Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vivian Baria

My name is Vivian Baria. I am a human female who is 19. My master was slain defending the Polis Masa from pirates. i escaped. My father was a Mandalorian. My mother was a smuggler. Me... im just a jedi Padawan...
I have only what my father left me and my master taught me now... My lightsabers (a blue single hilt and a green dual blade) .... 2 Zabrak heavy Blasters... My fathers jetpack.... and a Y-wing that I found and fixed when I was 14.

Now i jut wander the galaxy. Helping those I can practicing what my master taught. Training very often.... Yet i still dont know my role in the galaxy... I wonder still what will happen...
It looks like you have a good grasp of what your character is. I would like to make the suggestion of using this template or some sort of one in order to make this information more presentable and easier for users to read about your character.

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