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Campaign Visiting Fringe Force Group:s Mist-Weavers

"Salvager. Explorer. Force Adept." Was what Kaia had to say as she walked the bridge of corvette that she had liberated from her family's holdings for this mission. One of the small picket carriers so people could come and go as they pleased. She had been tagged by a member of ZINO to open up a flight of Force exploration. And that made her think. It had been a while since someone had done this. It was a time from when Jorus Merrill was last doing trips like this. Which meant everyone was going to get dinged if they still carried a Jedi or Jedi adjacent comm signature.

But it meant that she didn't have enough direction sense in the galaxy.

A call had gone out to a few different groups for those interested.

"I may not be the best tour guide of all, but I know a few things, and with the people I've learned from…" If they knew a Starchaser, they knew how linked they were to other Force families, the Perls, the Merrills, the Sedaires… "I know at least where to find them. But today, we're taking a trip to visit a small group of the Mist Weavers. They're known as healers and protectors, but also for being extremely ancient. We'll be landing and talking speeders over, but leaving weapons in the speeders, and that is only if you absolutely feel the need…"

The ZINO group wasn't going to be a challenge, but some of the Jedi and other Forcers may need a bit of assistance in letting go. Kaia was even going to leave her whip behind.

As a training exercise, this was more classroom. Allowing the people to get into the speeders at their own speed, she had taken some time to prep some data cards for those who were here and handing them over. They'd be at the lake where the Mist-Weavers were shortly.

Slow rolling thread, will post in a few days of getting to the MIst-Weavers, but have your characters on the ship, and landing. Next post will get us to the group for intro of the Mist-Weavers
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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

The call had come, a chance to go and study with rare and smaller force groups. The jedi mater had to admit there was a lot to it and she always loved the learning aspect as she had agreed to come and using the Magdalena as the sentient ship traveled. She was able to get a chance to visit the mist weavers... an older group in the galaxy and smiled. She hadn't seen a few of them since she had been there but moved her hands deftly through the choices. The inner chambers of her meditation chambers glowing from the force energy moving throughout the ship.

The ones who had taught her and trained her to really use the loom that had been developed and how she could do much more with art of the small. Her set of Robes of the Weavers were gleaming white as she slipped into them and clasped her hands behind her back. She moved to the bridge of the ship as finding and meeting Kaia was different... the starchaser she usually worked with and knew was Coren so family may not be as crazy as he was... he could be the oddball they never talk about.

"Thank you for this." She said it with a bow as Kaia was explaining. A ship down and no need for weapons was important enough. She smiled letting her smaller frame be there and not take up much while her long black hair was tied in three tails. Interweaved with small kyber bells that glowed golden and blue with force energies. She let the ship head off... It would return if she needed it but it liked to fly around and explore new system to get a feeling for itself.
The corvette carrier had a hangar big enough for several personal vessels, plus the speeders they'd be using planetside. The little old North Ridge took up one corner. Tilon locked up out of habit and a long-ago promise to his father, not because locks did any good around Jedi. He pocketed the transport's keyfob and headed for the speeders, where people were gathering.

Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser had taken the time to put together some introductory material on datacards. Tilon skimmed over it, eyebrows rising at the number of zeroes on the date estimates. The Mist-Weaver tradition was, some believed, the oldest of all Force traditions. Years back, a fortunate group of Jedi had learned from a truly ancient one as she died on Corellia after emerging from a hibernation of sorts, and there'd been other contacts since.

Dad would want notes. Lots of them.

"Unbelievable that there's still Mist-Weavers alive today," Tilon said. "These date estimates... hundreds of thousands of years since the tradition was founded? Millions? Makes me wonder if the Jedi are just a little fad."

Location: Near the speeders
Objective: Learn and explore
Tag: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill

Equipment: Gwen's attire, Echo stone, carved luck charm, wooden quarterstaff, slingshot

Had I not been a card carrying member of ZINO I doubt I would ever have even heard about this little excursion. And I was excited to be a part of it. I now counted myself amongst the Veran Wilders, and had become familiar with the New Jedi Order on that awful ball of metal they called Coruscant, so seeing more esoteric traditions, and understanding them better would enrich my own skills. The trip here had been pleasant enough, I had met Matsu Ike Matsu Ike once before briefly at a training event where I had almost killed myself flying in a snow storm.

