Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Vivi Irius

The Burning Star




Alias: The Burning Star | The Light of Hope | Ember of the Stars | Shooting Star | The Black Knight

Species: Novatar

Age: Approximate 35,000 Years Old.

Novatar Height: 8'0

Novatar Weight: Almost weightless, unknown exact weight.

Hair color: Purple & Red.

Eye color: Blue and Red.

Complexion: Purple Flame, Blue Flame(When Far from True North), Red Flame

Force sensitive: Exceptionally, Yes.

Force alignment: Balanced | For the cause of The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate & the Galaxy

Faction: The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate

Rank: Fytar, Supreme Leader of a Fytar Group known as Ember Knights.

  • Balance.

    It is everything, in everything, and in the grand riddles of the force, must be. Novatar traditionally are beings of such belief. They wander for thousands of years, feeling, hearing and correcting the imbalance of the galaxy. Ancient teachings of their people speak of a day where their dutiful service will be no more. Despite this firm outlook, there are many of thier kind that fight such disease and impudence in their own ways. For the the Galatar, it's to pass knowledge. For the Kytars, it's to build and bring inter-galactic travel to their people. For the Entars, it's to establish dominance of kinetic energy and guide Novatar to their True North.

    However, it is the Fytars that tend to be left to their own devices. Estranged and different from the rest of their species, they are considered warriors of fire. The length of the birthing process for Fytars is typically longer than the average span of other Novatrite, making many of thier kind to believe their manifestation of force and fire comes from longer burning periods during a collapsed core. Only, that was onced believed to be the only way to make these masterful Fytars.

    In the year of Jak'Mid, Vivi was concieved through a sacred ritual of mating between two Novatar. This mating process is typically done among the stars to create a supernova and begin the birthing period of a new Novatar in their place. For Vivi, this happened. The knowledge of his father, Dristel poured into him, teaching him everything about war and his time as a Fytar. At the time, Vivi didn't realize he too, would be accepting the same fate. His mother, Ori, coveted the knowledge of an Entar, pouring her very soul into Vivi at final climax of the sacred ritual. It was this supernova reaction that prompted a chian reaction amongst the stars. Close by, other brightly burning stars were disrupted and massively pulled into the explosion.

    This ruptured the infinite well of the void and in an immense flash, Vivi was somberly waiting, manifesting in his process of creation. More energy, radiation and magnetic waves were sucked into him. He could feel the stinging creation of fire for the first time. It comforted him, unlike that of anything else. The embers of the colescing shell around him became more and more bright. In a burst of intense heat Vivi shifted from side to side as his magnetar heart began to grow. This simple shift forced a barrier of pulsars to warp everything to him, building what could only be a massive ball of metal, gasses, radiation and contained fire.

    Thousands of years later, Vivi could feel something new. The generation of all the Novatrite and energy began to collapse into itself. Unleashing magnetic pulsars outward in a ruthless spike of convection. The empty void of nothingness became a vibrant red as Vivi burned. Only, this was different than before. Yes, this was the force. It tickled his curiosity and his magnetar heart. As if the being had hands, Vivi reached out with his control of flame and pulsar grabbing onto the thin layer of threads in the force. A new awakening, a new beginning. In a sudden fusion of both Vivi and the force, his flames grew from red to purple, then back to red. It grew brighter and burned hotter.

    After too long, Vivi woke from his bruning slumber, only to find every possible form of metal and alloy surrounding him like a wall. He tried to relase them from his grip, but couldn't. Instead, he used is flame to torch through the barriers, hoping to set himself free from his own prision. Not long after, he began to morph the metals to fit his odd structure. He recanted the knowledge he was given by his parents and took a new form, floating in the desolate space to find the source of the closest disturbance. His people called to him, static interference reaching him across long distances of space. He yearned to be with them, to tell them all he knew.

    On arrival, on an unknown planet of Extra-Galactic space, he observed his people. Learned of who and what he was. The knowldege bestowed upon him was meant for an Entar, not a Fytar. This disturbed him and in part due to this segregated societal structure. He sought others, those like him that wanted to bring something new to thier people. A solution only warriors could fix.

    In Vivi's later years he had discovered his purpose and even grew a small following behind him. They were known as the Ember Knights and Vivi had become the visionary and leader of thier forces. It was only then that their goal was clear...

    Burn everything.

  • Anomaly Data Uploaded...

