Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Voraden Tarkos


Voraden Tarkos

Age: 35 (human equivalent)

Species: Sith Pureblood (Sith Pureblood)

Gender: Male

Height: 1.85 meters

Weight: 85 kg

Force Sensitive: Yes, aligned to the dark side but never fully fallen.


Voraden Tarkos possesses the striking, deep crimson skin of his Sith Pureblood heritage, with darker markings accentuating his sharp features. His golden eyes radiate with intensity, often glowing brighter when he draws upon the dark side. Standing tall and broad-shouldered, Voraden's physique reflects his rigorous combat training. He wears the LO-56MKII armor, customized for agility in battle, with a long crimson red cape that bears the emblem of the Lilaste Order. This cape is a symbol of his loyalty to the Order and a reminder of the power he wields with control. His features are both regal and fearsome, making his presence intimidating to both enemies and allies.


  • LO-56A MKII armor set
  • Custom Broad Saber
  • Crimson red cape with the Lilaste Order emblem
  • Utility belt containing survival gear, spare energy cells, and explosives.


Voraden Tarkos embodies the core values of the Lilaste Order while choosing to embrace the dark side. His personality is a reflection of the discipline taught at the Kirima Force Academy, where he trained to balance both light and dark aspects of the Force. While he acknowledged the wisdom of this balance, Voraden gravitated towards the dark side due to his Sith heritage, finding its power more fitting for his strength and abilities.

However, unlike many who fall completely into the dark side, Voraden maintains a firm grip on his emotions. He does not allow anger or hatred to cloud his judgment, seeing the dark side as a tool to be mastered rather than a force that controls him. This philosophy sets him apart from traditional Sith, and he holds this as a defining characteristic of the Lilaste Order's teachings. Voraden believes that true power comes from the mastery of self, and while he uses the dark side to fuel his abilities, he remains unwavering in his control over it.

Despite his alignment with the dark side, Voraden is not heartless. His loyalty to the Lilaste Order and its mission to bring balance to the galaxy guides his decisions. He is fiercely protective of those within the Order, seeing them as family. He values strength, honor, and discipline above all else, believing that only through struggle can one achieve true power.


  • Controlled Darkness: Voraden can channel the dark side of the Force without falling to its madness, making him a rare and formidable dark-side user who does not succumb to rage or chaos.
  • Master Strategist: He possesses a sharp tactical mind, allowing him to anticipate his enemies' moves and exploit weaknesses with precision. His training under Laphisto has honed his ability to plan and execute complex operations.


  • Distant and Reserved: Voraden's strict control over his emotions makes him appear cold and distant, preventing him from forming close bonds with others. This isolation can lead to difficulties in collaboration with others who rely on emotional connection.
  • Heritage Burden: Voraden's Sith Pureblood heritage often leads to internal conflict, as his lineage pulls him deeper into the dark side. This creates a constant struggle to maintain control over his darker impulses.


Voraden Tarkos was born into a Sith Pureblood lineage, which carried with it the natural inclination toward the dark side of the Force. From a young age, he was trained in the ways of the dark side by his family, who sought to instill in him the power of their heritage. However, his life took a different path when he encountered Laphisto, the High Commander of the Lilaste Order. Laphisto saw potential in Voraden and took him as an apprentice, bringing him into the Order's fold.

Voraden was sent to train at the Kirima Force Academy, where he learned to embrace both the light and dark sides of the Force. Though he respected the teachings of balance, Voraden felt a deeper connection to the dark side, as it resonated with his heritage and personal strength. The dark side provided him with the power and focus he needed, but the Lilaste Order's teachings ensured he would not be consumed by it.

Voraden quickly rose through the ranks of the Order, proving himself as a loyal and disciplined warrior. His strength in the dark side and his ability to remain in control made him an ideal protector of the Lilaste Order's values. Under the tutelage of Laphisto, he honed his combat skills, perfected his tactical abilities, and learned to wield the dark side with purpose rather than recklessness.

Now, Voraden serves as one of the foremost warriors of the Lilaste Order, a symbol of its ideology. His cape, emblazoned with the Order's emblem, signifies his unwavering loyalty and commitment to bringing balance to the galaxy. Despite his alignment with the dark side, Voraden remains grounded in his belief that true power comes not from losing oneself to emotion but from mastering it. His story continues as he navigates the challenges of his dark heritage and the conflicts that arise within the galaxy.
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