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Approved Tech Vohtahi Mk I - Chiss Ascendancy Personal Combat Armor

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  • Intent: Standardized Combat Armor for Chiss Ascendancy
  • Image Source: Alex Pointer (X)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: (N/A
  • Manufacturer: The Chiss Ascendancy
  • Affiliation: The Chiss Ascendancy
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Mark I
  • Modularity: Minimal (Plates worn/not worn), Oxygen/Filtration System, Stimulant/Medical Auto-Stim, Color
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Plastoid, Durasteel
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers:Very Low
    • EMP/ION: High

  • Combat HUD/Overlay
  • Auto-Stim Injection System
  • Injection Port System
  • Anti-Shatter Visor
  • Self Sealing Helmet

  • Tactical Awareness: The helmet of this armor system carries with it an integral Combat HUD that can be synced with any compatible weapons platform as well as the ability to view tactical overlays of friendly soldiers and maps. The helmet is protected with minimal EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) protection, only enough to prevent nearby weapons discharges and other electronics from interfering with its communications and overlay systems. If hit by an EMP or Ion blast, it will fail.
  • To the Moon: Containing an Auto-Stim injection system, this armor allows for stimulants or other medical compounds to be delivered both manually by the user or automatically based on a pre-defined set of circumstances.
  • Crack-a-doodle-doo: The Visor is made of a shatter resistant material, this way even if the faceplate of the helmet takes kinetic damage it is highly unlikely to shatter in a way that will harm its user. The seal will obviously be broken but the user should not experience shards of visor material causing further injury to the user's face or eyes.
  • Bio/Chem Immunity: Due to the self sealing nature of this helmet system the user is protected from smoke inhalation as well as chemical or biological attacks. In conjunction with a high density filtration system, the user can also attach oxygen containers via port at the back of the helmet.
  • Grounded: Being a multi-purpose armor, this armor system is equipped with several decentralized ion-sinks allowing for the armor to absorb and dissipate Ion weapon strikes as well as insulated against EMP's. Considering the amount of rampant anti-electrical weaponry designed to disable and or destroy electronics, this system protects the wearer and its systems from being disabled by a simple Ion weapon.

  • It's just a flesh wound!: A product of having such high resistances to kinetic and blaster damage, this armor breaks down very easily upon contact with a lightsaber. If the user is planning on coming into contact with one, a better bet is to simply not get hit.
  • Incomplete: This armor is intended to be used while also wearing a bodyglove. Though the helmet retains the ability to form a seal, the armor itself will not protect you from the void of space nor keep you from coming into contact with whatever is in the air. Not usually a problem except when chemical agents are in play.

Vohtahi in the Chiss native tongue means "Shell". Likewise, this standardized combat armor was developed to provide Chiss Expeditionary Defense Forces and Chiss military forces a stable platform of combat armor to utilize. Easy to produce with the most basic of additional systems, this armor may not have all the bells and whistles but what it was designed to do, it does very well. Though developed with a mind towards external conflict, the Chiss Ascendancy desired to make an armor that was resilient against not only the widespread blaster systems found in the galaxy but also against the Chiss designed "Charric". This armor provides significant blaster and kinetic protection for the user at the cost of being effectively useless against EMP/Ion weaponry. Because of the materials and the design of this armor it is especially vulnerable to lightsabers.

Another limitation of the armor is its non-fully enclosed nature. Because the plates and armor padding do not provide a full seal, the user is still vulnerable to injury and exposure to elements save for the automatic helmet seal. When designing the armor system, the soldiers of the Chiss Ascendancy noted the ability to self-treat and self-administer various medical compound in the field would be of paramount import - thus, the Auto-Stim Injection system. This allows the user to either manually self administer stims or other medical compounds or program a predetermined set of conditions in which the Auto-Stim Injector will activate based on what compound they've equipped it with. An infinitely useful tool which allows for a much more versatile fighting force and increasing survivability odds in the absence of immediate medical attention.
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Just got one thing for you today, Kaeli

Your submission is a little underpowered, would you like to change the ratings or keep them as they are?




It is still one point underpowered, (if you wish you could upgrade the energy resistance if this is for troops). You can keep it as it is if you wish.

I adjusted the weight, if I need to re-adjust the weaknesses again, I'll reintroduce the Ion/EMP resistance to low!
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