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Character Vita, of House Marr

Vita, of House Marr

Height173 cm
Weight76 kg
Force SensitiveYes


Unseasonably pale, Vita has spent most of his life indoors, which has also kept his skin as unblemished and as unwounded as can be expected of a rising Sith hopeful. His pale skin stands in direct contrast to his flowing raven locks that reach down to his neck, well groomed, he looks the typical noble, for which he is. Further contrast comes from his dark robes, the colour despite what his skin would suggest, he seems unable to go without. While of course, of a scion of the most ancient and noble House of Marr, the most prominent feature is of course his ruby-red eyes, orbs that seem to have an ethereal glow to them, that glimmer in the darkness that represents the very essence of Darth Marr that has taken hold of this young boy.




It has always been said, even by those closest to him that Vita was a remarkably quiet child. Silent when others were loud, cold when others' blood ran hot, when others spoke he was thinking, there is a measure of safety in the unspoken, a measure went once you opened your mouth. Far more preferring the company of no one, than the company of others, the exceptions rise for seemingly only those which he shares blood.

A love for his family without restraint, it is through them, that a carefully artificulated mask splinters. The darkside is a whisper to the boy's heart, as he swells it within himself to fulfil his purpose, allowing it chalice upon his soul, as through it, perhaps his want and desires become possible.


Composed - Whether the fruition of the training of a noble, or his own nature, Vita has lived a life behind a mask, the irony of the statement not being lost to him. It is rare for him to break his composure, while being able to keep most of his feelings and emotions close to his chest, as he navigates any situation whatever risk or danger they entail.

Natural - It has been a good generation for the House of Marr, born out of its loins, another scion who has picked up his lessons quickly and prodigiously, it is the ways of the Marrs to put their children through the fire such that they are forged greater and more powerful Sith, and it is clear that through Vita's training was cut short, of combat, of theory, and of the Force, he will fast become a danger.


Shy - Of coldness, of silence, such traits are far from befitting a scion of such a noble line, yet such is very much the reality of young Vita, people are difficult, people are complicated, books are much easier, exactly what one reads on the box, while of people, who knows what they are thinking? Who knows what words are lies or deceit? Far better to man the walls, and reinforce the gate, wary of any who would disturb his tranquillity.

Hesitant - A child lost in the past, a child lost in the future, the present though remains horribly unvalued. Lost in his own mind, of thoughts that brim and burst, when considering any course, it is difficult for the boy to decide what the best course is, after all, why would he pick anything but the best? So many factors, so many aspects, when the consequences could be so dire, why not wait to make the choice?


Vita, of House Marr was born, seventh in line to the lordship.

According to his ambitious father, Adrian of House Marr he was born, third in line to the lordship.

Two heartbeats, as Lord Alexandros, of House Marr, elder brother to Adrian, Vita’s uncle, would go onto only have girls in the forms of Caecia of House Marr, Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr , Julia of House Marr and Sophia of House Marr Sophia of House Marr .

All apart from one, Malum of House Marr.

Vita was not only raised alongside the small army of cousins that inhabited the Marr Manse, but specifically too those whom he was in some sense born to compete with. Yet, how in youth could anyone compete with their own flesh and blood? His closest cousins by blood, those by his uncle, were his elders, those that he looked up to in a figurative and very literal sense, after all, the oldest, Caecia, there held a gap of fourteen years, while from the youngest, Sophia, there was still one of six years. As a child it was a common enough sight to watch the young Vita follow about his older cousins, a puppy wanting attention.

And though he would come to love all his cousins in his own ways, despite any differences that may have between them, it would be Julia and Malum that he grew closest to.

For both he and Malum, they were the brothers the either did not have, and though Malum was the fire to his ice, theirs was a bond that transcended the age between them, as the elder Marr was never shy to share all with the younger, training, knowledge, and all that had fit into the head of the future Dark Councillor was brought to Vita.

All the while for Julia, they were the ice to each other's ice, there was no one else in the narrow world he knew of the manse that was most like him, Julia was shy, she was quiet, she was cold, but between them was the subtle ardour of a bond that warmth them both, as they silently, comfortably, would find themselves together at the library.

His life would change rapidly, as adulthood found his elder cousins, Caecia enjoying her independence out among the wider Sith nobility, Elise having always been far from interested her responsibilities, Sophia would enjoy her independence as much as Caecia yet in very different venues.

It was only Julia that remained, and Julia had far greater concerns in her mind.

Malum's fire would lead to his disappearance for close to a year, without telling a soul, without even telling him, Malum had left Jutrand, taking his ship and leaving. It was the year that his father's ambitions came to the forefront, with the only son of the Lord missing, perhaps even dead, his father rallied the traditionalists within their family, a daughter could not rule the House of Marr, a daughter would spell the end of their House. The brother who had not been heir in over two decades, finally allowed his ambitions to spill forth… yet ambitions for his son above all. Vita would find himself, a boy, lost in this new world left at his cousin’s wake, those adults he so trusted, whispered that he was to be Lord Marr one day.

Yet very different adults that he also trusted, maintained, that it was his cousins, female or not that stood in front of him.

The political machinations burned beyond the true understanding of a ten year old boy, who simply could not understand why his cousin… his brother… was gone.

Until he was not.

The Lochris appeared out of the sky, some avenging angel, a phoenix reborn, and the heir to the House of Marr returned to them. Vita would be amongst his family as they gathered around the prodigal son, his body shaking, relief that his brother by all but the descent was returned... but too... an insidious thing.

That he would not ever, be the heir.

He never had an opportunity to greet Malum that day, as his uncle in such wroth would near exile him to the Palace of Silver Rain. Vita’s cousin shunted out to the wind, far from family, and forced to learn discipline. Yet, it would be in those coming years, that all would change for their family, though Malum kept himself far, far away from it. Their family's most infamous, yet secret traditions, revealed to be entirely false.

As Malum would in years accomplish what most could not in decades, apprentice to a Triumvir, Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia , leading the campaigns of glory and victory that Vita’s father wanted, battling in civil war, rediscovering an ancient home, and even as he fought against the Emperor, even technically his family, rising as he killed his mistress, rose as Darth Malum, Lord of the Tsis’Kaar.

And then would even become the youngest Dark Councillor the Sith had ever seen, occupying the position, duty, and prominence that their shared great ancestor had.

Vita had but achieved nought, as his cousin rose, as day after day he was put through harsh training, to condition himself a perfect warrior, one of both the sword, and the mind, his cousin rose further and further. As much as Vita trained, as much as he studied, that dream, of standing beside him melted away. He could destroy himself utterly, and never achieve such a rise, he had been born a decade too young. No matter how swift he was, how strong he was, no matter the theories of lightsabre combat he studied, no matter how much his brain was filled with treatise and scripture, it would never be enough.

Brothers were envious creatures.

His father was envious of his uncle.

It was not the first time that feelings of envy were brought against his cousin.

Even as the invitation came.

He had been sponsored to attend Jutrand Academy, by his own cousin.

His cousin had risen first in an academy.

It was not a decision he made lightly, but he knew it was the decision that had to be made.

If he wanted to stand at the cousin who he saw as his brother’s side.

If he wanted to surpass that brother.

His brother.

His journey would have to begin.
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