Crazy Man McJangle
Hey gang,
I'm your newest Roleplay Judge and I'm on the prowl to get a general feel of how everyone is doing here and to reach out and learn about our members. This is entirely voluntary and no one but myself will see who wrote what. I'm an unbiased party here as I've spent most of my roleplaying career as a non-staffer with the exception of now and a few points in the past. I'm part of the proletariat.
Not all of the questions need to be answered in the PM if you choose to reply. If you do take part in the survey, please only as one of your characters instead of nine or ten. Ideally I'd take your sign in account unless it's not someone you actively use. Like @Jack Sparrow , my Packers loving homeslice. If you do partake, please elaborate on your responses where applicable! Please do not just whine for the reason, I'm looking for mature responses to help gauge the community as a whole. Every opinion will be taken into account whether you've been here from the beginning or just joined.
Thank you for helping me to get a grasp on the handle of all you roleplayers out there!
Message Title: [Insert Name(or names if you wish to list a few of your characters)]'s PM Survey.
1. Do you have any idea who I am? (You wont offend me, let 'er rip. )
2. What brought you to CHAOS and has helped to keep you here?
3. How long have you been roleplaying? (Tabletop, forum, Instant Messenger, DnD, etc)
4. What is your favorite topic to roleplay? If it is Star Wars, what is your second favorite topic?
5. What do you feel are CHAOS's strengths as a community? What are its weaknesses?
6. How comfortable are you with the design of CHAOS's forum? What would you change?
7. Do you feel that we do a good job of welcoming new members as a community and as a staff? What could we (community and/or staff) do better?
8. Who stands out in your mind as a strong member of the community that people can look up to and get help from?
9. Do you feel that Staff is competent and fair?
10. Do you feel like you can approach Staff at any time if there is a problem? Or are you afraid you'll get in trouble for asking a question? Why? What could we do to be more approachable?
11. Is anything too confusing to you about the rules of the board? If so, what?
12. Are there any rules that you don't agree with? Why?
13. Are there any rules you would like to see implemented? Why?
14. Do you like that factions can be private and require permission to enter? Why or why not?
15. Do you use Skype? Do you use a different messenger system that you would like to see promoted along with Skype?
16. What name do you like to go by on the forums?
17. Are you confident/comfortable in sharing ideas you have with the forum? Or are you more shy and don't want to stir up the pot?
18. What types of character do you enjoy roleplaying the most?
19. Who is your favorite canon Star Wars Character? Why?
20. Who is your favorite roleplayer to read? (Your own characters excluded) Why?
21. What do you look for when you're roleplaying? Do you prefer a story or more combat?
22. How much do you develop your character before actually roleplaying as him/her? Do you take days or do you come up with an idea and just dive in?
23. What are your strengths as a roleplayer?
24. What are your weaknesses as a roleplayer?
25. Would you be willing to teach/learn?
26. Do you find a roleplay thread as a whole or how your character performs more important?
27. Do you, or are you, willing to communicate with your roleplaying peers prior/during combat to help resolve any issues?
28. Is victory or defeat more enjoyable for you? Why?
29. Please list the top forums you've been a part of. Where does CHAOS stand compared to them?
30. If you had unlimited Staff powers for a day with no repercussions for your actions, what would you do?
Anything else you would like to address please title as "EXTRA" and add to the end of the PM.
Thank you for your time if you participate!
**End Note: I can only handle so many PMs at once, if you are informed that my Inbox is full, please try again the following day. Please do not send it to one of my sub-accounts as it will likely get lost and forgotten. If it's been more than one day, post a message in my profile rather than a PM to alert me to the problem. Thank you!
Signing off,
-Crazy Man McJangle
If you want, rate yourself on this scale as well
Version 1.1 Update:
After receiving a few of these, I want to point out that this is entirely confidential and I will not hold anything against you for your comments. Do not feel the need to censor your comments.
I'm your newest Roleplay Judge and I'm on the prowl to get a general feel of how everyone is doing here and to reach out and learn about our members. This is entirely voluntary and no one but myself will see who wrote what. I'm an unbiased party here as I've spent most of my roleplaying career as a non-staffer with the exception of now and a few points in the past. I'm part of the proletariat.
Not all of the questions need to be answered in the PM if you choose to reply. If you do take part in the survey, please only as one of your characters instead of nine or ten. Ideally I'd take your sign in account unless it's not someone you actively use. Like @Jack Sparrow , my Packers loving homeslice. If you do partake, please elaborate on your responses where applicable! Please do not just whine for the reason, I'm looking for mature responses to help gauge the community as a whole. Every opinion will be taken into account whether you've been here from the beginning or just joined.
Thank you for helping me to get a grasp on the handle of all you roleplayers out there!
Message Title: [Insert Name(or names if you wish to list a few of your characters)]'s PM Survey.
1. Do you have any idea who I am? (You wont offend me, let 'er rip. )
2. What brought you to CHAOS and has helped to keep you here?
3. How long have you been roleplaying? (Tabletop, forum, Instant Messenger, DnD, etc)
4. What is your favorite topic to roleplay? If it is Star Wars, what is your second favorite topic?
5. What do you feel are CHAOS's strengths as a community? What are its weaknesses?
6. How comfortable are you with the design of CHAOS's forum? What would you change?
7. Do you feel that we do a good job of welcoming new members as a community and as a staff? What could we (community and/or staff) do better?
8. Who stands out in your mind as a strong member of the community that people can look up to and get help from?
9. Do you feel that Staff is competent and fair?
10. Do you feel like you can approach Staff at any time if there is a problem? Or are you afraid you'll get in trouble for asking a question? Why? What could we do to be more approachable?
11. Is anything too confusing to you about the rules of the board? If so, what?
12. Are there any rules that you don't agree with? Why?
13. Are there any rules you would like to see implemented? Why?
14. Do you like that factions can be private and require permission to enter? Why or why not?
15. Do you use Skype? Do you use a different messenger system that you would like to see promoted along with Skype?
16. What name do you like to go by on the forums?
17. Are you confident/comfortable in sharing ideas you have with the forum? Or are you more shy and don't want to stir up the pot?
18. What types of character do you enjoy roleplaying the most?
19. Who is your favorite canon Star Wars Character? Why?
20. Who is your favorite roleplayer to read? (Your own characters excluded) Why?
21. What do you look for when you're roleplaying? Do you prefer a story or more combat?
22. How much do you develop your character before actually roleplaying as him/her? Do you take days or do you come up with an idea and just dive in?
23. What are your strengths as a roleplayer?
24. What are your weaknesses as a roleplayer?
25. Would you be willing to teach/learn?
26. Do you find a roleplay thread as a whole or how your character performs more important?
27. Do you, or are you, willing to communicate with your roleplaying peers prior/during combat to help resolve any issues?
28. Is victory or defeat more enjoyable for you? Why?
29. Please list the top forums you've been a part of. Where does CHAOS stand compared to them?
30. If you had unlimited Staff powers for a day with no repercussions for your actions, what would you do?
Anything else you would like to address please title as "EXTRA" and add to the end of the PM.
Thank you for your time if you participate!
**End Note: I can only handle so many PMs at once, if you are informed that my Inbox is full, please try again the following day. Please do not send it to one of my sub-accounts as it will likely get lost and forgotten. If it's been more than one day, post a message in my profile rather than a PM to alert me to the problem. Thank you!
Signing off,
-Crazy Man McJangle
If you want, rate yourself on this scale as well
Version 1.1 Update:
After receiving a few of these, I want to point out that this is entirely confidential and I will not hold anything against you for your comments. Do not feel the need to censor your comments.