Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Volkan Haran'jai

NAME: Volkan Haran’jai

FACTION: Death Watch

RANK: Warrior

SPECIES: Ragithian

AGE: 45

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.18 meters (~7’2”)

WEIGHT: 156.5 kg (~ 345 lbs)

EYES: Black

HAIR: Brown-Black

SKIN: Medium Caucasian



FACE / VOICE: Vin Diesel


//+// The Bigger They Are: As a Ragithian, Volkan is man of great stature and strength. This gives him an advantage in combat by having superior strength and intimidation. This, in turn, allows him to wield weapons that would be otherwise unwieldy for a normal humanoid.

//+// Beast Master: Despite his lack of a connection to the Force, Volkan appears to have a great affinity with animals. Considering his clan tended to hunt with attack animals, this connection to beasts is unsurprising.

//-// The Harder They Fall: With great size, comes lessened agility. Volkan may be a large, strong man, but his size makes him vulnerable against fighters who depend on agility over strength. His large size also makes him more of a target than his normal-sized kinsmen.

//-// Social Darwinist: Volkan is a staunch believer in the ‘'survival of the fittest’. As such, any who appear physically weak or cowardly should be culled from the genepool. This could be as simple as becoming a second class citizenry, to outright execution.



The first thing to notice about Volkan is that he is a giant among men. His Ragithian heritage places him at nearly another meter over most human men. He is of a ruddy, medium flesh colored Caucasian complexion. He keeps his beard and hair in traditional wsrrior styles, usually in braids. He has dark eyes that seem to watch more like a vornskr hunting its prey than a man’s. Also, most notably, is his deep, steely voice that growls like a beast.​


Many cycles ago, renegades from a unknown Mandalorian clan settled upon the world of Zanbar. Oral tradition among them said they were kin to Clan Betna, but proof is scant. The founder of this clan vowed that he would “hear the screams of their enemies against the halls of oblivion”, creating this new clan’s name: Haran’jai (oblivion-shriek, or Hell-Scream).

Centuries later, one of this clan was working a job in the Outer Rim. In the fortress of his Hutt employer, the Haran’jai noticed a young man in the pit arena. A Ragithian slave brought up as a fighter. After much negotiation, the Mandalorian purchased the giant boy, and brought him home. Not as a slave, but as a son.

It was here that Volkan began his start as the man he is today. In his new family, he was raised in the tenets of Mandalorian culture, as well as the clan’s techniques in the handling of beasts. It eventually came to pass that his father died, making Volkan the rightful chieftain of his clan. In recent events, he was a staunch supporter of Mand’alor Ra Vizsla and his successor, Vilaz Munin. With the destruction of Mandalore, he became rather enraged. He kept his clan at a distance, until recently pledging allegiance to the returned Ra Vizsla and his new Death Watch.​
His beskar’gam (seen above)
Greatfang, his beskar two-handed axe

The Kad'uliik, a Kiltirin-class dungeon ship




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