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Character Viviane | Lady of the Lake


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  • QgzZXD5.png
    Much like her sire and the generations before her, Viviane is the pinnacle of Sanguinius Vampirika. Her skin is a porcelain-like canvas, so pale it seems to glow in the right light. This fragile beauty is offset by her striking hair, which falls in silky-white locks that cascade down to the small of her back like a river of moonlight. The colour is so bright that it moves like quicksilver and gives her an otherworldly aura. Her eyes are a similar shade. A blue so light it's almost translucent. Her gaze is piercing, yet somehow not unkind, and those who meet her eyes can't help but feel drawn to their mesmerizing power.

    Vivane stands at an impressive 5'10'', with a willowy yet athletic build that belays her lithe, almost ethereal appearance. She moves with fluid, serpentine grace that leaves one wondering if her feet ever truly touch the ground. In motion, she is a vision of understated power, her slender form moving with a quiet confidence that commands attention. Raised in the heart of a Temple filled with shining examples, every step and every gesture Vivane makes exudes an air of refined elegance and purpose.

    When it comes to her attire, Viviane favours a palette of bold, striking colours. She's often seen wearing flowing, pure white robes that seem to move all of their own accord or sleek black leather ensembles that accentuate her lithe build. Her favourite colour, however, is red. A deep, rich crimson that compliments her porcelain skin and silver hair perfectly. She wears these bold, fiery hues with a confidence that reflects her own inner flame. Her very presence appears to draw the eye, and she holds herself as a beacon of elegance and grace in a galaxy torn apart by chaos and conflict.
  • 2JMbznx.png
    Much like her sire and the generations before her, Viviane is the pinnacle of Sanguinius Vampirika. Her skin is a porcelain-like canvas, so pale it seems to glow in the right light. This fragile beauty is offset by her striking hair, which falls in silky-white locks that cascade down to the small of her back like a river of moonlight. The colour is so bright that it moves like quicksilver and gives her an otherworldly aura. Her eyes are a similar shade. A blue so light it's almost translucent. Her gaze is piercing, yet somehow not unkind, and those who meet her eyes can't help but feel drawn to their mesmerizing power.

    Vivane stands at an impressive 5'10'', with a willowy yet athletic build that belays her lithe, almost ethereal appearance. She moves with fluid, serpentine grace that leaves one wondering if her feet ever truly touch the ground. In motion, she is a vision of understated power, her slender form moving with a quiet confidence that commands attention. Raised in the heart of a Temple filled with shining examples, every step and every gesture Vivane makes exudes an air of refined elegance and purpose.

    When it comes to her attire, Viviane favours a palette of bold, striking colours. She's often seen wearing flowing, pure white robes that seem to move all of their own accord or sleek black leather ensembles that accentuate her lithe build. Her favourite colour, however, is red. A deep, rich crimson that compliments her porcelain skin and silver hair perfectly. She wears these bold, fiery hues with a confidence that reflects her own inner flame. Her very presence appears to draw the eye, and she holds herself as a beacon of elegance and grace in a galaxy torn apart by chaos and conflict.
  • KGbxDPn.png
    Much like her sire and the generations before her, Viviane is the pinnacle of Sanguinius Vampirika. Her skin is a porcelain-like canvas, so pale it seems to glow in the right light. This fragile beauty is offset by her striking hair, which falls in silky-white locks that cascade down to the small of her back like a river of moonlight. The colour is so bright that it moves like quicksilver and gives her an otherworldly aura. Her eyes are a similar shade. A blue so light it's almost translucent. Her gaze is piercing, yet somehow not unkind, and those who meet her eyes can't help but feel drawn to their mesmerizing power.

    Vivane stands at an impressive 5'10'', with a willowy yet athletic build that belays her lithe, almost ethereal appearance. She moves with fluid, serpentine grace that leaves one wondering if her feet ever truly touch the ground. In motion, she is a vision of understated power, her slender form moving with a quiet confidence that commands attention. Raised in the heart of a Temple filled with shining examples, every step and every gesture Vivane makes exudes an air of refined elegance and purpose.

    When it comes to her attire, Viviane favours a palette of bold, striking colours. She's often seen wearing flowing, pure white robes that seem to move all of their own accord or sleek black leather ensembles that accentuate her lithe build. Her favourite colour, however, is red. A deep, rich crimson that compliments her porcelain skin and silver hair perfectly. She wears these bold, fiery hues with a confidence that reflects her own inner flame. Her very presence appears to draw the eye, and she holds herself as a beacon of elegance and grace in a galaxy torn apart by chaos and conflict.
  • QMfDjOC.png
    Much like her sire and the generations before her, Viviane is the pinnacle of Sanguinius Vampirika. Her skin is a porcelain-like canvas, so pale it seems to glow in the right light. This fragile beauty is offset by her striking hair, which falls in silky-white locks that cascade down to the small of her back like a river of moonlight. The colour is so bright that it moves like quicksilver and gives her an otherworldly aura. Her eyes are a similar shade. A blue so light it's almost translucent. Her gaze is piercing, yet somehow not unkind, and those who meet her eyes can't help but feel drawn to their mesmerizing power.

