Name: Voruu
Alias: #19
Gender: Female
Age: Physically 21; Biologically 16
Species: Human (Cyborg)
Hair: Black with a pinkish tint
Eyes: Glowing Pink (cybernetic augmentations)
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 145 Lbs.
Complexion: Rosy
Build: Athletic
Force Sensitive: To an extent.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Enhanced Physiology: Voruu doesn't age like the average human, and is stronger and faster. Her eyes are more acute, and are also similar to computers.
+Force Sensitivity: Though Voruu's cybernetic enhancments limit her abilities, she can still partially use the Force.
+Killing Machine: Voruu was created to be a kind of war mechanism, making her especially lethal in a fight.
-Humanity: Voruu may be a cyborg death-machine, but she is still human. She can bleed, and a shot to her heart will absolutely kill her.
-Emotion: Contrary to general opinions, Voruu still retains all the emotions of a sentient being. This means that if something were to tug at her heartstrings, she could be made vulnerable.
-Solitary: Voruu has been alone, and prefers to remain that way. She keeps everyone at a distance.
Voruu is an unusual sight indeed. Her glowing pink eyes are the big thing that people see right off the bat. Then they notice all of the little glowing pink lines from her cyber circuitry that appear under her skin. Some of her implants are visible, and appear as patches of metal all over her body. And then, there are the huge mechanical wings that eject from her back whenever she wants them to. Yeah. Most people just look and GO.
Voruu is a shy and tender being, under normal circumstances. She can be gentle, and even loving. She isn't one to speak often. When she's in battle, she becomes hard and cold and ruthless. Killing is literally in her programming. But she doesn't always kill. Especially if she's made a friend.
The tail of Voruu is a sad one. She was the only child of a Sith scientist by the name of Thyra. From a young age, Voruu was subjected to cruel living conditions because of her mother's constant obsession with her experiments. Often, she'd be forced to fend for herself while Thyra spent days shut up inside her laboratory. But Voruu still loved her mother anyway, even if the woman wouldn't care for her. Over the years, Thyra's experiments began to deteriorate and die off. This, of course, troubled her deeply. She was running out of subjects too fast. If only there was at least one nearby... And then an evil, twisted thought creeped into her mind. Voruu was young and healthy and strong. She was also Force Sensitive. Where could a more perfect specimen be? So, Thyra took her own daughter and made her into an experiment. For eight years, Voruu was tortured and tested, prodded and poked. She went through extreme augmentations, most of which without any kind of pain relief. The mother she had loved since birth thought of her as nothing more than her newest creation. The mental trauma from these events left scars on Voruu that may never heal. Thyra was nearing completion of "#19" when she was forced to leave for reasons unknown. Since then, Voruu has been floating in a bacta tank, waiting to be discovered.