Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vrak Rare

Vrak Rare

NAME: Vrak Rare
FACTION: Space Vikings
RANK: None
SPECIES: Valkryi
AGE: 40
WEIGHT: 210 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Stark white
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: +Craftsman +Skilled warrior -Technology inferior -Boastful +Hardened +Physically fit
Appearance: Rugged look, war-ax, stark white hair, rather tall, muscular build, silver armor, black boots.
BACKSTORY: Vrak was born and raised on Midwinter and became a decent hunter at 12. When he was 19 his father died in a battle and Vrak spent most of his time in the shrine of Helm, the god of war. He always carried his large war-ax wherever he went. He trained for several long and hard years until he became a brutal warrior.
SHIP: None and will never get one
KILLS: None yet
BOUNTIES COLLECTED: Does not collect bounties.

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