Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vonx Ren


NAME: Vonx Ren
FACTION: The First Order
RANK: Disciple of Ren
SPECIES: Dathomirian Zabrak
AGE: Unknown
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.13 Meters
WEIGHT: 176.90 Kilograms
YES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Red with tattoos

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
*Extreme Strength
*Expert Fighter
*One Track Mind
*Primarily uses Djem So, a bit slower fighting style.


Telekinesis: 4/5
Force Rage: 4/5
Force Scream: 4/5

APPEARANCE: Vonx is a Zabrak and Rattataki Hyrbid. Instead of vestigial horns on his head, he bears spikes on his arms leading up to his shoulders. He is extremely muscular, and is 6'8 in hignt. His skin is grey and is has black tattoos.

BIOGRAPHY: Not much is known about Vonx other than he was born and raised on Dathomir. He was taken in to be trained by the First Order in an attempt to expand the Knights of Ren, and was given Ren as his knew surname.


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