Vylmira's Wrath

- Intent: The Personal weapon of Darth Voph
- Image Source: Here
- Canon Link: Lightsaber
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Voph
- Affiliation: Voph
- Model: Sitdrisa'yr
- Modularity: No
Production: Unique
- Material: Songsteel, Crystal Matrix, Circuitry
- Classification: Lightsaber
- Size: Large
- Weight: Light
- Runed Hilt: The hilt bears runes matching the suit of armor Voph crafted. High Sith runes that speak of the battles Voph has been apart of, Notably the Battle of Oricon during the Dread War, The Battle of Yavin 4 during the Revanite Crisis, The Evacuation of Ziost, The Battle of Denova and The Battle of Commenor during the Zakuul War, and various skirmishes on Iokath following the Zakuul War.
- Chromatic Blade: The methods used to attune the crystal resulted in a blade that could shift colors depending on the user. This process happens slowly, over a period of months. Currently, the blade appears white, with hints of blue.
- Songsteel Hilt: The hilt is forged from Songsteel, making it resistant to other lightsabers.
- Oversized Hilt: The lightsaber was designed with an oversized hilt to cater to Voph's fighting style. This, however, makes the hilt vulnerable to attack, should his opponent wish to strike it.
- Cortosis Liability: Cortosis in its raw form will cause the blade to deactivate.
- No Snorkel: This lightsaber, as with any model, will not function underwater.
- Resistant materials: The lightsaber has difficulty slicing through stronger metals such as Beskar and Phrik
Voph was once a master craftsman, forging blades not only for himself, but for other notable Sith in Vitiate's Empire. The blades he forged as gifts were often immaculate works of art, a collector's item as much as they were fully functional weapons. His own blades, however, were often a much simpler affair. He was a warrior, and one that could not observe the physical realm as most others do. His blades maintain a semblance of elegance, and yet they are oddly simple in their design. Sturdy construction and a hardy metal are the hallmarks of Voph's personal weapons, with this one being no exception. It is unclear if this blade was forged before or after his reawakening, but it certainly bears the hallmarks of a weapon of the ancient Sith.