We had arrived and everyone else was getting their speeders together for the last leg of the journey, I didn't really like speeders, I would usually fly this part but I didn't know the way and doubted I would be able to keep up with the others if I was on the wing. "How fast are these things?" i asked to Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser , gingerly prodding the speeder as if I was frightened if it. "I'd like to fly and take in the view, but I can only make about 120 miles per hour tops, I wouldn't want to lose you all." I let out a little grin. If they were going for a leisurely cruise I would shift into shriek hawk form and take to the skies, if speed was going to be am issue i would ride as a passenger on someone elses.

"Makes me wonder if the Jedi are just a little fad."


Trextan Voidstalker - who had a history of being used a chess piece by both Sith and Jedi before turning his back on them - had never thought of it that way.

He sat side on a speeder-bike, seemingly unarmed. In fact he had modified his artificial arm to contain his lightsaber. Trextan offered a nod to Kaia. Despite his feelings about the war, their parents had become old war buddies. Coren was more active in the galaxy once again, but Jacen was enjoying his retirement on Tatooine.

"I always though the Old Republic went way back."

Trextan had mostly avoided the Alliance and Jedi order in recent years, having embraced the life of a Warden. He'd finally found a measure of self-worth and satisfaction in the stars.


Equipment: Skinsuit, Jumpsuit and Robes
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Vehicle: Speeder Bike
Tags: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

They'd be leaving weapons behind.

A fact that made Lossa grumble but accept without much fuss. She'd taken weapons on her trips outside her own ship several times with good intent and ended up in a fight for her life more than once. Maybe leaving behind a symbol of aggression would fair better on their trip planet side.

She hoped it did anyway.

A group of ancients that were healers and protectors hardly had the ring about it to present any kind of trouble. But being in the Outer Rim presented one with a lot more realities about the galaxy in a steep learning curve than anything core-ward could provide instruction for. Namely on how to make sure your own butt got back on your loading ramp before the sun sunk down.

She'd glanced over the information, giving a soft whistle as she stored her weapons in the little locker she had stored on her Speeder, giving it a once over before properly locking it.

She'd given Matsu Ike Matsu Ike a proper bow as she had done back on Eadu. The only time she'd properly encountered the Master Prior, but still gave the woman respect given how she'd helped not only the padawan but herself. A grin thrown to Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari having seen her present at Tiland's training exercise on Dagobah before squinting a little at Tilon Quill Tilon Quill and their observation of the Jedi.

Lossa seeming all too comfortable about leaning against Trextan, firmly placing her weight into the lean.

"Probably to them. If they bother with such things. She shifted enough to shake Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker on his Speeder. "Didn't expect to see you here. Glad to see you though." She grinned wickedly before turning back to the group at large.

Eclectic was the phrase that came to mind as she looked them over.

"I swear this is like the setup to a bad joke." Speaking low while shaking her head in disbelief looking them over.

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"I always though the Old Republic went way back."

"Probably to them. If they bother with such things."

Dad would've pulled out a notepad or started sketching in the dirt. Tilon just used his hands. He held them a few inches apart, then maybe a foot apart. "Old Republic lasted a few thousand years, maybe twenty or so depending on who you ask. These kinds of records were shit even before the Gulag Plague." He held his hands as wide apart as he could. "That's a hundred thousand years, and the Mist-Weavers mostly died out at least that long ago, maybe ten times that. These people were legends and forgotten an eon before the first Je'daii set foot on Tython. But they had this knack, the real masters: they could make hibernation cocoons that slowed time. Usually what comes out is some dying elder who can pass on a little of what they've learned. It happened on Corellia a few years back, and there's a patchy record of it happening to Luke Skywalker. Maybe the people we're about to meet learned from people who learned from someone like that, ten or a hundred or a thousand years ago."
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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

She listened to the conversations and grinned to herself as she walked over. She knew... none of them well not true.. she had met Losa and Gweneth before with Romi Jade Romi Jade but that was for training they had not the time to do this... to truely interact and talk. THe smallest of the ones there as she bowed. "There are ways to see. From the efforts we have been making they provide a lovely focus to go and see to learn the truth or at least what little can be gleamed." SHe looked over at the one on the speeder and bowed.

