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Catalog Vora's House of Trinkets

Factory Judge
You walk into a Storefront. Within the doors are a host of old relics of the past. Unique items that call out to you. Guns, swords, Armors, and weird looking artifacts that scream within the force. Even those who are not sensitives to such things feel uneasy in the presence of so much. At the desk sits a lonely man who is disfigured. He grunts in your direction. A Strange place to be you guess.

"Trade me something of value, and you can take something from here. Be careful though. Not everything is easy to use, or safe in the terms of others. These are dangerous items. This is your only warning."


Force Artifacts:

  • Ocululiums - Semi-Unique - Force imbued Eye replacements.
  • Tincture of Wrath - Unique - 3 doses of Force Rage. User may have other symptoms, Death included.
  • Amulet of the Shadow-Star - Unique - Amulet that can transport things or people to a Shadow World.
  • Ao's Divine Gift - Unique - Earrings that can allow the wearer to transform into different creatures.
  • Corona - Unique - A Force Imbued blade that increases force potential.
  • Eremiel - Unique - Ancient Lightsaber Technology in the Modern Day.
  • Unity - Unique - A lightsaber that once belonged to the great Jedi Master Ryv.
  • Shieldbreaker Greatsword - Unique - Claymore sword of Force Light.
  • Mind Shard Sith Daggers - Semi-unique - Daggers that drain life, and knowledge.
  • Anti-Forcesaber - Semi-unique - Uniquely designed Forcesabers that use the Anti-Force
  • Reflection - Unique - Unassuming Leather Bracers that make doubles of the wearer.
  • Isatre Mitua - Unique - Armor that has the soul of a Dead Sith.
  • Armor of the Dead - Unique - Armor that protects from the force, and makes spooky aura, but at a cost.

Sold Items:
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You walk into a Storefront. Within the doors are a host of old relics of the past. Unique items that call out to you. Guns, swords, Armors, and weird looking artifacts that scream within the force. Even those who are not sensitives to such things feel uneasy in the presence of so much. At the desk sits a lonely man who is disfigured. He grunts in your direction. A Strange place to be you guess.

"Trade me something of value, and you can take something from here. Be careful though. Not everything is easy to use, or safe in the terms of others. These are dangerous items. This is your only warning."


Force Artifacts:

  • Ocululiums - Semi-Unique - Force imbued Eye replacements.
  • Tincture of Wrath - Unique - 3 doses of Force Rage. User may have other symptoms, Death included.
  • Cradle of Life - Unique - An artifact that can gift the Force to individuals, and even bring people back from the dead.
  • Strange Book - Unique - A book that can summon items, and has knowledge at your fingertips.
  • Amulet of the Shadow-Star - Unique - Amulet that can transport things or people to a Shadow World.
  • Ao's Divine Gift - Unique - Earrings that can allow the wearer to transform into different creatures.
  • Corona - Unique - A Force Imbued blade that increases force potential.
  • Eremiel - Unique - Ancient Lightsaber Technology in the Modern Day.
  • Shieldbreaker Greatsword - Unique - Claymore sword of Force Light.
  • Reflection - Unique - Unassuming Leather Bracers that make doubles of the wearer.
  • Isatre Mitua - Unique - Armor that has the soul of a Dead Sith.

Sold Items:
  • N/A

"I'm interested in the cradle, partner."
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Factory Judge
The disfigured man looks him up and down. Grabs the sphere from the cabinet and hands it over.

"Ya can take it. I expect payment soon, or some Sith Lord or another will come down on ya head."

Kyric Kyric
"This one's a family heirloom, but I think my old man would understand." The boy would place his grandfather's first lightsaber on the table. "Took me six years to track this down after some crazy lady lost it. Treat 'er well."

He pockets the life-giving heirloom and departs.
"Hey, uh, that book's looking pretty good. I've been missing some reading material lately."

Dante picked up the Strange Book.

"Well, don't mind if I do ..."

He pulled out his wallet, his enthusiasm deflating a little.

"Look, err, you mind if I pay you at a later time? I'm a little strapped for cash right now, but you can have this."

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
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Factory Judge
The man watches the younger individual. Pulling out his wallet and producing a piece of paper. Looking back to the kid with some confusion before opening and reading the note.

"Boss ain't gonna be happy, but sure. Careful he dont find ya tho. He a mean motherfracker."

Dante Iblis Dante Iblis
Factory Judge
The man looked over the woman's frame.

"What you gonna give in return? Ain't no thing as a free lunch lady."

Looking at the rather unique looking specimen that he had never seen before, the man stood up and handed the Aspect to the creature.

"That is a very interesting trade. My master will be most pleased."

Looking at the drake-egg, he gingerly tapped it before grabbing a cloth to move it into the back rooms.

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