Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Volton Technologies


  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Volton Technologies
  • Headquarters: Saijan City, Saijo
  • Locations: Jutrand Branch Office
  • Operations: Vehicle manufacturing, Shipbuilding, Weapons, Armor, Components
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
  • Corporate Structure:
    • Ownership
      • Chairman
      • Deputy Chairman
      • Stakeholders
    • Board
      • Chief Executive Officer
      • Chief Operations Officer
      • Chief Financial Officer
      • Chief Public Relations Officer
      • Chief Holdings Officer
    • Upper Management
      • Director of Manufacturing
      • Director of Operations
      • Director of Logistics
      • Director of Design
      • Director of Internal Relations
      • Director of External Relations
      • Director of Branding & Marketing
      • Director of Compliance
      • Director of Risk Management
    • Middle Management
      • Deputy Department Directors
      • Division Managers (Labor, Audits, Licensing, Corporate Counsel etc)
      • Assistant Division Managers
    • Lower Management
      • Section Supervisors (Team Leaders)
      • Assistant Supervisors
    • Internal Branch Security
    • Labor Employees
Volton Technologies is a closed-market company focused on wartime production and manufacturing, including utilizing their own designs as well as taking private request for either. Their main focus is on anything you can slap onto a ship, station, soldier, vehicle or planet. Their focus is on improving the aging Sith military with newer designs and products, though they do take on private contracts regardless of the client's allegiance. Though they aren't completely beholden to the Sith nor their beliefs, the company utilizes strong arm tactics in negotiations and has a rather hard line stance on the efficiency of it's employees.

The company is based on the fortress world of Saijo, within it's capital of Saijan City. It is here that their main production facilities, warehouses and other supporting infrastructure can be found. For each of their divisions the company houses a entire floor or more within their corporate tower as well as multiple other structures on the planet. Though they do maintain a branch office on the city-world of Jutrand, it is mainly utilized for managing client portfolios, contract negotiations and staffing. All of it's actual production and manufacturing is handled on Saijo itself.

Though the companies holdings remain in the far Outer Rim, for now, it's benefactors are shrouded in secrecy and are only known via a public figurehead who acts as the companies spokeswoman. It's true owners, intentions, and activities are limited to very few within it's hierarchies. This allows the company freedom to work anywhere and with anyone within the galaxy. Which creates a less tethered SOP and allows it some maneuverability depending on where it operates and who it calls clients.

The company was founded and established by one public figure known as Vask von Volton, former heir and King of the planet Velmor located within the Mid Rim of the Halori sector. Though thought dead due to a peasant uprising against their Royal Family, Vask had survived and fled to the Outer Rim. Here is where his story was lost and forgotten, figured dead, until his return to galactic society, high and low, recently with his ascension as Lord of Saijo. Having established himself on the planet and expanded it's production capabilities and industrialization; the company was created to better support his future goals as well as provide services for the wider galaxy. The company now serves not only private aims but also better supports him monetarily.

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