    • Homeworld: Dying Star V12.34 C45B9
    • Gender: Considered Male
    • Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
    • Profession: PyroKinetic Fytar, A warrior of the Novatar people.
    • Behavioral Analysis: Aggressive, Loyal, Vengeful & Logical
    • Health Diagnostic Status: Undetected
    • Main Virtue: Wisdom
    • Secondary Virtue: Visonary
    • Main Vice: Pride
    • Secondary Vice: Anger
    • Most Prominent Facial Features: Novatrite helmet with Flames burst through the seams of the armaments eye slits.
    • Most Prominent Body Features: Tiny lines of displacement in Novatrite armor shows Purple, Blue and Red flame underneath, typically bursting and swirling around Vivi.
    • Other Distinctions: Incredibly heavy armor made of Novatrite morphed to the amorphous shape of the Novatars' flame-like body.
    • Main Color of Flame: Purple (Normal\Neutral) | Blue (Weaker state, far from Loci.) | Red (Powerful State, close to Loci.)
    • Main Form of Body Choice: Humanoid in reference, takes after Bryn'Adul Baedurin matching their monstrous frame.
    • Body without Armor: Large wisp of flame floating like an Orb.
    • Threat Level: Extremely Dangerous

  • Image Uploading....Incident Report - Document Status: Classified. Personal Sruvivor Log - 34.567

    They came in the night, like nothing we had ever seen before. Beings lifting to the sky in troves of hundreds before our soldiers caught wind. Each one of them distinctly different than the next, hues of flame rippled through the air like missiles from a dreadnought. Thankfully, whatever it was missed our compound. Our moment of respite, however, was short lived. Another among them spoke out, static infiltrating our precious community with a roaring screech. It was like nothing I had heard of in my life. This thing, this...godly being rose from the smoke below, pitch black in it's clad thunderous noise of armor. For a moment, I knew this was the end. I couldn't tell my children, so I watched, in pure firghtening awe. I watched as the darkest star in the sky laid waste to our beautiful homes and inventions.

    I screamed out, I begged for forgiveness, but the obsidian anaomaly continued to hurl fireballs and swathes of intense flames upon our poor innocent souls. It mattered not what our soldiers did, any contact forced them to disinigrate into nothing but ash and dust. Like a burning star, this being refused to cease judgement. It shined brighter than all the rest among them. It ignited in a burst of raw crimson flame and before I knew it, everything within proximity was gone, ablaze and crumbiling around me. There was no escape, the only thing we all rembered when we looked to the night sky, was the red swallowing us whole.

    Documented on System VI

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    + Painting the Night Sky Red: The most unfortunate birth of a Novatar is one who is neither an Entar or Kytar, but that of a lesser distinction, a Fytar. Vivi is exactly what any Novatar would expect out of a Fytar. However, Vivi is a master manipulator of his own body and pyrokinetic abilities. Enlisted into the ranks of Fytars at a young age of 30,000 years old, Vivi became incredibly wise and prideful of his abilities. His talents were forever engraved into the memory of the Fytar group know as: Ember of Knights by becoming thier leader and Vivi burning three core worlds of a system in unknown space, painting the dark night sky crimson with flames.

    + Obsidian Novatrite Heavy Armor: Vivi is capable of pulling massive amounts of metals to him and shaping them to his body. Due to his racial ineptitude to push metals from him, this has honed him into a walking, hulking armored nightmare of a foe. Vivi is able to crush many of his enemies with physical stretches of his body meant for offensive attacks.
    For example: punches, kicks and headbuts.

    + Wisdom and Imagination: Novatar tend to be less in tune with the rest of the galaxy and it's wonders. Vivi has been around for 5,000 years studying and having been birthed from the sacred ritual of thier innate mating practices, many galatic wonders are understood at a exhaustive degree. While this is incredible for the young Vivi there are still some things that might not be well understood by Vivi. Due to his creative approaches to combat and other visionary beliefs, Vivi has developed a fundamental understanding of his own kind. He belives that balance only comes in the form of destruction and that a new age needs a reset. At times, he leans into his knowledge to create more unique forms of logical decisions that may result in more passive actions.

    + Shooting Star: The gift of flight is beyond comparison compared to those incapable. Vivi is incredibly agile and fast, despite the armor around his own pulsars, he still remains almost weightless. This inherent ability allows him to escape near death situations quickly, if needed. Also, becasue of his ability to fly, Vivi can reach places or burn places others wouldn't be able to. The ember knights dubbed him the "Shooting Star" among other aliases.

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    - Less effective in harsh climates - Ice | Snow: While created in the depths of space, the immense heat and consistent levels of high temperatures have made Vivi more acclimated to warmer climates. Icy, snow-filled worlds put him in a weakened state. Although, his novatrite exterior is not obstructed from these conditions due to his pulsars being incredibly strong innately due to his Fytar compounded make-up.

