Vox Stath
Clan Sharratt Alor
Vox Stath

Image credit: Malicar/Mithias
NAME: Vox Stath
FACTION: Black Sun, Clan Sharratt.
RANK: Alor of Clan Sharratt. Black Sun Vigo
AGE: 45
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’10
WEIGHT: 194lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: Brown
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Well trained in hand to hand combat, excels with blaster pistols. Effective with melee weapons.
- Approachable, calm , considerate.
- Logical, forward thinking.
- Protective of clan and kin.
- Physically strong.
- Almost over-zealous belief in the Resol’nare can become restrictive at times, holds others to the same high standards.
- Personally unambitious and somewhat diffident. Does not believe himself capable, or worthy, as a leader in his own right.
- Lacks any real sense of humour, quite serious.
- Somewhat slow to trust.
Not the tallest, certainly compared to some species’, but carries himself well enough and quite broad shouldered. Well-built and strong, with an array of horns jutting out from his hairless scalp. Blue-grey eyes and black facial tattoos on dark orange skin. Is generally found to be armoured, and there will be a weapon of some sort within reach, even if not inherently visible.
Iridonia was a brutal and unforgiving world, and that alone helped shape the strong Zabrak young Vox Stath would grow to become. At the time though, he did not see or understand the benefits, and wanted nothing more than to leave the rugged terrain behind him. Once he was of age, and confident that his martial upbringing put him in good stead to face any dangers out there, Vox set off into the galaxy.
With a few false starts, the Zabrak found himself on Nar Shaddaa and woefully unemployed. Whilst still quite naive to galactic society, Vox happened to be burly and intimidating without much trying, and soon found a job working security at a dive bar. This soon lead to meeting various members of a very low class underworld, and in turn increasing opportunities. Doorman became hired gun, hired gun became fully fledged mercenary. The work often took him off world, and while Nar Shaddaa would never be home, it became something of a base of operations for the fledgling soldier of fortune.
Eventually, Vox graduated from one of jobs and petty assignments to working with one of the big players on the smuggler’s moon. The Black Sun group of cartels were widespread and powerful, and soon enough the Zabrak carved out a place amongst them. Early in his career as a gangster proper, he was assigned to contracts with the Mandalorians of clan Sharratt. This became a turning point for young Vox, who always considered himself a formidable warrior. The way these Mandalorians trained, carried themselves and performed in battle made him look a hollow shadow in comparison. Soon it dawned on him that it was more than just combat prowess and skill with a weapon, you had to live the life, embrace the culture, know what it was to be a warrior. To be Mandalorian.
The six actions were the core of what it meant to be Mandalorian. While an outsider and at this point never having set foot on Mandalore, Vox took this to hearts and soon shaped his entire life around it. It took a little while, but living and fighting alongside clan Sharratt, his life dictated by the Resol’nare, Vox became part of the clan fully. He learned Mando’a, he took good care of his beska’gam, he would protect his family and kin, and he trusted in the leadership of Mand’alor.
Vox lived and served with the clan for many years, proving to be quite difficult to kill. And dishing out some punishment of his own in return. Eventually rising to the rank of Ver’alor. Here was as far as the Zabrak would rise, despite having briefly entertained the idea of being Alor himself in his younger years. So long as the clan prospered and followed the six actions as they were meant to, the Alor of clan Sharratt would always have his respect and service.
SHIP: None currently.
Of Mand'alors and Mandalorians.
Vox represents Clan Sharrattat a summit to discuss the new Mand'alore and Mando unification.
For whom the bell tols - Dominion of Tol Amn.
Vox leads a group of Sharratt warriors to aid Black Sun forces in the domination and occupation of Hutt controlled Tol Amn.
Root of the problem - Dominion of Orondia/Varl
With the aid of promising Clan Sharratt recruits, Vox fights alongside Black Sun operatives to take control of Ondarian fuel depots.
Placate and Appropriate - Dominion of Jilrua
Vox assists in the takeover of Jilrua, and the assassination of a rogue warlord. The clan suffers an unexpected casualty.