Karen raised a brow but didn't say anything. [member="Celiana"] was not the first Apprentice to have reacted that way either. One of her previous student's had been a desert wanderer before settling down. The idea of 'private property' was all but lose on the poor fellow. So having his 'own' room had been difficult to adjust to.
Roberts merely returned to the hallway and looked towards the kitchens. She still had a tour to finish.
"Very well then. Onward ho!"
The tour of the Voss Temple took only about an hour. On the first floor: The Great Hall, The Dorms, The Kitchens, The Classrooms, and The Labs. On the second floor: The Training Rooms, Holographic Suites, Patio Gardens, and the Libraries. Two of them. Digital and Collections.
So they ended their wanderings outside in the open summer air. Karen stopping on a pebble and sighing with completion. Ahh. Another tour well done.
"Excellent. So... That completes the tour of the Voss Temple. Your new home among the SSC. Please mind your manners around the other students too. We have aliens of all types here. Some more Light-side and some Darker types too. Though we can discuss more about Force Alignments during your training, of course."
She smiled and gave a wave.
"Room and board is covered as long as you are enrolled in our school here. Travel is very cheap too as long as you stay on-world. But venture back to the stars and you'll be on your own budget again. So use your time wisely while you are here on-world. Learn and grow at your own leisure. We rarely baby our more adult students these days. ...But such is life and love, I suppose."
Karen pursed her lips and tapped her foot. Trying to remember what else she was going to say.
"Ah! Our schedule. Of course. ...You'll be meeting with me here, in the Voss Temple Holosuites every Wednesday at zero eight hundred. Early sessions, for about four hours. Dress for a work out please. If you have lightsabers? Bring them too. I will supply all other equipment on the regime."
She paused to continue,
"The kitchen provides eating regimes for students who request them. Otherwise you'll have to exercise and diet as feel best. You're Echani, so I don't think their will be any complications in diet. ...Oh... And feel free to study with other local Masters as you see fit too. You have my permission to seek out training at your own liesure. All I ask is that you be mindful of your feelings and the temptations of the Darkside. Not all of the Force Masters around the SSC are as benevolent as the Jedi Sentinels you aspire to. Yes?"
Karen folded her arms and nodded. Welp. I suppose that was enough info-dump, for now. Time for questions.
"Alright then. Do you have any questions before we begin the next step?"