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Approved Tech Vosra Holocron

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Talon Vosra


Image Source:
Intent: To create a personal holocron.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Talon Vosra
Model: Jedi Holocron
Affiliation: The Jedi Academy
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Crystal Matrix and Keystone

This holocron was created as an aid to Talon's instruction of padawans, knights and masters in the various Jedi Academies throughout the galaxy. He poured nearly everything he had knowledge of into the holographic chronicle with the intent that a padawan could follow the holocrons instruction from padawan to master if no master was available to teach.

Talon also discusses many unconventional skills including lock breaking and other investigation methods. He added his personal experiences and their effects on him as object lessons to help give students of the holocron perspective on what he taught and why. A discussion of the darkside and how to combat its effects is also included as well as a discussion on recognizing when to disengage an enemy or course of action rather than fall to the darkside.

Information on Disciples of Twilight including photokinetic cloaking, revelation, shadow vision and light manipulation for illusions and illumination.

Detailed description and instruction on Niman and Soresu lightsaber combat. Up to master level.

Jedi philosophy - primarily discussions on use of power and weapons as a last resort. Also, discussion on attachments and responsibilities.

Instruction on use of force concealment, specifically Quey'tek meditation.

Instructions for and about Jedi Sentinels, Jedi Investigators, and Jedi Shadows.

Instructions on lock picking, tailing, stake outs, marksmanship, squad command, arrest procedures, escalation of force and crime scene investigation.

Discussion on Zelosian Speices including personal history

Discussion on sheilding techniques against sith dark plague.

Lightsaber construction and faalo's cadences

Total defense technique - A personal fighting technique that employs only dodging and blocks but no strikes or offensive maneuvers aside from talking an opponent down. Two examples given of Sith being forced to flee in this way. (I won't name the sith because i didn't ask them first)

Horticultural discussion

Lessons on moving meditation, meditation kata

Force speed
Force cloak
Force stealth

Force sight
Force empathy

Force Jump
Force Pull/Push

Neutral Powers:
Breath control
Force Body
Force Listening
Force Throw
Force Wave

Light Side:
Hibernation trance
Mind Trick
Force Light

Darkside recognizing and combating only:
Dark Shear
Force lightning
Force wound
Force choke variation of Force Grip

Force powers applied to lightsaber combat:
Dun Möch
Saber Throw
Telekinetic lightsaber combat

Primary Source: N/A
It looks like it's that time of year again....

Approved, pending secondary. Just don't expect to give this to a padawan and have them learn these abilities with the same efficiency/time spent as one would with an actual master. (Unless you decide to die in the near future and pour your soul into this, that is. :p)
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