    Vivane stands at an impressive 5'10'', with a willowy yet athletic build that belays her lithe, almost ethereal appearance. She moves with fluid, serpentine grace that leaves one wondering if her feet ever truly touch the ground. In motion, she is a vision of understated power, her slender form moving with a quiet confidence that commands attention. Raised in the heart of a Temple filled with shining examples, every step and every gesture Vivane makes exudes an air of refined elegance and purpose.

    When it comes to her attire, Viviane favours a palette of bold, striking colours. She's often seen wearing flowing, pure white robes that seem to move all of their own accord or sleek black leather ensembles that accentuate her lithe build. Her favourite colour, however, is red. A deep, rich crimson that compliments her porcelain skin and silver hair perfectly. She wears these bold, fiery hues with a confidence that reflects her own inner flame. Her very presence appears to draw the eye, and she holds herself as a beacon of elegance and grace in a galaxy torn apart by chaos and conflict.
  • jKXdUDo.png
    Much like her sire and the generations before her, Viviane is the pinnacle of Sanguinius Vampirika. Her skin is a porcelain-like canvas, so pale it seems to glow in the right light. This fragile beauty is offset by her striking hair, which falls in silky-white locks that cascade down to the small of her back like a river of moonlight. The colour is so bright that it moves like quicksilver and gives her an otherworldly aura. Her eyes are a similar shade. A blue so light it's almost translucent. Her gaze is piercing, yet somehow not unkind, and those who meet her eyes can't help but feel drawn to their mesmerizing power.

    Vivane stands at an impressive 5'10'', with a willowy yet athletic build that belays her lithe, almost ethereal appearance. She moves with fluid, serpentine grace that leaves one wondering if her feet ever truly touch the ground. In motion, she is a vision of understated power, her slender form moving with a quiet confidence that commands attention. Raised in the heart of a Temple filled with shining examples, every step and every gesture Vivane makes exudes an air of refined elegance and purpose.

    When it comes to her attire, Viviane favours a palette of bold, striking colours. She's often seen wearing flowing, pure white robes that seem to move all of their own accord or sleek black leather ensembles that accentuate her lithe build. Her favourite colour, however, is red. A deep, rich crimson that compliments her porcelain skin and silver hair perfectly. She wears these bold, fiery hues with a confidence that reflects her own inner flame. Her very presence appears to draw the eye, and she holds herself as a beacon of elegance and grace in a galaxy torn apart by chaos and conflict.
T H E M E | Edge of Night

B I R T H N A M E | Viviane

M O N I K E R S | Lady of the Lake

F A C T I O N | Independent

S P E C I E S | Sanguinius Vampirika

H O M E P L A N E T | Illyria

A G E | Thirty-Eight

G E N D E R | Female

S K I N | Porcelain

H A I R | White

E Y E S | Silver

W E I G H T | 128lbs

H E I G H T | 5ft 10in

F O R C E - A B L E | Confirmed
  • dDitsnV.png
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque massa vitae malesuada interdum. Donec nec tempor augue. Etiam ac nisi elit. Curabitur malesuada, lectus in blandit dictum, nulla diam tincidunt turpis, cursus imperdiet purus elit quis metus. Morbi a diam eu lectus aliquet tempus nec vel dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In lectus urna, mattis in hendrerit egestas, interdum in nulla. Cras pellentesque purus sit amet massa efficitur rutrum. Pellentesque vehicula tortor nisi, id elementum purus ullamcorper sed. Donec vitae ipsum suscipit, imperdiet magna quis, ultricies mauris. Quisque varius aliquam libero, sit amet venenatis tellus varius at. Morbi sapien tortor, luctus eu fringilla eu, pretium in libero.

    Suspendisse blandit accumsan ante, nec cursus dolor sodales a. Pellentesque fermentum ante a nulla varius, vel interdum ante rutrum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam sit amet mi arcu. Nullam malesuada augue quis hendrerit dapibus. Nulla a cursus justo. Nunc et magna a est interdum finibus venenatis eget dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec eget justo congue, congue ante quis, luctus ante. Morbi id congue tellus.

    Maecenas venenatis tellus ut suscipit volutpat. Suspendisse lorem nisl, interdum in condimentum et, scelerisque at nulla. Aliquam scelerisque a lectus vitae placerat. Nullam auctor id nulla sed ornare. In ut maximus urna, nec blandit orci. Morbi vitae gravida arcu, non sollicitudin lectus. Vestibulum ac purus consequat, finibus purus vel, rhoncus dolor. Aliquam condimentum, sapien nec rutrum egestas, ligula urna pretium erat, at iaculis tortor ex eu quam. Morbi vel auctor lorem, pellentesque fermentum leo. Integer sapien nunc, hendrerit sed turpis sit amet, dapibus efficitur urna. Phasellus pellentesque dolor quis ipsum porta dignissim. Nulla vel malesuada ex, in laoreet purus. Donec at nisi quis quam sagittis feugiat at ac velit.
  • gcTbnMR.png
    C U R S E D - E M P A T H Y | Viviane possesses an uncanny ability to sense and exploit the deepest fears, desires, and emotions of those around her. She can read the darkest secrets of others, using this insight to here advantage in negotiations and combat or even simply to manipulate. This strength can be fuelled by her own experiences with darkness and the supernatural, granting her a twisted form of empathy that allows her to connect with the dark side present in everyone.