"And the old Republic was long lasting but there were older things... there still are technically depending on where you look. Like the Gree endure, even the Rakata to an extent in the rumors are true the Fringe Lords discovered more of them." Traders didn't always provide the best sources for accurate information... but they never lied. IT was usually truths altered by their experiences or something they heard from another and talked about. "But the older things that were before those still remain. Mist-Weavers, force wielders. The beings who made the Tho Yor and spread them across the galaxy. Other civilizations that made works buried on dozens of worlds.

STARSHIP: Tra'tena SPEEDER: Burbr ARMOR: Gar'Katya
WEAPONS: Ravenfire - Burbr'sacitr - Burbr'sacitayr - Nuhaatyc'bedtr
They had to leave weapons behind. That would normally be rather difficult for most Mandalorians, but Corbin's armor was an exception, having been made from Jensaarai Force Alchemy. He could dismantle any part that he wished. And thankfully, his armor only had two items that could be considered weapons: his vibrodagger and the dart launcher. He removed both from his right vambrace and placed them into a cortosis-weave sack with the rest of his guns and his lightsaber. As long as he was not trapped in a Force nullification area, he technically didn't need any of the weapons anyway. Even then, he still knew hand-to-hand. Not that any fighting was likely. He was here to learn, not to fight. The ghost of his grandmother, once a Jedi Pilgrim, had instructed him to search out and learn from as many Force Traditions as he could, so that he could find his own path in the Force. It was fortuitous that Kaia had decided to start this venture.

"I'm sure there's no disagreement with me keeping my armor." The Starchasers were some of the few people who knew about the Jensaarai, so Corbin was sure she would understand. That, and he absolutely refused to go anywhere without it after his run-in with a large Sith group without it. That was technically many, many years ago, though it didn't seem that long ago to him. Time was crazy like that.

He nodded to the others there. He knew Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus decently enough and recognized Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari . He was roughly acquainted with Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , but they had never really had a casual conversation. "Mist-Weavers. I must confess, I don't know much about them. But that's why I'm here. I'm certainly looking forward to this."
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Tags: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

Mig smiled a bit as he mostly quietly sat for the ride. Honestly compared to everything else this was relaxing. He'd agreed to leave his weapons behind, and it wasn't like removing any vambrace weapons was tricky. He was use to using a low kit armor anyway. Next to him was a younger boy. Souma. His one kid who was also Force sensitive, and a beat-up looking astromech, R10. "

"Why are we doing this again?"

"Cause we're here to learn a thing or two kid. Haven't made it this long without being willing to adapt, right? And you can't really do that without being willing to learn. Not a lot of folks get to see this stuff. You're lucky." As he got ready to get up, he'd eye his kid. "Hey. Blaster. Speeder. Now." Souma just looked a bit guilty, putting the weapon back in the speeder... then slowly placing a small knife in there as well. Mig just sighed and crossed his arms. This would be a day. Mostly new faces to him. He recognized Corbin, and knew Kaia by reputation, but that was about it.
They had yet to reach their destination, but Amani was already intrigued by the diversity of those present. Force Users whose affiliations ranged from Rimward, to Independent, to other non-Jedi traditions. It was a refreshing exposure to perspectives beyond her own. Bridging the gaps between their differences was a healthy evolution of interfaith relations, among themselves and those they had gathered to visit. Today, master and student alike were here to learn.

"The sheer amount of knowledge to be learned from even one ancient Mist Weaver would be incredible. Not just in anthropological terms, but the cosmos itself would have been so much different," Amani mused. There was no guarantee they'd be getting that exactly, but she could dream. "Anyone here take these expeditions with old Master Quill? I only got to go on a few, but I'm glad to see there's some renewed interest." She didn't exactly know Quill himself that well either, but the experience had been an enlightening one that she carried with her ever since.

"And the old Republic was long lasting but there were older things... there still are technically depending on where you look. Like the Gree endure, even the Rakata to an extent in the rumors are true the Fringe Lords discovered more of them." Traders didn't always provide the best sources for accurate information... but they never lied. IT was usually truths altered by their experiences or something they heard from another and talked about. "But the older things that were before those still remain. Mist-Weavers, force wielders. The beings who made the Tho Yor and spread them across the galaxy. Other civilizations that made works buried on dozens of worlds.

