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Approved Species Voromere

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  • Intent: To create a new creature that enhances the RP experience on Islimore
  • Image Credit: AnnaShoemaker
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Lupo, Islimore

  • Name: Voromere
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Islimore
  • Average Lifespan: 20-50 Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare, limited to select regions of Islimore.
  • Description: Gaunt creatures with sharp teeth and elongated heads and limbs.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.1 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale, almost translucent, with a faint blue or grey tinge.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: The Voromere are gaunt, skeletal creatures with nearly translucent skin that clings tightly to their bones. Unlike base humans or humanoid creatures, the Voromere have elongated heads with large, hollow eyes that emit a ghostly white glow. Their mouths are exceptionally wide and filled with jagged teeth, with limbs that are disproportionately long and bony fingers that end in sharp claws. Despite their formidable height, they are perpetually hunched over, though this does not take away from their fearsome appearance.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All

    • Voromere are not born, but made, and undergo an excruciating transformation process by injecting their victims with the essence of Nightsorrow — a substance their bodies naturally make — from a retractable spike located in its wrists. Upon injection, the highly corrosive Nightsorrow Essence rapidly spreads through the victim's body, corrupting their cells and altering their DNA, immediately beginning a process that breaks down the victim's existing tissues and begins bone restructuring. Through hours of agonizing pain, the skeletal structure will begin to extend and warp, causing the limbs to stretch out unnaturally. As the bones elongate, the victim's flesh undergoes a process of what appears to be decay and regeneration. The corrupted cells die off rapidly, causing the flesh to appear rotted and withered. However, new tissues grow quickly to replace the old, giving the skin its translucent and weathered appearance.
  • Mind-Wiping:
    • Due to the process of the Nightsorrow Essence, the victim's former personality and memories are completely erased, leaving them as mindless predators that operate purely on instinct, driven only by their need to feed and reproduce.
  • Claws and Extremities:
    • During the process of their transformation, Voromere grow claws and elongated teeth, these adaptations are crucial for hunting and defending themselves, tearing apart their prey or those who intend to cause them harm.
  • Survivalists:
    • Unlike typical predators, Voromere can derive their energy and sustenance directly from the Force. This allows them to survive in environments where physical food sources may be scarce or nonexistent, making them highly adaptable creatures.
  • Accelerated Healing:
    • The Force energy that they consume accelerates their natural healing processes, allowing them to recover from injuries that would be fatal to most other creatures.
  • Resilient:
    • Despite their frail appearances, their skeletal structure is actually quite hardy, making them difficult to kill.
  • Enhanced Speed:
    • One of the species most formidable strengths is their enhanced speed, which is significantly boosted by their consumption of Force energy. In their base state, Voromere can move at speeds comparable to that of a sprinting human, but post feeding their speed enhances dramatically, reaching speeds of up to 60-70 kph (37-43 mph). The duration for which they can maintain this enhanced speed depends on several factors, including recent feeding, overall health, and environmental conditions. Typically, they can sustain this for up to an hour before needing to slow down and recover.

  • Mindless:
    • Driven purely by instinct, this lack of intelligence makes them predictable and unable to strategize or adapt to changing situations, which can be exploited by more intelligent opponents.
  • Lack of Social Structuring:
    • Voromere are solitary hunters and do not work together, preventing them from overwhelming opponents through coordinated attacks and making them easier to defeat individually.
  • Slow Reproduction Rate:
    • The process of injecting their victims with Nightsorrow Essence to reproduce is slow and not always successful. This limits their population growth and ensures that their numbers remain relatively low.
  • The Lightside of the Force:
    • Despite their fearsome reputation, they are vulnerable to the light side of the Force which can purify and destroy these abominations. However, this knowledge is not widely known, as very few have been able to get close enough to these creatures and go on to live and tell the tale.
  • Painful Transformation:
    • The transformation process to create a new Voromere is excruciatingly painful and can take a significant amount of time, leaving them vulnerable during the change. If a potential Voromere victim can be killed before the transformation completes, the process can be interrupted and kept from adding to their population.

  • Diet: Feeds on Force Energy
  • Communication: Non-verbal, communicate through growls, hisses, and body language
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: The species are nocturnal hunters, relying on their keen senses to track down Force-sensitive prey. They are solitary by nature.

The origins of the Voromere are shrouded in mystery, though it is certain they were the creation of a Sith Alchemist, whose identity and specific purpose behind the creatures creation has been lost to time. However, their terrifying appearance and predatory nature strongly suggests that they were intended as instruments of fear and control, designed to subjugate the weak and unwary.

What is known about these creatures, is that their existence on Islimore predates the arrival of the Lupo species. Unlike the Lupo, whose origins can be traced to the splicing of Loth Wolves and the Lupine species, the genetic origins of the Voromere remain unclear. Some scholars speculate that the Voromere may have been an early prototype or even a failed experiment in the creation of the Lupo. Though no definitive evidence supports this theory, their grotesque forms and mindless predation hints at a dark and twisted experiment gone awry.

Throughout the centuries, the Voromere have remained a rare but persistent threat on Islimore. Their ability to feed on Force energy makes them particularly dangerous to Force-sensitive beings, and draws them to areas with high concentrations of such individuals. Through the centuries there have been legends and myths that speak of entire villages being devastated by Voromere attacks, with supposed survivors recounting tales of ghostly predators emerging from the shadows to drain the life from their victims.

The passage of time has done little to diminish the horror associated with them, with their continued existence serving as a grim reminder of the dangers of tampering with the dark side of the Force, and the lasting consequences such actions can have.

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