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Voice on your shoulders

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"Senator all is ready." There was a look in the small mirror as Ayumi was standing ready for just about anything, she had been working with Symara as her bodyguard but there was some problems with it. she wasn't often turning around with most of her attention and she wa rather skilled in a few of the force art but she didn't want the former Corsec sniper to see such a thing. It wasn't that she was afraid of Symara or wanting to deceive her but really it was something she didn't tell many people and aside from Cath Lorr even less knew.

Cath only knew because the senator and her had grown somewhat close in their works and actions. The rogue knight was looking out the crystasteel viewscreen of her windows as it was one sided so she could look out. The air of the penthouse being recycled so that it like the rest of Denon was being constructed on. The new living modules giving her people everythign they needed. The modules for construction efforts, for food, for water, for defense and even for places like parks and gardens. It gave Ayumi a small smile on her face while she was moving through it.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The modules was decked out with new things, for living on her own but she had gotten the largest module so she could have her own penthouse instead of a large family. Symara had worked and made sure her penthouse was secured from threats before she had been allowed back into it. Letting her long hair rest at the small of her back with small strands going to the front of her shoulders where she was walking towards the bedroom. One of her constituents that had been wanting to celebrate her recent congratulations that were in order with a look.

Ayumi stayed there for a moment as she sat down moving her hand along the girls hair feeling the silky smoothness of it to get a few ideas. She had been working hard to make all of their lives better and bringing a lot of the new technology to the massive city planet. With new works for the things she had planned with them well the idea of getting a small reward like this she could get behind before moving outwards and into the end of the room with the sun coming through. Warming just a little the floor when she was standing there.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She could feel it in the carpet of the module, imported furs from some of the merchants for the design along with the carved bone and shaped wood. All of it giving a more regal look to her room, there was the stronger looking at more of the bigger things in the city. She could see all of the larger buildings with a bow of her head, inhaling deeply the scent of the air in the room along with the underlying scent of the perfume all around her room. Ayumi turned around giving a nod of her head as she spoke. "So are you going to sleep here all day?"

The woman seemed to tor as Ayumi raised an eyebrow crossing her arms under her chest before she walked over and the woman looked up at her. "Morning senator." Wel she was no Cath Lorr but few people were while the woman was climbing out of the bed with the sheets wrapped around her. Which was strange having modesty to the Senators mind now but who knew how people were thinking with a small nod of her head walking to get her some tea as well as some clothing that had been cleaned by the droids for her.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"So what are you planning to do today senator, the offices are closed if I am not mistaken." THere was a small look but Ayumi had a grin on her face while she thought about it and she was plotting some of the bigger things. She might not have to go into the office but she could still work and do things as she moved about in the penthouse. Looking at her walls of random thing like weapons in cases or equipment that was on display for everyone to see. With a small smile he had her duster covered in dreamsilk and designed to look solid.

Once she was in the living section she set a pair of plates on the island in the middle before she started getting some of the food out for them. "Here some food and some tea, you will be able to handle it and then you do have to go. I might not need to go into the office but I need to work on things and I can't have any distractions." The girl was looking at her while the senator placed out the food sitting on the comfy padded stool at the island with a nod of her head giving her portions of them. "here you go."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi took some of the tea off the trey of the converter with a bow of her head pouring it out for her in her cup as the steam came off of it. Small whisps gettig her attention when Ayumi added some of the sugar cubes with a small smile to the girl. She seemed happy enough to have gotten the time with Ayumi instead of trying to cling to her or get her to liten to some random issue she was wanting to present. At leas tthe whole be respectful thing was coming through where no business being talked about.

Ayumi and the woman sat in silence while they were eating not making the small talk but there wasn't a whole lot you could make after a late night. If anything Ayumi would pat her on the head and kiss her goodbye mot likely to be added to the list of people Symara would nag her about adding people to. She wa a worrier but he was also being paid to do that as a few other thoughts came to the senators mind when they were bringing a few of the new defenses in. She was going to have to coordinate with @Reshmer eventually for hi station and Gir for defenses to go with their food and production.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi finished the food with a mechanical swiftness, she didn't need to shovel it but she wasn't one to waste time and prolong it when she rose up and offered a small smile wriggling her toes on the floor of the kitchen. The cool metal welcomed as she could see the droids had cleaned for her so it was a nice clean floor. Ayumi walked as she set her dishes in the sink for the droid to work on cleaning them up when she stretched moving her hair from her lower back showing off the tribal tattoo's that her ancestor had dictated the force users within the family get.

"Pretty tattoo's." The voice was there and Ayumi raised an eyebrow as the rose one on her thigh and the markings on the small of her back. She stayed there for a time and was prepared for any number of things they could work with when she offered a small smile. "Thank you." Staying true to some of the bigger things when she was walking off into the room to get dressed so she could get to work. Denon was being worked on and through the view ports that were there she could see the construction while they were building.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi stood there watching the heart of Denon its massive buildings making a skyline while a small handful of kilometers down were all of the modules that they were working on. The senator finished up grabbing some of her clothing from the closet as she started to change. Taking care with everything while the droids were working on the larger sections of the city. Ayumi changed standing there while she hopped a little around the room getting a tank top as well as her necklace to wear with the mental shield and protection.