"I'd forgotten the Tho Yor builders," Tilon said, excited without reservation. "You're right - we know so little about people like them. Or the..." He snapped his fingers. "Thrella, that's it, the ancient Pomojema worshippers on Mimban. The way I figure it, every sapient species' history ought to have traditions that interacted with the Force, it's just been flattened out by galactic monoculture or erased by purges and dark ages and just plain...time."

Anyone here take these expeditions with old Master Quill? I only got to go on a few, but I'm glad to see there's some renewed interest."

Tilon raised his hand and grinned a hello. "That's my father. I grew up on those trips, the minor ones anyway. The big visit to the Shasans at Ahto City, too. Which ones did you go on?"
Excitement pounded within Choli’s chest. Heart racing and the biggest grin she could muster over her olive face made her enthusiasm and anticipation well know. Chloe Blake Chloe Blake , Choli’s Warden of the Sky master from her Jedi Temple days, had a massive library of datacrons and holocrons with information on the vast variety of different force organizations out there. Part of her ongoing training as a Warden after leaving SIS resulting in returning to the Corellian Wanderer to advance her studies while earning a few credits for the Verie’s upgrades.

It resulted in being separated from Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker longer than she’d intended, but when Chloe told her of this opportunity, Choli had to take it.

Thoughts of what he’d say or think came to mind. It would certainly be a surprise. Their communication came and went depending on security, but finally being able to see him in person after so long made the former Rogue pilot nervous but equally excited.

The Aurora Hawk barely had time to touch down before Choli’s speeder went ripping out from the opening rear cargohold ramp. Goggles in place, well worn spacer mech clothes if lightly stained in oil. Her long black hair braided in a thick braid went whipping at her back.

By the time she reached the group, her emotions painted her eyes a brilliant sapphire blue green. Panning the area of speeders, it didn’t take long to settle on a familiar figure with a shaggy mop of hair and lean back. Trextan sat on his speeder with another Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus person leaning next to him.

“Trextan!” Choli called out, only to feel embarrassed at interrupting the master asking about trips with Quill. She’d slow her speeder to a stop, intending to get off and head over to him.
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She had a few swoops and speeders prepped and ready for this group. Though she was seriously thinking she hadn't worked out the number before hand. Well, some would just have to double up, she supposed. The dark haired Starchaser had gotten everyone to the planet they were at, some no named world that she wasn't about to assign a name to it, in an effort to keep the Mist-Weavers secret. It was not unlike how the Bendu was always out there hiding.


Though she was pretty sure his name was Jon.

As she was approached by the little redhead, the … was that a Wilder? She grinned. "I think we can make sure we don't lose you. No one is really in any rush to get where we're going, the nice thing about a trip like this. But I'll make sure we don't out pace."

It was then that she noticed Trextan and grinned, almost goofily. An old friend of the family, the two had known each other for years. She was glad she wasn't the only child of a warrior who made it away from the same.

"I only know in passing the Mist-Weavers, not their full history." She stated as she got into one of the larger speeders, using her piloting ability to get people from point A to B. "But they've been on this moon for a bit, have even let me set down for repairs from the odd time to time."

Seeing Amani Serys Amani Serys speaking, Kaia nodded to the other Mirialan. "I was on one or two.. Golden Sun, Mist-Weaver… its what reminded me that some of the new up-and-comers may need the exposure!" And Kaia also had no clue that Quill had a child.

"Its a pleasure, Master Ike" Truth was, it wan't her ordinary approach, to be this helpful.

With that the group was off, and making their way to a small compound out by one of the lakes. It wasn't far from the landing site, but if you didn't know where you were traveling to, or knew it was there, it wasn't something someone was going to stumble on. She had actually found it by tracking people in the Force. It was… a skill, she supposed.

She would allow people to park and sit with the group as she made her way to alert the Mist-Weavers of their presence. After a few moments Kaia came back out with several beings, only one seemed to have the difference in appearance that could be translated to the group as a Master. The rest were more adepts…

"Everyone… these are the Mist-Weavers… Well, some of them. Master I'kk has agreed to answer questions regarding the history of them, and their order for those curious. And before we leave, should you care to, they will teach a small bit of their Weaving.

