Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vok DeChant

Name:: Vok DeChant
Faction:: Omega Pyre
Species:: Human
Age:: 25
Gender:: Male
Height:: 5'10 Five foot ten inches
Weight:: 185 lbs
Eyes:: Brown
Hair:: Black
Skin:: Mahogany
Force Sensitive:: No

Strengths and Weaknesses:: He's not particularly good at anything, having been something of a gearhead back on Naboo. So his not being particularly good at anything leaves him with a mass of weaknesses to work on.

The frailties of humanity, the short life span, no point of exceptional strength or other such abilities that some of the other species possess.


Biography:: A native of Naboo, he was present when D' Orrin was facing his brother. Vok was apart of the rebelling faction that fought against the White King. Though not officially friends with the Black Spirit at that time, he fought side by side with the being on several occasions. After the fall of the White King Vok didn't see much of a reason to stay on world. Quite obviously that was when he left with Orrin. To that end the two met up again on a bounty mission. Finding themselves working side by side against a small force of bandits. After dealing with the bandits the two simply saw it as something of a mutually beneficial point to team up. Since then the two of them have become quite the team. While Vok isn't a Force sensitive like his partner, he and Orrin come up with weapons and devices to help Vok keep up with Orrin as they go into battle

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
You really need to rework the Strength & Weakness section.

Something like say

-Good with repairing, programming, and creating droids and gadgets.
-Good hacker, repairman, and general gearhead.

-Not overly strong or skilled, so without his gadgets he can be a hindrance in battle.


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