    - Prideful Star: As the Leader of the Ember Knights, Vivi is a Novatar of pride. His failure to back down from negotiations for his fellow Fytar Warriors and aggressive actions, tend to be less and less formulated like common thought processes of a Novatar. It seems his leadership and imagination has bred a being of stubborness and emotion. Many of the Ember Knights consider this loyalty, not stubborness.

    - Pyrokinetic Maniac : Elite in his ability to conjure energy and flame, Vivi has grown fascinated with his own species. Being part of what he uses to conquer his foes has led him to believe the first and only solution to many things is lighting them on fire. His logic at times keeps this in check, but out of impulse, Vivi is known to set ablaze anything that looks better on him.

    - Close Quarter Specialist: While Vivi is the Black Knight of Ember, he still hasn't fully developed his own fighting style. Being a close quarter combatant at times forces him to learn styles of fighting as things evolve. This can lead to difficult conflict when faced with a predator of sound fighting techniques.

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    Inept - Skilled - Adept - Master


    Typhokinesis: With the ability to harness the force through forms of Pyrokinetic ability as a Novatar Fytar, Vivi has trained himself to utilize a byproduct of fire, smoke. Vivi can weave smoke and control its motion by heating areas up and pumping more carbon dioxcide into the plumes of smoke to control it. When the time is right, he can ignite the clouds of smoke once he has postioned it in a tactical appropriate spot. This can be done with the smallest of smoke clouds or biggest.

    Level of Prowess:


    Geo-Thermokinesis | Alter Environment: Having a deep connection with all things fire, nature too has it's own course of responses to Vivi. As a Novatar, anything that takes energy or produces energy can be felt or communicated with. Vivi is a master at connecting himself to nature's very own sources of immense heat. He has been known to erupt volcanoes, shift magma to flow off course, and manipulate lava to eliminate an entire terrian of ice.

    Level of Prowess:


    Eternal Internal Flame: Vivi is a Fytar with the incredible feat to manipulate all things fire or related to fire. Surprisingly, due to his obsession with fire and the Novatar species themselves, he developed his own source of power through manipulation of his own energy and body. While it may take a few minutes to perform, Vivi is capable of utilzing his pulsars to contain an absurd amount of heat within himself. Trapped and with pulsars containing the heat, Vivi is able to reach dangerously hot tempeatures to melt doorways and other obsturction on contact. Like an Eternal Flame, Vivi melts through everything. This method has not been perfected and can not be used all the time.

    Level of Prowess:


    Fireballs and Heat Shields: Vivi's first two abilities as a Fytar were simple and basic forms of his powers. Ability to generate thick sheens of heat and fire to block projectiles came naturally. Like all Fytars, their ability to manipulate fire comes in varying ways, but all know how to use thier gift to sling the flames of wrath across long distances to set ablaze the opposition. Fireballs of destruction were the first of its kind.

    Level of Prowess:


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    Inept - Skilled - Adept - Master


    Street Fighter: Over the years of testing and studying many styles of martial arts and other ruthless forms of combat, Vivi is still a student. With no true form or art in close quarters combat, Vivi is an unpredictable fighter, taking bits and peices of different forms to defend and go on the offensive. His tactics are ruthless and lean more toward aggressive heavy hitting motions.

    Level of Prowess: ⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠ | ⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠ | ⅠⅠ

    The Whip of Fytars: Every warrior needs a weapon right? For Vivi, he hasn't yet explored physical assistance from his own discoveries. As it stands, Vivi is a masterful practitioner of the fire whips manifested from his Fytar abilities to maniupulate flame into becoming his very own weapon. While many are capable of this feat as a Fytar, none have been able to maintian and keep thier flames lit like the great leader of Ember Knights, Vivi.

    Level of Prowess: ⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠ | ⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠ | ⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠⅠ | ⅠⅠⅠ

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    • The Seven Tenants of the Draelvasier: Stored on Draelvasier Technology in the form of a rock. Has this to understand his allies. Found in the remnants of destruction on an unknown planet. (Previously to be in Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari 's possession.)
    • The First Fire: A energy infused orb made from some of the first Fytars in history. When a Fytar touches the burning orb, it connects them to the past to view events and learn from other Novatar that came before them.

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    • Custom Fitted Armor: Obsidian Novatrite Armor, morphed and honed by Vivi.
    • Innate Pulsar Magnetic Field: It's not just Novatrite that Vivi can pull, with his magnetar heart pulsars he is able to pull other metals to him with ease. This can cause disarming, removal of armor (if loose), disruption of electronics & bending metal things outward causing dysfunctional operation for weapons, gadgets and the like.

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