Voth Nall
SPECIES: Human (Corulag)
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 5'10” (188 cm)
WEIGHT: 185 lbs (84 kg)
PHYSIQUE: Athletic, Toned
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair/Medium
Faction Allegiance: Galactic Alliance Defense Force Starfighter Corps
Formal Titles and Ranks: 2nd Lieutenant; Flight Lead, Besh Flight, Vornskr Squadron; Executive Officer, VornskyrSquadron
Homeworld: Corulag
Residences: Corulag (Family Residence)
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
Galatic Basic Standard(Native)
High Galactic
Sy Bisti
Kel Dor
- Astrogation and Combat Piloting Training
- Tactics and Command Training
- Basic Sidearm Marksmanship Training
- Basic K'tara Traning
- Basic Survival and First Aid Training
- Language Training
- Quick, trained reflexes and reaction time
- High-level physical fitness training
- Mental Fitness training
- This Starfighter is my Body: Voth is an experienced pilot and is such acquainted with the A-wing that he flies it almost as if it were an extension of his body, being able to anticipate how it's going to react to his input and how far he can push its limits and ascertain how damaged it is and what systems are damaged by how it behaves and responds to his flying
- Him? He was a True Ace: Between his extensive training at Corulag Academy, his natural and trained reflexes, and well-honed knowledge of the A-Wing that the Galactic Alliance has entrusted him with, Voth has become a masterful pilot and can apply his A-wing's advantages and disadvantages to work in his favor
- Polyglot: Taking several language classes at the Corulag Academy and his flight's propensity to be deployed on reconnaissance and patrol missions have given Voth ample opportunity to learn the most common and several uncommon trade languages, giving him a working knowledge of languages like Huttese, Twileki, and even Sy Bisti.
- Loyal and Faithful: Both to his comrades, subordinates, and his squadron lead, as well as to his family and friends, and even to the Alliance as a whole, Voth's loyalty is all but absolute. He is willing to go to hell and back for them or with them, without any qualms or any hesitation
- Those who can read the tide of battle: Corulag Academy, as well as his experiences as a pilot, has trained and forged Voth into someone that can, while maintaining his engagement in a battle, keep his tactical mind about him, intervening at opportune places or ordering his flight to where they are most effective.
- Damn Fool: While he will do anything for the safety of his squadronmates, Voth is known to have a somewhat reckless and foolhardy way of flying, taking risks that would give many pilots pause and pushing his starfighter to and sometimes beyond its limits, much to the chagrin of his flight's Deck Chief
- Stubborn and Independent: Voth is loyal to a fault, but that doesn't mean that he's the best listener. Especially when his orders violate his values, put his squadronmates in an unnecessary risk, or are made suicidal or impossibly by changing conditions, he's always willing to bend or outright disregard orders if that happens to be what is in the best interest of his flight, the mission, or his values.
- Those Who Live for Pride: While he's a great friend to have, he knows he's a great fighter pilot and sometimes, especially after a few drinks, his arrogance can come out in annoying ways, especially around his fellow pilots. This can even lead to bar fights sometimes which almost always leave him with a black eye and more than a few bruises.
- This Starfighter is my Body: Voth is an experienced pilot and is such acquainted with the A-wing that he flies it almost as if it were an extension of his body, being able to anticipate how it's going to react to his input and how far he can push its limits and ascertain how damaged it is and what systems are damaged by how it behaves and responds to his flying
Personality Dossier
Biographical History
Businesses and Real Estate
Family Residence (Corulag) - small farmhouse near Curamelle
Ships and Vehicles
Alliance-Issue REC-AI-01 A-wing Interceptor
REC-DC04 Feverwasp Particle Blaster Pistol
Wealth and Luxury Items
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