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Approved Species Vo'uldesh

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The Vo'uldesh

​[Artstation - Giant Flower Leech by Jinha Kwon]


  • Intent: To flesh out a new planet I intend on using, and to expand on the lore that makes the planet have interesting dynamics.
  • ​Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links:
​- Sraeljoarsk
- Draeyde

  • Name: The Vo'uldesh
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Homeworld: Sraeljoarsk
  • Language: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 300yrs
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Breathes: Type I-IV
  • Average height of adults: 4.6m
  • Average length of adults: 6m
  • Skin color: Black, Brown
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: These are non humanoid symbiotic creatures, they are much closer to a halfbreed between a strange sort of fish and a plant than a humanoid being. They are large, slow creatures that live in humid and moist areas, surviving by consuming various oxygen types to produce a toxic form of ink as a form of protection.
  • Races: N/A
  • Strengths:
​- Fast when cornered: While these things don't actually move much, when close they can effectively use their tendrils and massive gaping mouths to attack anything that gets too close.
- Pack Animals: It's best to keep a distance, the Vo'uldesh solely act on instinct and cannot typically differentiate friend from foe, and nest in the hundreds. However they won't chase you or anything like that.
- Poisonous Ink: The Vo'uldesh produce a thick poisonous and acidic ink that is incredibly dangerous to humanoids. It can erode equipment, choke and poison. However, the ink has a much higher density than air and thus stays close to the ground. However, the ink does make particular areas of Sraeljoarsk simply a no-go zone for any form of life.
-Scare Tactics: The Vo'uldesh produce two types of ink, toxic and unrefined. The toxic ink is the thicker ink that pollutes the grounds in which they nest. The Vo'uldesh also produce a type of vapour which carries similar qualities to their ink. They shoot it at high velocity to try and scare away threats. This ink also floats high into the sky typically before evaporating hours later.
-Adaptable: These creatures are adaptable, and can breath and consume any kind of air variation.

  • Weaknesses:
​- Gaping Maw: The Vo'uldesh usually exist in highly toxic and polluted humid areas, typically just outside of the tunnel entrances to the deep hollows. These areas are typically in caverns, hidden. This gives anything a up-hill advantage against these creatures. Their mouths are wide open, just drop a grenade in its throat. However, the explosion will cause a large amount of unrefined ink to pollute the open air.
- Soft Skin: While large, the Vo'uldesh have slimey sleek skin that is very vulnerable to all types of weaponry.
- Inflammatory: Their toxic ink is inflammatory, which can be easily turned against them.
-Specific Conditions: There is a reason these creatures are not wide spread, and it is because they require certain hive-like conditions to thrive. Otherwise, they would slowly die off.

  • Diet: Soil nutrients, mycobacteria, ect
  • Communication: There is no clear form of communication for these animals, it is possible they have a low level telepathic symbiotic relationship with each other.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: These creatures are inherently offensive. Your perspective of them prescribed by their toxicity would be accurate, these creatures eat and feast on whatever they can find. Their general behaviour is passive and uninterested unless you get too close. The only noticeable interesting behaviour is their relationship with the other native species of the planet. In particular the Draeyde, and how they protect their breeding grounds to avoid being eaten. However, this is also just another example of the animal kingdom at play.
Going by recent research, based on their nesting areas and diet; it is believed that these creatures had possibly amphibious origins. However, how they developed the ability to create the toxic ink is difficult for researchers to explain. The Vo'uldesh are an extremely strange form of life, however this appears quite common on Sraeljoarsk. A lot of the creatures that live there appear to exist as some form of strange and strewn life. Anomalies.

Scientists reckon that the planet's evolutionary cycles were interfered with many hundreds of thousands of years ago, however to what purpose they cannot possibly begin to know. It's possible that Sraeljoarsk was a testing ground for a sort of bioweapon, the Vo'uldesh serving as the catalysts and their victim happening to be the original native Elemeantas of the planet.

However whatever goal was attempted to be reached here was clearly left unfinished. There are no other records of this kind of exotic lifeform or its toxic inks recorded in the rest of the known Galaxy. However, considering this planet is located in wild space. It's highly likely whatever heinous crime the ink was intended for never reached the known Galaxy.
[member="Tathra Khaeus"]

So a few things that need addressed:

  • Tathra Khaeus said:
    They are large, unmoving creatures
    Tathra Khaeus said:
    While these things don't actually move much
    these seem to contradict each other as the second seems to imply they can move. Please fix this.

  • Tathra Khaeus said:
    Breathes: Type I-IV
    this ability should also be included in strengths

  • Tathra Khaeus said:
    Unrefined ink is what they store in their bodies, and is lighter than air but not toxic. They shoot it at high velocity to try and scare away threats. This ink also floats high into the sky typically before evaporating hours later.
    How is a liquid lighter than air? The only things lighter than air is other gases, so I'm not sure this would work.

  • Tathra Khaeus said:
    Specific Conditions: There is a reason these creatures are not wide spread, and it is because they require certain hive-like
    This part seems unfinished.
[member="Tathra Khaeus"]

Tathra Khaeus said:
Unrefined ink is what they store in their bodies, and is lighter than air but not toxic as it has a lower density than air, and the unrefined ink more-so resembles a thick gas than ink
So, gonna do a little science here because this is still basically impossible. Air has a density of 1.225 kg/m^3 or .001225 g/cm^3, the lowest density liquid I could find was Liquid Methane at 465 kg/m^3 or .465 g/cm^3. You also run into the issue that the planet these things are one has a gravity 3x standard. I would recommend just straight up saying that they issue a vapor or gas derived from their ink because a pure liquid is just not going to be lighter than air.
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