thuku couldn't help but think it was kind of strange for a Jedi to be on this planet, but then again, he was there as well.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"I was close to Tatooine in space so I figured I should eat breakfast." He paused. "Then I started having a vision and my sight got blurry." Oka said scanning the area. He wondered what the vision meant.

[member="Chattza Thuku Navik"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]@ Chattza Thuku Navik

The calling, the urge to purge all inferior life forms to that of the higher power. It was what guided him, controlled him and kept him on the path. Standing in the dark corridor of a nearby building the man watched the two Jedi converse, simply watching the two men. The shroud covered his face and extremities keeping him concealed to the bright light of day upon the planet. With almost a faint whisper through the force his voice carried softly into the ear of Jedi who had just had the vision. "I know what you seek child, come to me. Follow me into the shade." With the Jedi doing a quick scan of the area he would catch a glimpse of the black robed figure before he had all but vanished out of sight deeper into the eerily dark alleyway. One thing was for sure the darkside of the force began to reek and ooze through the air.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka heard it, the whisper of a silent one. He turned towards the dark alley and detached a saber igniting it for light. He whispered back as he walked towards the alley forgetting the Jedi was there. "I know what you are, evil... evil that always loses. Without darkness, you're nothing." Oka wasn't sure if the figure was dark sided or not but he felt it was.

[member="Chattza Thuku Navik"]
[member="He who walks behind"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]

A unnatural black fog began to fill the ally, a mist of darkness that almost enveloped the alleyway. An echo of small snickers and chuckled bounced off the walls of the confined area. However the light coming from the saber of the Jedi repulsed the darkness, keeping it at bay from swallowing the the Jedi up within it's bowels. "Evil you say? I am beyond you child, I am beyond strength and age I am beyond what you know of this world." With another small torrent of snickers and laughter. As the sounds of shifting and moving through the fog could be heard a voice came directly into the ear of the young Jedi

"And I have come for you Oka." The shrouded figure stood there within the light of the saber, small burning and singeing sound could be heard from the shrouded figure as the lower chin beneath the hood was illuminated showing dead and decaying flesh that had begun to flake in the light of the saber. "I have come to you with a message."

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"The darkness is weak. Trying to engulf me isn't a smart idea. What is the message that you come to me specifically with?" Oka asked ready to swing his light saber.

[member="He who walks behind"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]

"Take this to your masters, bring the news child." Standing there behind Oka the dark one remained shrouded as he spoke once more to the young Jedi. "He calls for you child, even now beyond the veil he calls to you. He will be upon you soon child, and when the sky burns white above your worlds he will come forth. And we will sail, we will sail until every light is darkened and every life consumed. We are the end of you child." With a small grin of teeth and decaying flesh the shade retreated back into the shadows of the shroud further and further from the young Jedi vanishing from his visable sight.

"The darkness will end you child." He said with a faint voice that began to fade further and further from his ears, however the shroud of black fog remained thick and was not dispersing yet.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka didn't fear darkness although thick fog tended to choke him up. After a cough, he felt this was enough. He used to force in a swirl all around him to push the darkness away. Withdrawing his saber, he said something. "Come and get me when you wanna play cat and mouse, dark one..."

[member="He who walks behind"]

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