If I may Kraal, I saw this and though I should hand over some ideas that I have had, but never been able to do.
One that I have in mind is a wrist mounted needle projectile weapon. As you stated for the virus, it could be used in this needler simply as another form of injection, as well as a secondary weapon for the warrior caste. Feeding off of a portion of the users strength every time that it is fired will reduce the want to use it as a main weapon, but still allow alot of leway to use. Or you could have it as a primary weapon where the foreare will be replaced with this weapon, and a "cord" or "tube" will attach from the side of the weapon to a bag or even work with the stomach weapon you made so insted of throwing up, use it as a form of ammo for the weapon.
If I went against rules to post in here I am sorry and you may hide or delete this post if you wish to do so.
As well, I would like to talk to a shaper about possibly joining considering with what I want to do with my character, if it would be approved to do so.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"],