Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Visvada Ondu

Visvada Ondu

Vidhvansakan High Priest

Name: Visvada Ondu

Faction: N/A // Neutral

Rank: Apprentice

Species: Vidhvansaka

Age: 377

Sex: Male

Height: 8.7 feet

Weight: 376 pounds

Eyes: Yellow (Not tainted)

Hair: N/A

Skin: Reptilian, multiple colors. See picture.

Force Sensitive: Yes

-Highest midi-clorian count in his species: Deemed "High Priest," which is a title never given in Vidhvansakan history, he is revered by his species and holds great Force potential.
-Thoughtful: Trained since birth to be the best of his species, he is well developed in cognitive skills and negotiations.
-Built: Part of his training from childhood was physical. He developed very highly developed muscles, able to snap solid breaks of concrete in his sleep.

-Not sneaky: His large size and mechanical armor prevent him from being anything of an assassin. At all.
-No stopping point: When he is in battle, it's hard to talk him down and get him to breath.
-Conservative: Attempts to keep most decisions mild, potentially causing more work.

The giant Vidhvansakan outdoes almost all others of his species. He is much taller than the standard, has more weight, most of which is muscle, and has the cleanest, most pure features. His armor is generally what he's always seen in, and causes him to sound like a really quiet droid as he moves.

Biography: The year was that of 400 ABY. The bloodline of the most ancient shamans had been rediscovered in a small village a great many miles from Dari. The particular Vidhvansakan lived within this village that held only one shaman. The shaman was of exceeding experience, of many years of age, and of great wisdom. But he was also a cowardly one. The shaman knew of the immense power hidden within a fellow tribesmen among the village, but was afraid of the potential power shift it could bring upon them. So he remained still and silent.

Late in the year a shaman from a fellow village came for a visit. The shaman walked into town mighty and powerful, younger than the one that lived in the village, but more powerful. He strode through the village and gave his hellos to the citizens that lined the paths to the shaman's house. Along the way he stopped with a slight frown but kept going.

During supper with the residential shaman, the second to the first mentioned something about a great power within an individual living in the town they were in. The cowardly shaman attempts to brush it off but ended up raising more suspicions. Then finally, the visiting shaman announced that he would like to see the one with the great power.

The protest from the elder shaman fell upon deaf ears as the younger arose from his seat. But the coward would have none of it. Whipping out a silenced blaster, the fool shot the shaman of pure heart. Violence such as this was unheard of and attracted attention from the capital. Detectives sent to the small village began to ask questions to many of the citizens within the village.

A lot of the times in the Vidhvansakan culture, Force sensitives that weren't strong enough for be a shaman would take jobs that would put their skills to use. Detectives were often known to have Force sensitives amongst them. A Force sensitive detective was one asking the questions. Witnesses had heard one sided shouting, and saw the flash of gunfire. But no one was able to deduce who the real culprit was, for the shaman claimed that a Kokku assassin had showed up, shot the visiting shaman and left. But despite the efforts of the shaman, the Force sensitive detective found the one with great power. He was taken to the capital city in front of the Council, most of whom were considered shaman. And they all immediately gained a shocked look. Pure amazement crossed each and every one of their faces. The one before them was not even worthy of being a shaman. But the aura that he gave off was one that was thought to have died many, many years ago. And per tradition. Mating was something that was now not an option for the Vidhvansaka that held the key to a new future.

When Visvada was born, it was obvious that he would be one of the most powerful of their species that had ever breathed. The squirming Visvada emerged into a ceremonial birth place for those they though would be shaman that was held in Dari. And as soon as the little one could talk, he was taught all of the most common languages in the galaxy. The training was gruelling and relentless as they forced him to learn far beyond what most shaman even know.

When Visvada came of age, he started training in combat, working with some of the most skilled duelists on the planet, who, we're never easy on him. It became sink or swim for three months as he was kept by his trainers, surprising him at every possible turn, dulling his emotions, and getting rid of bad habits.

Then he went to Ugi, the great industrialized city, where he would take the armor that would protect him for as long as he should live. It was made from top of the line materials, made by top of the line engineers, and had top of the line features, ready for nearly any situation. Then and only then, he began to lead, taking charge of the Council, he made changes to fit the needs of everyone, and helped his people through tough times. But soon he came to the conclusion that he didn't need to be here to do this. The rest of the galaxy was corrupt and it needed his help. And with the Council's blessing. He left. In search of ways to rid the universe of what ailed it: itself.

Ships: N/A

Role plays: N/A

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