Vithar Seth
vithar Seth

"warriors should suffer their pain silently"
personal information
NAME: Vithar Seth
SPECIES: Andre'al
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 250 lbs
EYES: Emerald
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Lavender
SPECIES: Andre'al
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 250 lbs
EYES: Emerald
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Lavender
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Tactical: When it comes to guiding large forces Vithar has a natural affinity for it. This mentality comes into his personal combat as well, but much less at times.
+Pain Tolerance: The only way to keep him down is to knock him unconscious or kill him.
- Warrior Mentality: Being raised a warrior Vithar has a great dislike for projectile weaponry seeing it as cowardly which puts him at a disadvantage against those who use said weapons.
- Piloting: Who let this guy behind a wheel?! He is guaranteed to crash about every time.
- Rage: When driven into a blood rage Vithar begins to make mistakes, become clumsy and may even fall into a pattern of attack that can leave him open.
- Overprotective: Vithar will give up just about everything he has at risk to himself to save something he cares for.
- Regretful: Vithar spends much of his time focusing on the past and the mistakes he made.

"we must all stand alone against our demons"
Vithar is a hulking mass of a man that easily towers over most individuals with ease and outshines even more in terms of pure muscle mass. To most that see him they will automatically think Vithar a barbaric oaf instead of the cunning warrior he truly is. Often times he has been compared to a hairless wookie due to his sheer size alone. Even when at rest his muscles are impossible to miss, as they stand out against his body making it hard for most clothes and armors to fit his body. When under strain his veins are easily visible in his arms, legs, and even his core. Each limb nearly as solid as a girder of durasteel as others would say. Often times he'd let children hang from his thick arms and swing. His shoulders are wide and thick forcing him to have a wider gait then most but this does not hamper him in combat. Even then his skin is still smooth and extremely warm to the touch as though he were a heater. With the sides of his head cut low and intense emerald eyes Vithar cuts an even more imposing figure to those that he stares down at. His jaw is thick and along it he has a beard that is beginning to form. Though war has taken its toll on him as across his chest is a scar in the formation of an "X" from one of his bouts against the Nightsisters.

"in the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone"
Once the head Royal guard for the Sovereign family Ublic Seth served them unquestioningly and defended the kingdom of Aradia from the attacks of rogue Zerith and Mynkir. He was not a truly extraordinary combatant, however his strength in the force is what earned him his position. However even with living a life filled with riches and leading the Aradian army Ublic still felt empty, until the birth of his son Vithar. However he lost his wife as she died after childbirth, and fell into a spiral of grief and despair. He became obsessive with the Nightsister arts remembering hearing tales of a spell that could even revive the dead so he set off with his child for the planet Dathomir.
Being born on Dathomir isn't the same as being born on any other planet. Not when you are beneath the thumbs of a ruthless clan of Nightsisters. Your life is forfeit before you even begin to take your first steps into it. Vithar may not have been born on the planet but saw its effects firsthand as children were ripped from their parents arms by the Nightsisters and spirited away to be trained by them and eventually join their order. Slowly the village became more and more fed up with the NightSisters and on the day they came for Vithar his father denied their efforts and with the backing of the village they chased the Nightsisters off. Thus was the beginning of a bloody war between the Gleaming moon clan and the Scorpion clan of Nightsisters. Under the training of Vithar's father Ublic, the Gleeming moon clan armed themselves with slugthrowers and using the same abilities that Ublic had brought from his home planet of Glyss. This mixed with the very same magic that the nightsisters wielded made the Gleeming Moon clan more of a threat to the Nightsisters power.
For years the battles raged as the very same children that had been taken were used on the frontlines to fight against their families. No longer were they the innocent children who smiled and played with each other. They had been turned into cold blooded killers that cared for naught but power. Many hearts were broken, and many more lives were lost in the years the battle raged Vithar's father being one of the casualties leaving his son to help take charge in battle at the ripe age of sixteen. Being trained by not only the clan in combat but his father in tactics Vithar was a natural leader often planning out ambushes on the Nightsisters, but what the Gleeming Moon clan made up for in tactics the Nightsisters easily trumped them in power and strength in the force often times calling on the wild life to aid them in battle. More often then not they charged into battle with rancors and other beasts of that nature. The Gleeming Moon clan had once numbered in the thousands but now was no more then a hundred. Every battle he led Vithar was forced to watch as those he had crafted a bond with and fought alongside died. And each time it was as though he lost a piece of himself. No longer could he stand to see the death of innocents, no more of children being taken, and no more of family killing family. It was to much for Vithar to handle so he turned to the force offering his entire being to it for power, not just any power but enough to defeat his enemies, and to save his clan. It was on this day that his blue eyes turned emerald green.
In battle he seemed to become unstoppable moving as though a blur and striking with strength to match a rancor. Victory after Victory he brought his clan becoming something akin to a hero. Though this did not last long as soon enough Vithar was forced to meet the Clan Mother in combat, and he had become arrogant, overconfident, and to full of himself. Challenging her he tried to combat the witch however for every ounce of strength he had she was stronger, for as fast as he was she was faster. She easily defeated Vithar and in the end forced him to watch as the very clan he and his father fought to defend was destroyed and those inhabiting it killed. Children, Mothers, Fathers, all killed by the hands of the Nightsisters and Vithar was powerless to stop it. Though instead of ending his life the Nightsisters forced him to suffer and watch going so far as to take him back to their home where they have enslaved him till this day.
Abilities & Skills

"i do not live to fight, i fight to live"
{||| ||| ||| ||| |||}
{ Novice - Adept - Expert - Master - Specialist}
Bestial Combat/Hand to Hand
force skills
{ Novice - Adept - Expert - Master - Specialist}
Force Speed/Speed of Toocha