"The Adepts with her are Pol and Rwet and have agreed to be here for those of you who may want to see more of their advanced abilities."
Kaia introduced.

I'kk approached ahead of the group, when they were all ready to continue and greeted them. "Well met, beings. Kaia has informed me that you come from many different walks of life, but all here as knowledge seekers. We welcome you to our moon." She gave a wave of her hand and in a rough-archaic Aurebesh, the name I'kk appeared in a glowing mist on the canvas near where she stood. "We manipulate the Mist… and can follow many artistic pursuits, as well as what many would call humanitarian."

The Mists, as others had read, were about protection and healing, as well as forming art.

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Mig Gred Mig Gred Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari
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Dani had promised to supervise anyone that was coming out from ZINO to make sure that no one had any problems while on the trip. That really meant corralling the younglings and other Force … curious, but keeping an eye on Gwen. She had her own recording equipment and had offered to bring her own swoop, mostly because it was able to be carried by the Slice Hound which was safely in the hangar aboard the corvette.

"No one's going to leave you behind Gwen!" She smiled as she tapped the changling on the shoulder.

Taking another of the ZINO members on the back of her swoop, Dani was keeping with the group, but taking the occasional holopic of the moon, some scenic vistas. She wasn't certain if they were going to be allowed to record the Mist-Weavers, but perhaps it could help her with her own Fallaassi skills?

She had taken a spot near the back to listen and observe.

Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari
Amani stared at Talon studiously, "Didn't know he had a kid. I'm Amani," She admitted, introducing herself with a matching smile. Kaia spoke of her involvement as well, one of which earned a finger-point in recognition, "I was on the Golden Sun trip. And the first one, with the Blue Banthas on Entooine. Very… enlightening." The mirialan rubbed the nape of her neck, then shrugged, "I would've done more, but I… kinda fell out of Jedi circles shortly after that." A bit of history tinged her words, but getting into her past was unsolicited and irrelevant to now. She had obviously since returned, far more involved than she had ever been before.

The group eventually reached their destination: an inconspicuous lakeside compound. After a visit inside, Kaia returned with a group of the so-called Mist Weavers. They wecleomd to opportunity to share their knowledge and their history. Eagerly, Amani was the first to step up, "It's an honor, Master. Thank you for having us," She dipped in greeting, and touched a hand to her chest, "My name is Amani Serys-Organa. I'm a healer, so, my particular interests are a tad obvious but I must know— How is it you manipulate the Force- The Mist- for restorative purposes? How is it different from how, say, a Jedi might use the Force to heal?"

"Didn't expect to see you here. Glad to see you though." She grinned wickedly before turning back to the group at large.

Eclectic was the phrase that came to mind as she looked them over.

"I swear this is like the setup to a bad joke." Speaking low while shaking her head in disbelief looking them over.

Trextan could be overly serious, but the comment under her breath brought a wry smile to his lips.

"I like to see people who can express themselves," he whispered back.

He had a chip a mile wide on his shoulder about being used as a chess piece by both the sith and the Jedi. He had found a measure of satisfaction in travelling the stars and helping people.

Dad would've pulled out a notepad or started sketching in the dirt. Tilon just used his hands. He held them a few inches apart, then maybe a foot apart. "Old Republic lasted a few thousand years, maybe twenty or so depending on who you ask. These kinds of records were shit even before the Gulag Plague." He held his hands as wide apart as he could. "That's a hundred thousand years, and the Mist-Weavers mostly died out at least that long ago, maybe ten times that.

Trextan leaned forwards as the sketch was made. He'd been pulled from school and sent to the Valley of the Sith on Coruscant for training. He bore the scars of physical abuse, not the mental pain of endless maths lessons.

"Wow," he went, pursing his lips briefly. That put things into perspective.

“Trextan!” Choli called out, only to feel embarrassed at interrupting the master asking about trips with Quill. She’d slow her speeder to a stop, intending to get off and head over to him.

Trextan was someone who bent the Force to his will, rather than listening to it. He still felt her presence before she was on her feed and heading towards him.

Surprise and joy met in the middle of his expression as he hopped off the speeder. Two long strides and he met her in a hug before she could protest.

