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Vivian Whitetail


Outfit 1:

Outfit 2:

Outfit 3:

NAME: Vivian Whitetail, but she mostly goes with Vivian. Some call her Viv.

FACTION: Right now Vivian isn’t part of any faction, but she wants to some day join the Galactic Alliance, if possible.

RANK: Vivian does not have a great standing in Galactic Society. Sure, she is above slaves in most cases, but she is not a member of royalty, or a productive member of society at all. She’s a wanderer and offers her proficiency in exchange for money, and doesn’t stay in the same place for too long normally.

SPECIES: Amaran.

AGE: From the look of it, Vivian is a girl in the late teens, on the verge of becoming an adult.

SEX: Judging by her voice, her breasts, and her body shape, Vivian is female.

HEIGHT: As it is typical for her species, Vivian is rather small, measuring 3 feet and 4 inches at the tip of her ears.

WEIGHT: That’s not something you ask a girl! (But for real… given her small size and her shape, she is a real lightweight.)

EYES: Vivian has two purple eyes.

HAIR: She has shoulder-length hair in a light grey-brown color

SKIN: No skin is visible. Instead, Vivian’s body is covered in short, but very soft fur.





Computers: Vivian is an absolute computer wizard. She’s able to quickly navigate through massive amounts of code and find the right spots she has to edit to get a machine to work the way she wants. She is also able to quickly write up code and create programs herself.

Skulduggery: In combination with her computer and slicing skills, Vivian is able to bypass most security panels, doors, systems, and similar. Her Force Abilities greatly help there.

Acrobatics: Fitting to her small size, Vivian is rather dextrous. She’s able to do some tricks like a backflip or a jumping roll, which she uses to dodge incoming attacks and quickly get away from danger.

Stellar Navigation: A quick look up at the stars is most times already enough to allow Vivian to know where she is. When in a ship outfitted with a hyperdrive, she can ‘eyeball’ jumps and calculate them with surprising accuracy. This means that she is able to calculate hyperspace jumps without a navcomputer or astromech, at the same time as one of those could do so. When available, she still used those to double-check her own calculations though.

Good pilot: Vivian is a surprisingly good pilot. She’s able to navigate treacherous terrain and fly even through asteroid fields and heavy weather. She’s not good in dogfighting, but she is great at escaping from danger.


Physical Strength: Even in relation to her size, Vivian is weak. She’s a lightweight and is still barely able to lift her own weight. Only under much effort and exhaustion she is able to do so, which means that climbing is pretty much out of the question for her.

Non-Vehicle Combat: Vivian is bad in combat, both close combat and ranged combat. In a completely calm situation with enough time to aim and no pressure, she can hit a target with a blaster reliably, but otherwise… don’t expect her to hit.

Socially inexperienced: She never had to negotiate with a lot of people, or talk her way out of situations. As such, she generally pays more than most people do on markets where bartering is allowed, and she is a bad liar. Not able to control her body language means that practically everyone, who isn’t socially incapable, can see if she is lying, honest, scared, or anything else.

Vivian’s body is covered in short, but very soft fur. The dominant color there is a light brown. Her lower face, neck, breasts, belly, lower middle, rear, and inner thighs are in a much lighter color. Her upper face, ears, shoulders, back, lower arms, lower legs, and the upper side of her tail are in a darker shade. Her eartips and, contrary to her family name, her tailtip are so dark it’s nearly black. (For more info, look at the pictures above.)

She usually has three sets of outfits in which she can be encountered.
Outfit 1 is her wearing only her fur and nothing else.
Outfit 2 is a purple one-piece dress that covers her neck, her hips, and her front. It is of good quality, but not enough to go to a ballroom with it.
Outfit 3 is her typical working outfit, consisting of a light grey, dark grey, and yellow top and a dark grey and yellow short pants.

Vivian grew up on Amar, a pretty quiet agricultural planet. Her father was an amaran named Akima Whitetail, who had left the planet in his youth and explored the galaxy. When he came back fifteen years later, he came back as a Gray Jedi, strong with the Force, wielding a lightsaber, owning a sizeable ship, and with many credits in his pockets. With these, he settled down to live a normal life and married Vivian's mother. A year later, a new amaran was born. Vivian Whitetail.
In her first years, she showed to have a connection to the Force, likely inherited from her father, who did his best to train her. As she reached puberty though, it became more and more obvious that, like her father before, she wanted to leave the planet and explore. And truth be told, her father couldn't blame her for that. He only had therequirement that she had to earn her own passage and everything herself, so she'd truly appreciate every problem she overcame. So she moved to the city and started working there in a small factory, where it showed that she was especially good with computers, especially programming. After three months she had saved up enough to pay herself a passageway to another planet, a bigger one with more factories and cities than Amar. There she once again began working as a computer specialist, but also started using her skills for her personal use, hacking small terminals and droids to gain a few extra credits. Finally she had enough money to buy herself a small ship, and with it she set out to fly into space, offering her services as a computer specialist (and slicer) to whoever paid her.

Vivian left it mostly the same as it was when she bought it, but modified it a bit to increase the maximum speed. It hasn’t seen combat yet, and Vivian hopes that it never will.

Vivian has hacking equipment and tools, both of comparatively high quality.
In addition, she has a little survival knife and a small blaster pistol, the kind of pistol that’s legal in most party of the galaxy.
She also has the usual equipment most travellers have, including flashlights, a respirator, a comlink and such.
Recent additions:
A Multi Spectral Shield amulet

Force Sight (Rather bad and unreliable)
Force Sense (Able to feel impending danger to help dodge)
Ionize (Can stun, disable, and destroy. Good control and aim with it.)
Electronic Manipulation (Able to reprogram computing devices on the fly)
Tutaminis (Very unreliable, mostly only when in great danger to save herself)
Mind Trick (Works only on weak-minded people, for example drunk ones.)
Force Deflection (Not controlled, only instinctively when in danger)
Force Speed (In most situations only lightly, most would think she’s just a fast runner and has a good reaction speed. When scared, she's able to run much faster.)
Force Cloak (Puts a lot of strain on Vivian and doesn’t work for longer than a minute.)




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