    H E I G H T E N E D - S E N S E S | As a Sanguinius Vampirika, Viviane is in possession of heightened senses. She has an exceptional sense of smell, increased depth perception, hearing and night vision.

    E N H A N C E D - P H Y S I Q U E | Females of the Sanguinius Vampirika species boast an enhanced physique. Viviane is stronger than she looks, though not as strong as the male equivalent of her species. Her attributes lie in faster reflex times, increased agility, and overall speed.

    S E L F - H E A L I N G | Viviane is able to heal small none life-threatening wounds almost instantly. The larger the wound, the slower the healing, much like in other species. However, Viviane still recovers from injuries far more quickly than any other species healing from a similar severity of injury.

    S H A D OW - W E A V I N G | Manipulating darkness and shadows to create powerful illusions, deceptions, or even tangible constructions has been in Viviane's repertoire since she was born. She can wave shadowy tendrils to restrain enemies, create illusions to confuse or disorient, and even craft shields to deflect attacks.
  • zwZAno5.png
    P H O T O S E N S I T I V I T Y | Like most Sanguinius Vampirika, Viviane has an adverse reaction to the ultra-violet radiation given off by many stars. When subjected to such rays, Viviane's skin will begin to blister and burn, which worsens over time if she is not removed from the source. While minor injuries from ultraviolet radiation are able to be healed, prolonged injuries require medical attention. Photosensitivity, and ultra-violet rays, also affect Viviane's ability to see in planets, areas or rooms with exceedingly bright lighting or windows with no coverings.

    A L M O S T - I M M O R T A L | Although Viviane is young on the grand scale of things, Sanguinius Vampirika are able to live for an exceedingly long time. They are not, however, immortal. Viviane can be bested by a blade just as much as any ordinary soul is. Fatal wounds, sustained damage, sever injury to vital organs or dismemberment would put an end to her unnaturally long life.

    S I L V E R - A L L E R G Y | Much like her reaction to ultra-violet rays, when exposed to pure silver Viviane experiences blisters and burns over the afflicted area. However, unlike ultra-violet rays, any burns or blisters caused by Viviane's silver allergy, no matter the severity, require immediate medical attention.

    H E M O V O R E | While Viviane can and will often partake in prepared foods, to survive, Viviane must consume blood at least once a week. While going longer may not have immediate effects on her health, at any point, Viviane could succumb to what is universally known amongst Sanguinius Vampirika as "hunger madness". The "madness" results in a sudden and violent outburst, destroying and brutalising any living thing that may cross her path, even her fellow sisters of the Silmä or another member of the Sanguinius Vampirika.

    I N S A N I T Y - P R O N E | The older Viviane grows, the more likely she is prone to bouts of insanity. If Viviane does not regularly undertake periods of hibernation to rest and restore herself she is more likely to develop mental illnesses such as Dementia or Alzheimer's.

    D E A D L Y - N I G H T S H A D E | Sanguinius Vampirika are naturally immune, or have a higher tolerance, for most poisons and toxins. However, if Viviane were to injest or be exposed to nightshade she is likely to become paralyzed instantly. Once the nightshade wears off Viviane is able to walk again, but the duration of this effect depends on how much nightshade she came into contact with.
  • Ik0mz3Y.png
    - Nimue Nimue
    - Relationship | Mother
    - Biography | {x}
  • Qgg76bt.png
    i. Soul Stone | Ring of Darkness [x] - A gift from Vytal Noctura originally given to her mother, Nimue, during a holiday season they were both forced to endure. With her Mother's growing desire to remain in the Temple, she gifted it to Viviane so that she might travel without fear of the sun.
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    { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }

    { Novice - Apprentice - Adept - Expert - Master }​

    F O R C E - P O W E R S

    Alchemy | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Alchemy of the Flesh | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Force Empathy | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Force Sense | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Force Speed | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Memory Rub | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }

    L I G H T S A B E R - F O R M S

    Shii-Cho | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Makashi [Preferred] | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Soresu | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Ataru | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Djem So | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Niman | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Juyo | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Jar'Kai [Preferred] | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }
    Forbidden Forms | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | }

    S P E C I A L - A B I L I T I E S

    C O R - V I T A E - I M P E R I U M | Viviane has always been fascinated with the human heart. How fragile they are, how relied upon and cherished, yet how easily manipulated or destroyed. Throughout her entire life, Viviane has been studying them to an almost obsessive degree. In more recent years she has developed the ability to remove them and keep them contained in a specially designed force shield. With this shield, the connection to the owner is maintained and the heart is able to keep beating. Viviane can then study them to her own heart's content, or if she so chooses, use them to control the owner. She has so far amassed a small collection of these hearts and keeps them locked away in her rooms in the Temple of the Silmä where they are safe.​
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    U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N
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