"Choli! How have you been?" he asked, "I didn't think I'd see you here!" he added, as if it wasn't obvious.

"And how is Chloe?" he continued. He turned and offered a nod towards Lossa. "I was telling Lossa about Chloe and learning from a Warden."

"Well met, beings. Kaia has informed me that you come from many different walks of life, but all here as knowledge seekers. We welcome you to our moon." She gave a wave of her hand and in a rough-archaic Aurebesh, the name I'kk appeared in a glowing mist on the canvas near where she stood. "We manipulate the Mist… and can follow many artistic pursuits, as well as what many would call humanitarian."

Trextan was always in awe when he saw some of the full breadth of what the Force could do. His own focus had been so narrow. He could pulverise almost anything telekenetically, with a power that frightened his own war hero of a father.

"That's amazing," he hissed under his breath.
"Well met, beings. Kaia has informed me that you come from many different walks of life, but all here as knowledge seekers. We welcome you to our moon." She gave a wave of her hand and in a rough-archaic Aurebesh, the name I'kk appeared in a glowing mist on the canvas near where she stood. "We manipulate the Mist… and can follow many artistic pursuits, as well as what many would call humanitarian."

"My name is Amani Serys-Organa. I'm a healer, so, my particular interests are a tad obvious but I must know— How is it you manipulate the Force- The Mist- for restorative purposes? How is it different from how, say, a Jedi might use the Force to heal?"

Tilon nodded along with enthusiasm. "Adding on to that — since you can weave cocoons, you can weave bandages, splints, but I have to guess there are more complicated ways to heal and support people in need. Can you only weave the Force into its own kind of substance, or can you, say, mimic tissues? Patch a lung, an abdominal wall? The substance you weave — does it have useful properties or is it inert?

"And on a separate note, how do you still exist? I'd thought the Mist-Weavers were gone, maybe for hundreds of millennia. I'm Tilon Quill," he added belatedly. "Thanks for having us."

Location: Near the speeders
Objective: Learn and explore
Tag: Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Amani Serys Amani Serys Mig Gred Mig Gred Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Equipment: Gwen's attire, Echo stone, carved luck charm, wooden quarterstaff, slingshot

There really was quite the gathering of different tourists here today, tourists? Explorers? Whatever we might call ourselves. My friend Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris came up behind me and tapped my shoulder as reassurance that I wouldnt be left in the dust by the speeders. "You better not or you might come back to an angry bear-sloth who wont let you back in the ship." I laughed and cracked my back before quickly skin shifting into a shriek-hawk. <<See you at the other end>>[/peru] I said telepathically to Dani not being able to communicate verbally in this form. I flapped my new wings and took to the air, beginning to calmly circle the group as they continued to mount their speeders.

It was hard to describe how much i loved to fly, and from my vantage point a, even only fifty metres up, I could see more than fifteen miles across the wild terrain in every direction. Animal instinct began to creep in as as I banked in the air to fall in behind the procession of speeders, I let out a loud shriek. The journey wasn't too long, and I only once lost site of the convoy in a dense thicket of trees, but I quickly found them again. I could see our destination in the distance and I swooped down and landed oh the back of the speeder thar Dani drove, spending a couple of minutes still in hawk form before shifting back to my Kiir form squatted on the rear head rest of her vehicle. "So, do you know anything about these guys?" I asked the Dani and the other passengers riding with her.

We welcome you to our moon.

"Thank you, it's pretty here, I'm Gweneth." I said to the hosts as they introduced themselves.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

She listened to Tilon and he was well informed... it was nice to see as she bowed her head. "Your father came to Ahch-To once and...." There was many things to say and she was going to when Kaia arrived with one of the weavers and the jedi master bowed. THe weavers of the sepulcher were as reserved and hidden away as history came and questions. She found a place to sith while levitating so she was able to pay attention to the others as much as the weaver. Letting the force play through her fingers. Tilon asked another important question and she spoke. "ANd more, the ones who worked with us helped weave the robes the silver jedi use. Protective and enhancing but practically weightless. Their talents when used the right way can do much and healing is weaving the energies to repair the flesh and muscle. Though the legends of their ability to weave moments, echoes in time and the force I have yet to see. Still their techniques are beautiful."

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