The woman was gone as she could sense it in the force with one hand grabbing her bracelet for the taozin nodule. Sliding the band on her wrst while she interlocked it to give a sensation of her senses within the force, Ayumi's thoughts turned to the rest of her outfit securing the leggins when she tucked her tank top in. A shirt with long sleeves and then her outer jacket that trailed past her waist to flow behind her. Ayumi was walking at the breeze kicked up the fabric giving her a more refined and epic look with a nod of her head.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi secured the neck piece of her outfit as it rest just under her chin making it into a solid looking at least like a robe with the colors a grey blue when she stepped out of the penthouse. Offering a small smile to the other people in the hallways connection module while she was down the pathway being joined by a couple of bodyguards and her assistant. "Senator we have everything we need for this, we are happy to say that reconstruction efforts have been going better then expected for replacing the buildings."

That... was a good thing to hear while she walked looking over the projections. They were working here and then they would be able to use this information on worlds like Gyndine and Cyrillia which would serve a stronger purpose. Specifically as a way to have it be almost like a belt with the three systems for the republic of fleet movement and stockpiles of everything they could use. From technology, to food to being able to turn the three fortress worlds into bastions of commerce to fund larger efforts.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
They were creating a model for the Republic to try and work with as the Senator continued to move forward with all of her ideas that they could implement but she had learned a few things when they were on Gyndine... One that tealth ships could be highly unreliable, two that mandalorians liked to be the victims when caught in many of their things. Ayumi walked over with many of the things they were doing. "Then we shall begin the next phase of the construction efforts, I want defenses on the rooftops for anti air across the entire planet."

That was a tall order but with the new improvements they had defenses in the modules for walking around under the surface and in the buildings. The power generators were secured across the planet with systems in place to make it so the planets systems couldn't be somehow taken down with one computer. They were dividing it up as one system of a whole that could work and keep working should one go down. Addi tonal ones built into the superstructure of the city itself. Running off of sustainable energy and power.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The encrypted systems for protection from slicers were being made so it was more redundant and a back up with the real consoles and controls handled in person using dedicated modules they could insert and have data spikes on. It was lower tech then some liked but it was also a way to ensure their shields would stay across the board in the case of needing to bring up a new planetary shield that was being bought and paid for with the credits they were saving. Additionally a crystal grav trap was being hunted down for them as well.

She had that as just one of many new things they were looking to get as the checklist came up on her holopad and Ayumi let out a small breath of excitement. They were also getting Golan's for orbit, at least twelve stations in obrit of the planet intermixed with the resource and other defensive stations that were from GIr Quee for some of the ideas. With it they could repel fleets as she was planning to do and with the crystal grav trap installed they would be able to handle stealth fleets and ships.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Fact of the matter was as Ayumi went over the list and stopped at one of the wal6k ways they were under construction and hooking up this entire planet was being remade. In a way that would help the people. From the power stations generating power for the entire planet to the defense guns on rooftops that thanks to some bills and the actions that resulted from the Republic coming here had the people scared. It wasn't an easy thing, it wasn't a nice thing bt they were willing to give a little extra for defense.

Or in this case security as with the notable improvements to the planet they were able to make and export where needed, Denon was serving as one of the larger hub worlds to feed and cloth the Republic even with the considerable mark up in prices that others paid. THey were able to produce cheaply their own products and then sell at a profit Neimodia's would blush from the profits. Then add to that the people themselves were making everything needed for themselves so the five hundred billion citizens didn't starve it added up.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"What about the other works we have going on?" She asked about it looking at some of the things they had wondering to herself. They were setting up and installing planetary ion cannons for engaging fleets from surface to orbit. Then working on a defense grid where things could become far safer battling enemy fleets. She was using the work from Gyndine and Cyrillia that they had been doing before he senator saw more things. They were buying what was needed with defense stations in orbit of the planet.

"Senator there is the rep from Golan Arms coming to meet you that is able to give the information for buying some of the better things." She was also working with some of the things here like stations from Gir that the Republic could use. There was even a few things she wanted to get set up while they were working to organize turrets that ere automated for anti infantry, anti air and anti vehicles on the world. SOnic cannons for dealing with force users and she was thinking sectional shielding units.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"What about some of the others?" Ayumi said it as they were moving towards the buildings now as a larger transport came to them to show off some of the bigger things. They were setting up for a planetary shield that would work with them for these different companies that were bringing in the business and interest to the planet. With their lack of need to import heavily and exporting becoming a larger things they had an excess amount of credits saved up to put into projects like renewal and security.

"The other companies are arriving as well, we have been setting up some of the meeting locations for all of them to meet with you and security forces have been screening them for the last hour while they get to set up all of their equipment and presentation." THat was the way to do it before she walked onto one of the platforms hat were set to take them to the building. All around and below her the construction efforts of the city were continuing with the citizens getting informed of everything that was going on as well as showing their support.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"THen we will meet with them on the world and begin going over the larger plans. I want to be able to get more industry on the planet and on the moons I want to begin industrialization of them to create a stronger economic base for what we are going to do." While she had been observing worlds like Coruscant where the moons acted like storage there was more they could do. Proper modules to have construction and living on them as well as industry for a booming system wide economy to bolster its need for everything she had planned.

