Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Vossk

FACTION: New Republic

RANK: Sergeant

SPECIES: Trandoshan

AGE: 36

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 7'6"/ 228.6cm

WEIGHT: 500lbs/ 227kg



SKIN: Orange/ tan



  • Military Mind- With nearly 20 years of service and his upbrining Vossk can make split second decisions in the middle of intense situations with almost no difficulty at all. He has seen and done it all when it comes to fighting in and leading soldiers in combat and all of his men can tell.
  • Heavy Weapons Expert- Vossk is highly trained in the use, maintanence, and repairs of all manner of heavy weaponry available to republic soldiers and many other enemy weapons he has had access to after battles.
  • Explosives Expert- Vossk is highly efficient in the use of readymade explosives and creatinng his own explosives from scratch with many manner of materials commonly found around battlefields.
  • Superior Physical Specimen- As a peak physical fitness Trandoshan Vossk has incredible strength, speed, endurance, and stamina even for a predatory species like his own. Along with that he has perfect vision and hearing.
  • Numb- Vossk has seen so much battle and death in his years of service it's made him numb to almost all emotion. While this is a great asset in war it's made his personal life almost non existant and when he doesn't keep himself busy it can lead to bouts of depression, insomnia, alcoholism, and suicidal thoughts and tendencies.
  • Breaking Down- While Vossk is in incredible physical shape he is reaching an age in his life where he finds it harder and harder to keep his fitness at its peak. It takes him longer to recover from injuries and fatigue than it used to and he also has trouble getting going after resting for long periods like sleeping or hospital stays.

Vossk is a very large trandoshan at 7'6 and 500lbs. He has orange and tan scales with red eyes. He is broad shouldered with thick lean muscle evenly across his body.

Vossk was raised in a military home. His father was a sergeant in the republic army and from the day he was born Vossk was treated as if he were one of his subordinates. Vossk did PT with his father every morning and trained at the range with him every night before bed. By the time Vossk was a teenager he had surpassed his father in physical prowess and markmanship. He enlisted the day he turned 18 and passed through bootcamp easily at the top of his class. He worked his way up to the rank of sergeant within 6 years but was growing bored. He then applied for spec ops training and passed the test with flying colors. Little did he know the world he was jumping in to was full of near suicide missions and shady jobs done for high ranking politicians benefits. After 10 grueling years of spec ops work Vossk retired from that life and moved back into his life as a sergeant. While that time in his life has taken its toll on him it taught him things he never dreamed of learning. The last 2 years has mostly been him trying to adapt back to the life he used to have and be a normal soldier again.






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