Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vong Weapon/Armor/Creature Ideas

Anyone got any ideas for new Vong tech we should submit to the Factory? Post 'em here! And remember, we wanna stay lore-heavy with the Vong, so any ideas for that is welcome too.
How are we for diseases? Any kind of biological weaponry? I do like a good old fashioned epidemic thread, having a group of Jedi healers or whatnot there, trying to cure whatever we've engineered to ail them.

Maybe even get a thread arc going on with a Vong-made plague spreading.

I've got the Gila Stomach already approved, it spreads the Vongspawn virus. But I would love to do a virus dev thread with you if you want to make more.
If I may Kraal, I saw this and though I should hand over some ideas that I have had, but never been able to do.

One that I have in mind is a wrist mounted needle projectile weapon. As you stated for the virus, it could be used in this needler simply as another form of injection, as well as a secondary weapon for the warrior caste. Feeding off of a portion of the users strength every time that it is fired will reduce the want to use it as a main weapon, but still allow alot of leway to use. Or you could have it as a primary weapon where the foreare will be replaced with this weapon, and a "cord" or "tube" will attach from the side of the weapon to a bag or even work with the stomach weapon you made so insted of throwing up, use it as a form of ammo for the weapon.

If I went against rules to post in here I am sorry and you may hide or delete this post if you wish to do so.

As well, I would like to talk to a shaper about possibly joining considering with what I want to do with my character, if it would be approved to do so.

[member="Tsavong Kraal"],
[member="Nickolas Imura"]

No rules against posting in here, I would love to hear your ideas on what you want done to your character, Tsavong is an avid shaper himself.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"],
I have not had any Vong shaping done on myself yet, but I have had with poison injected into my arm that causes my left arm to look different, as well as have stronger attributes. But I was thinking that you could shape my body in some way to have half of the Vong attributes. (biots of weapons and the eyes, and maybe even other things) and still retain a half human appearance.

However I have heard about that Vong biots don't work with non-Vong people? I was just wondering if the listed above is possible or not. And if I looked more human, I could act as a diplomat between vong and other people in the galaxy. (seeing has how Vong are looked down upon by others)


Anzat's How it's Done
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Do we Vong have space suits of any kind?

We do need a dedicated ranged weapon that isn't just a carbine.

How about a med pack that's a hive of bugs that crawl over you and stitch you back together?

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