Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice Mother's Day weekend. Firstly, I'd like to say that I've enjoyed my time interacting with you all the short time I've been a part of this faction and board. Maining a politician, I love the strong (IC) political element of the GR. I find our democratic process a positive defining trait among the more militant factions that seem to dominate the forum. No matter the outcome of the elections, I'm going to happily continue do my technocrat thing under the GR.
So onto my platform. I would like to continue the trend toward more inclusiveness on both an IC and OOC level. We've had an excellent start by allowing Force Users to openly serve in office, and I'd like to keep building off of that. I would like regular members to have more of a say in major decisions like capital placement and expansion plans.
At the moment, I think the OS has us beat in the coordination department. I'd like to see us reaching out more to other light side and neutral factions so that we may start working more closely together against the One Sith and their allies. On a basic level, I'd just like us to be more friendly with each other, and finally quash some petty grudges that are holding us back. There's a lot of different ways we could collaborate with other factions to satisfy the interests of everyone. Activities like cross-training with GA, development with the Directorate, exploration with the Silver Jedi, etc.
When it comes to events like invasions, I will work with the opposing faction(s) to ensure that all sides have an entertaining and pleasant roleplaying experience. I want to go into future invasions with a sense of excitement instead of dread. Fortunately, we now have the new invasion rules to help us with that, as conditions now favor quality writing and cooperation over power gaming and drama for victory.
Something else I'd like us to work on in an overhaul of our lore department. We could do a better job with the layout and content of our information posts. For instance, dividing up the single armory list into multiple specialized lists that offers some helpful descriptions on each item without having to load up each individual entry. Expanding the Senate roster into a full planetary codex that provides a nice little synopsis on their history, politics, force strength, etc. (Something like that will come in handy with the new invasion rules.) A more comprehensive timeline of all current and past happenings would be nice for new members.
On the topic of experience, I've had a hand at managing forums over the years, and currently own multiple communities with hundreds of members. As a moderator, I strive to encourage civil interactions between fellow members and those of other factions. I try to be transparent in my moderation, frowning upon any kind of backroom dealing that goes against the will of the faction as a whole. As I said before, I'm all about getting people involved from the bottom up.
Finally, I will consider no pants Tuesdays (an easy thing since Suravi isn't as much of a trousers person as Arisa).