The trip across the planet allowed her to see the hospital that ad been under construction when Mica had arrived and the office buildings for the government, the local police force was out and about using their new equipment and enforcing the laws that were being worked on to reflect the new era. It wasn't about oppressing the people but laws needed to adapt to the technology and the times rather then reflect a time when it wasn't as advanced. These weren't the dark ages after all while they were passing the temple on the force for the Jedi.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi looked at the different buildings as they were being constructed and gave a nod of approval before turning back to look at the people with her. They were arriving now when she looked down one of the large shafts being used to transport construction materials to the very surface of the planet. "And how are our plans for urban renewal? I know we have been hiring bounty hunters to clean up Denon's lower levels of any and all creatures while police forces root out the criminal elements across the world."

They seemed to be thinking about it and contemplated what they should tell her while Ayumi raised an eyebrow in interest. It wasn't enough to just make everything nicer they also needed to have the means to keep the ones who would be exploiting their people away as well. In this case cracking down and pushing them off world or to someplace else like one of the moons or a station. THey would be working to provide the vices people wanted on the world with al of the work. "We'll make it work and clean it all up.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi continued to work with everything as she looked over the information. Arriving at their destination Ayumi was walking through the building as she worked with some of the other things that were there. The walls of the building were set up with some displays going forward into the larger room. There were hardlight projectors set up for the people coming to ply their wares on the senator so she could go through their products and get what they wanted for the security of Denon and its moons.

Ayumi went to her small spot in the room and reached out with her senses feeling all of them and some of the presentation of it. Displaying emplacement turrets and stations that could be used over everything until they were silent with the senator speaking. "Welcome to Denon ladies and gentleman. I am Ayumi the senator and these people with me are the financial officer and the leader of Denon. THey are here to work with you for working and building up this fortress world to defend and protect the citizens."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
There were some talks and cheers of excitement while she was moving with her eyes over a few of the displays. "We'll start with here on the planet itse and move up into space. Now what do we have for defensive guns of the planet. I saw some offering towers and smaller defenses that we can use and I am looking forward to seeing what we can get." There was a look from the man when he stood up speaking with a nod of his head and using the small datapad he was bringing up several turrets and towers.

"Well from Golen we have some special ideas for it. The Onderon defensive towers have proven more then effective against interlopers as they have a superior range and area with each being able to work in a network. As a first layer we can use it across the planet to ensure a grid of cover. Below that anti infantry, anti vehicle and anti air turrets using laser that are able to protect the planet from the rooftops. While inside we will be able to use autoturrets that will be for attacking invading armies."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was listening to it and getting plenty of turrets to dot the roofs of Denon with the capstone modules was well she was all for it. After seeing Gyndine and how magically ignored defenses of a fortress world and seeing the reports from worlds like Mimban where teleportation and enemy fleets were immune to the energy storms of the planet. Or the mining towns were considered the capital avoiding the underground well she had to work with some of the things and had plans to make Denon stronger then that.

This was one of the steps, getting an obscene level of defensive towers across the planet that would create one of the defensive layers. The second being building based with another layer that could target anywhere in the city as needed for going against invading armies and a third would be in the buildings themselves with turrets and defenses like shields as well as sectional shields to block and force down chokepoints to make a lot of dead invaders. The army on Denon and the citizens were another layer on top of that.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Denon was being built up while she set some more of the ideas sitting there looking over the products and she was selecting which ones she would be able to use. "I am liking the looks of some of these turrets. The ones we can use for large amount of protection will be needed. Given how we are working to rebuild and set everything up now on the planet we will be able to gather thousands of these across the planet. I want the streets to be able to be filled with the bodies of invaders as well as the power grids to be protected."

That was the other big things while she was working with it and thinking about it where they could do. Having the rest of the systems for the turrets and the defenses running off of different grids, so none of the guns went down all at once. She wanted a series of turrets to work around the problems to function if somehow they manage to get into the power stations near the surface of the planet itself through the tunnels of turrets and soldiers.... They would be unable to fully shut down the planet or the defenses without going planet wide.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"Alright thank you for this. We will work with you to get the funding and all of the information for the products with some fo the things. We want as many turrets as can be assigned and loaded up into the buildings for defensive measures. Chokepoints and kill zones where it can be set up with the local police and military forces. Denon's standing army is designed to use the world to its own advantage so we will be happy to work with you." Ayumi looked at some of the bigger things in the products from Golan.

"We will also be interested in getting these Golan VIII defense stations. Several dozen if possible in orbit with manufacturing for the weapons and ammo on the moons of denon. Somewhere we can build up our standing resources and over stockpile everything for defending as needed." They could sell off as needed to the other republic planets or supplement what is needed with the arms and munitions for Denon. More then that as she pushed a few of her thoughts through with a smile on her face.

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