Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vjera 'Vee' Dawnburner

In Umbris Potestas Est
[NAME:] Vjera 'Vee' Dawnburner

[FACTION:] Independant​
[RANK:] Former Pirate​
[SPECIES:] Codru-Ji​
[AGE:] 17​
[GENDER:] Female​
[HEIGHT:] 5'1"​
[WEIGHT:] 124​
[EYES:] Brown​
[HAIR:] Brown dyed Black​
[SKIN:] Tanned caucasion​

+ An experienced Slicer and mechanic​
+ Multi-lingual, fluent in Galactic Basic, Codruese, and some Huttese​
+ Species has a slightly heightened sense of smelling and hearing​
+/- Small size, allows for her to be nimble at the cost of lacking strength​
- Short tempered and often allows her emotions to take the best of her​
- Enjoys the thrill of danger​
In the records, 'Vjera Arikka Dawnburner' was born Munto Codru 23.5 years ago, but beyond that little else is known in the database. She was a Codru-Ji, which visually is identical to a Human, except one minor detail... an extra pair of arms. Biologically though, they are radically different. Codru-Ji aren't born as babies like Humans, but rather as wyrwulves. Wyrwulves are six-legged wolves whom are sentient and remain that way until their puberty, where they experience a metamorphosis which turns them into four-armed, bi-pedal beings capable of speaking the Galaxy's more common languages.​
Now this may all sound irrelevant, but trust me it isn't completely. It brings an understanding to Vee's early years. She was an only child to two Codru-Ji who had taken temporary residence upon their homeworld so they could safely give birth to their first born child. Only a few months passed before the went back to their lifestyle, bringing the wyrwulf pup along for the ride. The two were crew members of a vessel called The Doused Phoenix. The vessel was a small piracy operation which preyed on the outer rim portion of the Perlemian Trade Route. Once Vee's wyrwulf cycle was complete, she went on to assist her parents in their duties, which did not directly involve combat. Her mother was an engineer and her father the same, however the father liked to claim he was more of an artisan than a mechanic. It was all the same in the crew's book. He fixed damaged items, maintained functioning ones, and occasionally researched big targets. It was through him that Vee learned her skills as a slicer as well as a mechanic.​
Although it was a lifestyle she enjoyed, and technically it being the only one she knew, like all things in life, it came to an end. The Captain was captured in a botched operation, as well as much of the crew. The survivors split apart, to avoid capture from law enforcement, and in the chaos of it all, Vee had lost contact with her parents. But to her, it was only an inconvenience, as she knew one day they would reunite, but for the time being, she remained on Nar Shaadda...​



In Progress
[OOC: It's kinda bare-bones, but if I decide to stay in this community, I'll definitely put more coding and effort into it. I don't really know how to start roleplaying, and I'm pretty sure I have to get a name change (help me!!!?) but if you want to roleplay or have a relevant opportunity for me, I'm all ears. I look forward to roleplaying with anyone who's willing, regardless of faction or outcome.]​

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